
Domination and Ramen

Both team got into their position, Atsumu and Oikawa was giving each other death glare, while Ichigo and Osamu was looking at each other sighing and shaking their head while communicating telepathically

[What's with your twin brother?]

[It's just him being him, what's with your setter?]

[It's just him being him]

While this was all happening Kuroo was trying to hold in his laugh


Ryota got the ball, threw it up and perform a jumpserve, the ball went towards Kuroo to recieved it to Atsumu

"Atsu-chan Osu-chan score the first point for us" Kuroo said as he went to cover

Atsumu set the ball perfectly to Osamu, Osamu did his approach and jumped up

"That's a perfect toss" Atsumu said with smile

Osamu swung his hand full force and hit the ball towards the right corner, but it was then to the Karu team surprise, the ball left Osamu's hand and hit an arm and went straight back down and landed in Karu's court, gaining the first point for Takai

"Man... You guys are real cocky huh? " Ichigo said as he land back down while cracking his neck

"He blocked 'Samu " Atsumu muttered in surprise

"..." Osamu just looked at Ichigo while letting out a competetive pressure

"Let me fix that damn arrogance of yours" Ichigo said with a smile


Ryota got the ball again and did another jumpserve, Karu's libero recieves it to Atsumu who set to Osamu again

Osamu did his approach and jumped up and met with the pair of arms that shuted him down

"Tch" Osamu clicked his tongue and tip the ball over

Takai's libero wasn't expecting a feint and failed to save it, gaining a point for Karu

'That's boring' Ichigo thought about the feint as he landed back down

It was then a thought came up in his mind, with an evil smile he turned to Oikawa whisper something to him and right after he did that both of them had an evil sinister smile on their face as they look at the twins

The twins feeling something unpleasant turned around just to see the duo with an evil smile of their face and got chills down their spine


Karu ws got the ball and served it, Shin, Takai's libero recieved it to Oikawa who got ready for the set

'Now who is he gonna set it to?' Kuroo observe Oikawa to read his set to go for the block, unknown to him Ichigo already did his approach and had already jumped into the air

It was then that Oikawa did something that surprised both of the team, he jumped up and toss a fast ball straight at Ichigo's position

"Nice set! Now this is for the feint ya fucking pussy! " Ichigo shouted as he adjust to the ball and smashed it with all his might, the ball landed in the right corner, scoring another point for Takai

Kuroo and Atsumu looked at the scene with their eyes widen, Osamu on the other hand was surprise but also had tick marks on his face as he heard what Ichigo said

"HAAHAHAHHA nice one Ichigo! You never fail to surprise us!" Ryota said with a smile


It was Ichigo serve, he took a deep breath and threw the ball up, everyone on the court was focused on him, he did his approach and jumped up

He held his breath, twist his body in a fast manner and hit the ball with his full force and momentum, and snap his wrist creating a spin

The ball that the Karu's player was focused on suddenly disappeared and reappeared on the court next to Karu's libero, a service ace...

Kuroo, Atsumu and Osamu looked at where the ball landed in shock and realized what kind of monster they're playing with

'And you're telling me this is the skill of a first year?! I'm outta here! ' Kuroo thought as he sigh

"..." Atsumu and Osamu didn't say anything rather they didn't have to say anything as the pressure they were letting out were obvious that they want to beat Ichigo

It was then that Oikawa's voice sounded out, "Kyahahahaha now do you see the power of my favourite kouhai and reinforcement?!? I had nighmare for days about that serve kyahahahahha!!" He declared proudly

'Why are you even proud of that?' Ichigo, Kuroo, and the Miya twins thought as they looked at Oikawa weirdly


Ichigo bombared Karu with power serves until his eight serve, the score was 9 - 1, he served his eight serve and Karu's libero finally recieved

"Yeah! Finally!!!!" the libero shouted

Atsumu and Osamu looked at each other and nodded. They both did their approach and jump towards each other, to surprise their opponent even more Osamu in this situation took the role of a setter and set a quick to Atsumu who spiked it, they execute the move perfectly and was expecting a lot out of it

