
Chapter 3

Hadrian had given up his immortality to escape to this new world,when he passed through the veil he felt his body almost rip into pieces.So he blacked out from the pain and when he regained consciousness he was in a an unknown room.

Harry swallowed and looked around him. He realized he must be in a Lords house by the look of interior. He was lying in a bed with white linen sheets, and next to him was a table with medicine vials.Harry then noticed he was deaged it shocked him,but quickly calmed himself down with his occulemency.

That's when man enter the room,Harry looked like had seen a ghost it was his late Godfather Sirius Black tall, well-built, darkly handsome man with fair skin, medium, lustrous black hair, which sometimes appeared light in the sun, striking grey eyes,and Harry also noted that unlike Sirius this man had aura of soldier around him filled with discipline.

The man who looked like Sirius with small smile said"You don't need to scared boy,my name is Sirus Black."

Harry really shocked seeing Sirus here,bit seeing he didn't remember him,Harry knew something was up.So he decided to wait till this man was gone to get answers from Death.

The look alike of Sirius asked"Your sudden appearance in the forest alarmed me.So are you are a Grisha?"

Harry was real confused asked"Grisha?"

Sirus could really knew boy was not lying having been soldier he could tell the boy is really confused and asked"Do you remember anything?"

Harry shook his head and replied"No."

Sirius nodded he comforting smile replied"We will talk after you get some rest."

Harry nodded,while Sirius walked away Harry whispered"Death I need answers?"

Then suddenly the whole place started to become cold and a figure with a tattered old cloak appeared out of nowhere this was death himself, he was harry's companion as he answered"That is indeed your Godfather reborn,Fate and I decided to reward you for all your trouble on the previous world.Also you need a identity in this world."

Harry didn't know what to say,he was tearing up remembering Sirius's death so he could only mutter"Thank you."

Death with a wave of his hand brought a small bag that was in the table floating towards Harry and said"Inside this you will find a Grimoire with updated knowledge of your past world and this world."

Harry taking the book out noticed it had the Death Hallows on his cover as Death continued"You may have lost your immortality,but you still posses enhanced regeneration.Also a gift from Fate now you have power of Intuitive Aptitude."

Harry nodded he looked at himself and asked"Why am I young again?"

Death simply replied"Fate thought this would e new start for you,this is a simple price to pay for new chapter in life."

Hadrian didn't know what to say,he saw Death disappear.

Sirius came back it took Harry sometime to open up to this new Sirius Black.Sirius taught Harry about everything in this world thinking Harry had no memories of anything,this world amazed and interested Hardrian more than every from the Grisha to Amplifiers.The shadow fold was something that bothered him,it was so powerful that whoever created that was not someone to underestimated.

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