
0101 The Beginning Of Hyperna Shift

"I think it'll be the most amazing thing in this world by far! Right? I mean, ughhhh. Can you buy it for me?"

"Fine, but I'm logging off now. I'll send the money via Rockii and we'll play tomorrow when I'm off work."

I couldn't help but smile, I mean it bummed me hearing my crush log out of the party but it couldn't break the feeling of us finally playing a virtual reality game together. I would buy it myself, but. . . Me renting this place by myself is killing my account.

I know he's just buying it for me just so I wouldn't pout when we meet up at college on Monday, but still, I should treat him to something. Maybe when we play together I'll finally have the guts to tell him I like him. .

Or love.


Let's just see how it goes.

I woke up to the sound of pings coming from my phone. I got dizzy from moving my head up so quickly but I knew that I slept in and that Adam was trying to wake me up.

But I guess he was just letting me know that he had to work extra hours.

He couldn't play.

"Ughhhhh. Why is his work such a cockblock!" I wiggled out of my sheets and onto the floor and sighed heavily. I looked at my phone again and saw that he sent me the money anyway. I grinned slightly as I bit my lip.

"I guess I could see how the game runs before he comes home."

This game has been out for a month so far, and Adam was waiting for me to get it but I grew tired of being poor and asked him. But I suppose I can show off a bit and get used to the game. I already have the equipment for it since I could only afford that.

I put on the gaming helmet, strapped on the black collar and bracelets for body movement, and sighed once more.

I pressed the button on the helmet and felt relaxed as the helmet started glowing purple through the eye piece. I couldn't feel my body, all I could feel were my memories and my brain fizzing into one another, and then there was black silence.

I guess this is the beginning of Hyperna Shift.