But their hope was shattered after they witness Ichigo recieving their combination attack perfectly

"I can't let you guys ruin my attempt to get a new high score can I? Atsu-san, Samu-san" Ichigo said with a smile

Oikawa set the ball to Ryota who smiled, did his approach and jump up, and perform a back attack using his dominating strength he scored a point

"Yeah!!!" he shouted


He continued to bombared the Karu team with deadly serve and to make it worst for them he would occasionally switch the hand he was using to serve

The score was 14 - 1 and it was then that Ichigo missed his serve

Takai continued to dominate the set and the set ended with a score of 25 - 9, in the second set Ichigo wanted to play for a bit longer so he hold back a bit, the score was 24 - 14 in favour of Takai, It was Ichigo serve

'Best fucking timing huh? God?!? Why are you testing me?!? Answer me damn it!!! ' Kuroo shouted in his mind

Ichigo threw the ball up and did a normal jump serve.

'He held back... ' Osamu thought as he recieve the serve to Atsumu, who jump and set the ball to him, Osamu did his approach, jumped up and spiked the ball with all his might towards the space between Ryota and Ichigo

Ichigo recieve the ball casually to Oikawa whos set the ball back to Ichigo, Ichigo did his approach and jumped up and meeting a 3 man block of Atsumu, Osamu and Kuroo

'Even if we're gonna lose I'm gonna block you at least one time' they thought while releasing pressure

Ichigo looked at the scene with a vicious smile while unconciously releasing Conqueror Haki which made the 3 sweat but also flared the competitive fire within them.

Ichigo took aim twist his body and smashed the ball with all his might towards the 3 man block, the ball hit Kuroo's hand and bounced out of the court ending the game between Takai Vb team and Karu Vb team with a block out

"Damn it! He's just too good" Kuroo and the twins said with a sigh

"Kyahahahahahahahaha who's the loser now Atsu-chan kyahahahaha" Oikawa laughed

"What you say?!?" Atsumu said with tick marks on his face

And they got into an argument again and lit up the mood of the whole court


"So when might you be back Ichigo?" Ryota asked

"I don't really know maybe when I'm on holiday, but probably won't back on the golden week cause I got a training to attend"

"Alright just remember to keep your body in good condition" Ryota said with a smile

"Yes sir" Ichigo said before exiting the club with Oikawa and Shoyo


"Nii-san you were so cool!" Shoyo said with star in his eyes

"Hahaha I know, by the way where are we going? " Ichigo asked Oikawa

"Hehehe The best ramen shop in the entire world!" Oikawa declared proudly

They walked for a moment before arriving at a small shop named "Ramen Ichiraku", they walked in and Oikawa greeted the owner

"Teuchi-san I'm here again!" Oikawa said

"Ah it's Oikawa again? What's your order? " Teuchi said with a smile

"Three special for me and my juniors here" Oikawa answered

"Alright, coming right up"

They were waiting for the food when they heard a familiar voice, "Oya oya oya? It must be destiny"

The trio turned around and saw Kuroo and Miya twins

"What are you doing here?!?" Oikawa asked

"I heard the ramen here was pretty good so might as well stop by and I also force these guys to go with me" Kuroo answered as he sat down with the twins next to Oikawa and Ichigo and order 3 bowls

After a while Oikawa's, Ichigo's and Shoyo's food came out, and they started eating vigorously which made Kuroo drool, the twins on the other hand was staring at Ichigo

After a while Ichigo stop eating and turned to the twins with an annoyed expression and said, "What do you want ?"

