
How it all started...

Fist of all let me tell you my name...My name is Violeta Johnson. I have one sister called Leta Johnson with my parents we make the perfect black familly yhhh i know what u are thinking Yes we are a FAMILLY OF BLACKPEOPLE.

So hear how it all started...




"Mum please, we hurry its my first day in high School and i don't want to be late ," I complained.

"My sweet Violeta has grown now don't worry we won't be late ," Mum replied massaging my cheeks.

"Oh noo mum don't talk to me like if am a baby am grownup now ," I complained to my mum.

"Ok ooook i have heard but i just can't stop myself the way u are cute ," she explained herself.

"Mum noooooo," i complained again.

"Haahaaaaa ok i have stopped but where is your sister? she is delaying," Mum said changing the topic.

"Leta ," i called my big sis.

"Violeta relax am coming...u won't die if we reach late... Will u ?," She said coming down the stairs looking at her phone.

"Nooo i won't die its just that i want to reach early...Is it a crime? ," I said rolling my eyes.

"Ok little pappy who wants to be loved by those fake classmates....we better go before u start crying ," she said mockingly.

"I no longer cry am grownup now...Don't think u will make me cry like the way u could do when i was seven years ," I replied rudely to Leta's provocations.

"Hahaa little girl has grown...but remember am still the eldest soo in my eyes ur still young duh," Leta replied mockingly.

"Leta why do u have to spoil my moods everyday can't you just be like a normal sister for once ,"

"Hahaaaa am the best sister u will ever get so stop complaining like if i EAT you...I can't believe your still acting this kiddish yet you've reached High School i can't wait to see how your classmates will laugh at you when they find out how kiddish u are... hahaaaa ," She said.

"STOP IT...I know u want to spoil my day but you won't manage today am not going to mind you....lalalalalalal lala ," I said closing my ears.

"GIRLS its not time to fight..Ur dad went at work earlier today so better hurry am  taking u today ," Mum said stopping us.

"Ok mum ," we both said.

"Good girls now enter the car we start our way ," Mum said .

"And don't forget ur seat belts ok? we go ," she added.

We entered the car me and Leta sat on the back seats while mummy sat on the front seat.

It all started well till i felt a little uncomfortable i felt weird like if someone is passing a message through me but i ignored the feeling and wore my earphones listening to music. Suddenly Leta looked at me with teary eyes

"What ," I asked her.

"Nothing Is it bad to look at my sister , " she asked.

"Stop it DEMON this time ur plans have  failed ," I replied rolling my eyes ignoring her.

I didn't know she was saying her goodbyes....Then something happened. Some strange!

Hey yo how do you find it?Drop ur comments!

Miriam_Nondocreators' thoughts
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