
Ep 2: Bunk beds [Home]

Hello, Hailey and Ray here. We are on episode 2 of our Safety Guide of Life and this episode focuses on bunk beds, which may not apply to everyone but we will add some safety guidance to people who sleep in normal beds.

If you sleep in a bunk bed and you are on the bottom bunk, mind your head and make sure to look above you since people (if there is anyone sleeping above you) may well heel in the face which, believe or not, can cause some undesired damage. However, if no one sleeps above you then you don't have anything to worry about...except maybe that one person who is sleeping on the floor (which applies also to people who sleep in normal beds).

This takes us to people who sleep on mattresses on the floor (there are people who do this) or futons. If there is a bed next to you (either a bunk bed or a normal one) and someone is sleeping in it, tell the person or people to not step on you (especially if you have a bad temper).

Also, for people who sleep in normal beds, try not to sleep on the edge of the bed since you're more prone to fall off.

That's all for today from me, Hailey and Ray. I'll see you all in 2 days time. Stay safe!

Next episode: Wielding a stick in the wild.

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