
Chapter 14

But Locke family would find themselves in the middle of another war which World Was 1.John Locke like the rest of his family, John grew up with the Lockes' secret collection of magical keys.So when he heard about the war naturally being young always thought it was their family's ancestral duty to protect lives with the keys. After his father caught him trying to enlist in Canada, losing his privileges toward the keys as a consequence.

But finding the perfect moment John actually used Music box to control his mother to getting the keys.Aftet getting some of the important keys John fled to join the allied army by using

Once inside, John, with the Tempus Fugit Key, changed his age to twenty-five years old, stored the various keys in a knapsack, then used the Anywhere Key to open a door to Belgium, walking in the middle of the battlefield as he exited on the other side.

Chamberlin who found out about the whole thing was shocked,confused and worried about his son.Chamberlin with worried tone questioned "You can find him right?"

Hadrian sighed and answered"It is not easy he has the anywhere key with him,so he is probably already arrived at his destination."

Hadrian also knew the fact John was stubborn and the fact he used the music box to control his mother to getting the keys speaks about how much he wanted to fight in this war.So the problem was John was filled with grand image of fighting in a war being a righteous and great thing,so if Hadrian does find him and forcefully does bring him back.The boy would just hate his family for this.

Presumably after the battle in Belgium concluded, John enlisted into the Allied army. During his time in service, he frequently used the Crown of Shadows to strike the German camps at night, albeit he kept his use of the keys a secret to his Allied comrades.One of these raids involved John using the Matchstick Key to murder one soldier, Willem Veidt, but solemnly spared the life of the soldier's brother Henrik.

But that was a mistake as John escaped with the Angel Key which allows the user to sprout angel wings and fly away.This was seen by the german soldier who actually followed him and things got worse in his fear and rush to get back home he used the Anywhere key and forgot to close the door.

Hadrian was watching the boy for his safety and quite a few he stepped in and and helped him without being seen.Now when he saw the german soldier trying to enter the room to Key House,but Hadrian didn't allow it as he knocked a few of them with stunning spell

The others tried to shoot,but Hadrian was able to cast a protego as an invisible shield was conjured in front of him, creating a protective barrier. This shield blocked all the incoming rain of bullets,

Upon seeing they had to reload again Hadrian cast

Bombarda Maxima It provoked large, violent explosions capable of demolishing entire walls

causing all the soldiers to fly back several feet those that where infront died on spot,while two at the last survived.

One of the survivor was Henrik had joined in the mission for revenge as John slaughtered his battalion, including Willem his brother, whom John incinerated with the Matchstick Key; John left only Henrik alive.

Henrik and his squad having identified John among the fallen soldiers pursued John to a nearby cottage, where Henrik and the soldiers suddenly found themselves seeing a door leading to the Keyhouse Manor as the effect of the Anywhere Key.That's when Hadrian ambused them.

Henrik was filled with anger as he saw a women,at the other end of the door having identified the facial features and seeing them matching John this was none other than Fiona,as Henrik shot her.

Hadrian quickly hearing the shot ran quickly seeing Henrik being one who shot,killed him with Sectumsempra as Blood spurted from Henrik's face and chest as though he had been slashed with an invisible sword.Henrik staggered backward and collapsed onto the floor with a great thud, his gun falling from his limp right hand.The he felt everything went into darkness.

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