
Chapter 25

After class Hadrian was trying to find Kinsey during lunch break,it wasn't that hard as he found kinsey in lone corner of the building she was just going to start eating,but upon seeing Hadrian she had small smile.

Hadrian sat next to her and asked"So how is everything?"

Kinsey with frown replied"It's quite hard,I mean we moved so suddenly and everyone I knew was in seattle.Also these stares are not helping."

Hadrian nodded and replied"I used to be stared at a lot,it's best to ignore them with time they will just lose interest."

Kinsey nodded and both were eating their lunch,as

Kinsey questioned"Do you have any friends?"

Hadrian shook his head and answered"No,I am more of lone wolf here."

Hadrian saw the writing on the wall saying "You're invitation to to Hogwarts isn't coming."The irony,when he first heard of JK he didn't know what to think,but Dream and Death explained.There are people with ability to peak into other worlds during their sleep they are called Dreamers.So JK Rowling was a dreamer who saw a part of Harry Potter's life,she just made up most holes in it with her imagination,like him marrying Ginny or even naming his children after Dumbledore and Snape something that almost happened.

That's when Scot Cavendish showed up seeing Kinsey his face lit up,but it did go down a bit when he saw Hadrian,but asked anyway"Ah, yes!Hey, how's it going?You mind if I sit, Rocky Road?"

Scot laughed a bit before sitting on the floor in front of them, Kinsey was annoyed asked"Excuse me? Rocky Road!"

Scot answered"It's a "Nom De Guerre."You know, it's both the ice cream you ordered yesterday and...well, your life? Rocky road."

Kinsey was slightly annoyed and replied, "I ordered mint chip."

Scot knew he messed up and corrected"But imagine if you didn't."

Hadrian shook his head and muttered"Your just making it worse."causing Scot to slightly be embarrassed.

While Kinsey had enough and said"Look, if this is your spot,we'll move."

Scot quickly stopped her and said"No, no, no, no, no! I've been looking for you,like, everywhere. That came out wrong"

Scot with a slight laugh said, "What I meant to say was, when I saw you yesterday, I thought,Man, now that girl's weird."

Kinsey just hummed as Scot continued"No, look, I thought,Now here's a girl who is clearly trying to play down how cool she is,just sitting under the stairs eating her bologna."

Hadrian was amused by Scot's attempt in making an impression on Kinsey,it was not working till now. The boy was just digging more and more with each comment.

Kinsey sighed and said"Okay, first of all,it's pronounced baloney. Second, this is fologna, I'm vegetarian. And third?I like my fologna just fine, thanks."

Scot seeing Kinsey was getting annoyed said"My name is Scot Cavendish.So,me and my droogs are having a thing later. You should come."

Scot was an avid film maker so was excited and started going on a rant"Call ourselves the Savini Squad.After Tom Savini.You know, the Godfather of Gore?The man who put the word artist in special effects and make-up artist?"

But he slowed down seeing disinterest in Kinsey's face so Scot started naming couple of films"Dawn of the Dead? Creepshow? Friday the 13th?"

Kimsey was slightly amused"I know what they are.But no huge fan of horror films."

Scott nodding understanding not everyone likes horror as he asks"The come to our movie night, Rocky Road.I will ping you my adress."

Kinsey nodded and replied"I will think about it."she wanted to atleast have some friends and didn't want to reject his offer.

As they were walking back to class Hadrian whispered"You now started blending in."

Kinsey smiled hearing that,Kinsey really enjoyed Hadrian company.They understood each other really well,also Kinsey was really starting to have crush on Hadrian.

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