"Are you really a first year?" Atsumu asked with a hint of suspicion

"Yes, can you guys please stop staring at me I'm not into men" Ichigo said casually before returning back to eat

A few minuted later the trio's food came out, and they started eating and forgot about the fact that they lost real badly today

"Kyaah this ramen is real good, one more bowl please" the six said in synced

"Coming right up" Teuchi said with a smile

"Anyways Ichigo was it?" Atsumu said suddenly catching the attention of Ichigo, "Let's play sometimes again, I'll be the one tossing to you then" he said with a smile

"Huh?!? How dare you request that shitty offer to my spiker in my presence, Ichi-chan don't accept it, I'm 90% sure this guy is a molester " Oikawa said while giving Atsumu a death glare

"Yeah sure" Ichigo said casually

"Nooooo-" it was then that voice interupted Oikawa, "Oh? It really is Oikawa, how have you been?"

The six turned to look at the direction to see a girl with brown hair and big black eyes and wearing the same outfit as Teuchi, this was of course Teuchi's daughter, Ayame

"Oh Aya-chan you're back from the trip?!? " Oikawa asked

"Yeah did you miss me that much" Ayame asked with a teasing smile

"Maybe~" Oikawa said with a flirtatious tone that made Ayame blush a bit.

"Anyways I've gotta go help out, let's catch up later" Ayame said before dissappearing to the kitchen

After Ayame went in the kitchen, Oikawa turned to Ichigo and asked, "So I've been wondering about something"

"What is it?"

"Should I asked Aya-chan to go out with me?" Oikawa said shocking the five as they look at him with their eyes widen, noticing their stares he asked, "What's with that look?"

"You're really not gay?" Atsumu asked in shock

Oikawa had tick marks on his face as he held Atsumu by the collar and shouted, "What's that supposed to mean ya piss haired lil shit"

"What do you mean what I mean? did you not hear my question clearly? "

"Shutcho bitchass up at least I'm straighter than the pole your mom used to shove it up her ass"

"Wha- did you meant to say ' I'm straighter than than the pole your mom dance on?' That one comeback on reddit that 12 years old use when being called gay? "

"Ah same shit" Oikawa said as he rolled his eyes


Atsumu turned to Ichigo and asked, "How the fuck is this guy a third year highschooler?"

"I sometimes wonders myself too" Ichigo shrugged

"Hey don't ignore me ya lil shithead" Oikawa shouted as he raised Atsumu higher

The shenanigans ended after Teuchi brought out 6 bowls of ramen and the six players started eating again, they finish with their food, say goodbye to Teuchi and Ayame before they head out


"Ichigo-kun let's exchange contacts" Atsumu said while pulling out his phone

"Oooh me too me too! " Kuroo shouted while pulling out his own phone

"Yeah sure" Ichigo said

They finish exchanging contacts and said goodbye before going to their own direction

Oikawa on the other hand had a lifeless expression and was muttering random things due to the fact that his precious Kouhai betrayed him

It was then that he felt an arm wrapped around him and Ichigo voice sounded out, "Let's go play some more volleyball I haven't had enough yet"

Oikawa smiled and said, "Yosh let's do it!" Oikawa then points Shoyo and continued, "Chibi-chan this time I'm gonna set to you and Ichi-chan gonna try and recieve"

"OOHHHHH A SET FROM THE GRAND KING" Shoyo said with stars in his eyes, which made the two chuckles

"Anyways, I suggest you ask Ayame-san out soon, she seems like she's into you" Ichigo said with a smile

"Alright!" Oikawa said with a wide smile

The day ended with a high note and at the end of the day they went back to their home with a smile on their face

May 3rd is approaching thus it was almost time for the golden week training camp


(A/n: I think I'm gonna take a break on this ff and might start the new ff that I was talking about, so give me suggestion on wishes cause a lot of people complained that the Ichigo's wishes was pretty stupid and honestly I agree, Idk what was going through my head at that time

Btw for those who wanted Oikawa to be their boyfriend or husband or smth, uhh he got a new girl now so BEGONE THOT NYAHHHAHAHAAHHHH

Anyways I'll tell you when the first chapter of the new ff will be out

Goodnight ❤️)

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