
Chapter 2: Way of earning

I slept at the shelter at night, ate right there, and had contact with others, and I didn't really want to, and the children didn't want to communicate with me except for hooligans, but after a few blows they realized that they shouldn't contact me.

But soon the problem arose: I needed more food, which is understandable; I trained and gained muscle and grew pretty quickly. You can't find supplements in the orphanage because there are still a lot of children. With the option to find a job or something, some children went to the streets and polished shoes, handed out newspapers, and did something else. An idea came up that, with the help of Overhaul, they could create figurines and various things from wood and metal, sell them, and repair them for a fee. It would be a way to earn money and train their abilities at the same time.

But the materials are not enough for a long time, and I need to get them from somewhere, and I began to think that workshops and factories throw away unnecessary parts of materials every day; they are leftovers, and it's impossible to use them in any way, but I have the opportunity to make one from many small parts and reuse it, but where to find them? There are no factories in the center of London, but there are small workshops, and the search began.

So the search was successful, and the right places were found. In one of the clothing stores, everything was done by hand, and leather clothes too, so they threw away fabric and leather, and you just had to take them and disassemble and reassemble them. But metal and wood became a problem. To get them is not difficult, but to deliver them to the quarter where the factories were located is quite far, and it is difficult to deliver a lot home at once. So I had to make a cart out of metal and attach the wheels that I found and the handle that made it convenient to drag the fork. So the whole day passed and I made several trips.

The crafting time began. I made various tools, kitchen knives, and beautiful knives for decorated and jeweled pendants and bracelets from metal, and instead of stone, I used glass, inside which I inserted various small beautiful things. You need to know the price of things in order to know how much you need to sell.

The next day, early in the morning, having loaded everything on the cart, I went to the market. Of course, I'm not going to the place where they sell fish or food; in another chat, I learned that there are people like me who just spread a cloth on the ground and put things on it and sell various junk, and I'm heading there. Already there were some sellers, but I found a good place and laid the cloth and put things on it, and now I'm waiting. It's morning now, and there aren't many people, but they're gradually increasing, and I've already sold a few instruments, mainly because they were brand new and cheaper than in stores.When there were more people, all the salespeople began to call them "advertisers," and I also did not lag behind.

"Come all the tools, jewelry, knives, and everything of excellent quality and at a lower price than elsewhere."

The ladies drew attention to the word jewelry and quickly sorted out all the pendants and bracelets because such things are difficult to find at such a time, I was able to make such things exclusively because of Overhaul, decoration scattered in the blink of an eye, and others who did not have time to buy where did I get these and where can I buy and when will there be such?

"Don't be afraid next week; I'll be here and I'll have more of these and I'll bring more," and things were going well, and I think I'll sell everything until about three o'clock in the afternoon. But when everything is going well, problems appear, and two such problems came my way along the way, extorting money for "protection," and two men stood in front of me, one of whom started.

"Hello, little one, things are going well; look so that you don't get robbed, and we can help if you pay us for protection; we won't let you in Onida." Well, I think that I will give a little and there will be fewer problems.

"This is one-eyed Billy's territory, and in order to sell here, you must pay rent; we calculated here, and if the dance is all that's left, that's enough" well, all my patience ran out, so I quickly grabbed a brick and threw it at the closest one, hitting him in the head; he fell and passed out.

"Oh, you little shit" and rushed at me, another me, when he walked, I dismantled the ground under his feet and a small hole formed there, and he stumbled and fell, and as I approached, I grabbed the brick that I threw at the first and jumped up on the head of the second.In a fraction of a second, two men were defeated by a small boy, and everyone who was nearby was left in shock.

Taking advantage of the moment, I leaned over and cleaned out these two, grabbed their wallet and everything I found, and quickly packed my things and left from there. Arriving home, I examined what I took from them, and it was two wallets; inside there was some money and a package, and here it was much more like this is what they took from other sellers; otherwise, everything is rubbish and this money will last for a long time, but the problem is that the gang is looking for me. I took the money and beat the two in front of many, but most importantly, they do not know about my abilities, because I tried to do everything as discreetly as possible and there are a lot of holes on the roads and all that.

So my life got back to normal, but now I'm more careful on the streets. If I see anyone suspicious, it might be one of One Eyed Billy's gang; otherwise, nothing has changed.