

Kristelle's Point of View (Present Day)

Ever since that day..., I've felt incomplete.

Ever since that day..., I kept on longing for something that isn't there, something that I lost.


I awoke from my slumber, rays of sunshine looking at me through the gaps of my curtain windows. I slowly got up from my very comfortable, king-sized bed. Ugh, mornings are the worst. I walked towards the bathroom and got inside to take a shower.

After a very cold shower, I went out into the room in my bathrobe. I looked at the digital clock on my bedside table and saw that it's exactly 7 in the morning. The doors of my room flew open and my make-up team proceeded to prepare the things needed to make me look rather presentable.

I sat down in front of my vanity mirror and they started to dry off and style my hair. A few minutes later, they started working on my heavy makeup. They did a quick work, using only 20 minutes to finish off everything.

They all left in an instant, like robots, and strode off the room. I then went inside my walk-in closet to get into my uniform. I put on the white, long-sleeved, shirt with the school tie and the high waist, checkered, school skirt. Lastly, I put on my long, black, socks, and brown shoes.

What bag should I use for school today? I wandered through my collections and finally settled for the Gucci Horsebit 1955 small top handle bag. Can't go wrong with the classic, right?

Today's the first day of a new school year. I'm finally a senior. Just a few more months and I'll get the hell out of that University and stop keeping this act up. I headed down the long staircase of my parents' empty mansion.

"Good Morning, Madame. Your father has told you to stop by his office later today on your class dismissal. He said he has urgent news to deliver." The family butler, Carlos, said when he saw me emerge from the staircase.

"Thank you, Carlos. I'll make sure to stop by." I replied and he bowed to me and left. I made my way into the mansion's garage and got into my Ferrari and drove off.


I pulled up in the University's parking lot and got a swarm of people awaiting my arrival. I put on my dark shades and got out of the car, clicking the automatic car keys that rest on my hand. Dozens of students took pictures of me as I walk on the parking lot into the building for my first subject.

I ignored all of them as I pass. It's kind of silly that they're still shocked about my presence in this school. They must be new transfers. I'll make sure to get some new stuff to put into my room in the sorority house so I won't be needing to go back to the mansion that often.

I walked down the hallways and I can see that people are stepping aside. Huh, the perks of being my dad's daughter. Only a small group of women wouldn't do the same. Those bitches.

"I heard we have a new transfer student this year? He's very wealthy, you know." That skank, Marie said.

"Where do you even get all your information? You haven't even seen him!" Her lapdog, named Princess, replied to her ugly master. I can't believe they have the guts to stay here, in MY school, after all the things they did to me when we were kids. They never apologized. Rather, they stayed quiet and acted all innocent when all they do is spread rumors about my life.

You could say that I held grudges. I know that was a long time ago, but it's not like they stopped being the bitches that they are now. Besides, I have a queen bee act to uphold. Or else, I'm fucked.

I finally reached the hall for my first class and got inside. The noisy chatters of the people inside died down in a second once they saw my figure. I sneered at them and sat on the back of the room. I put my arm on the desk and rested my chin on my hand.

Generally, I'm nice. But I can't let people see that side of me that often. I heard annoying voices somewhere in the room. I looked around and saw those groups of losers hanging out in one place. Great. We share a class.

"I really can't wait to see that transfer student! He's not only wealthy but he's really hot too!" Marie shouted out of excitement. Why is she so thirsty for that new transfer student? I couldn't care less. There are tons of students in this university every year so what's the fuss all about?

"I didn't even know we have a transfer student! How did you know?" Beatrice, the third skank, said. "Joshua, of course! You know how good he is with these things." She replied.

Damn it, Joshua! Why do you have to spark all these rumors! Speaking of the devil...

He strode inside the classroom as if he owns it. He smirked at all the girls fawning over him and made a beeline towards me. He plopped down on the seat next to mine and looked at me lovingly.

"Hey, babe!" He said and put his arms around my shoulders.

"What the hell are you doing here? Trying to annoy me on the first day of senior year, Zhou?" I spoke and rolled my eyes at him. This guy is one of my squadmates. He likes teasing me and acting like my boyfriend but as far as I know, it ain't real. He's a womanizer and I'm the type to be too serious about things.

"Aw! Why do you hate me so bad, babe?" He asked and pouted at me. I summoned every ounce of patience I still have inside of me so I wouldn't deck this guy right here. "Fuck off, Joshua. Pouting doesn't suit you, dumb ass." I have not realized that we attracted an audience because of our vulgar conversation. Er... my vulgar words.

"Get the hell out of my face. What are you even doing here in the first place?" I said as I pulled out my phone to check my social media accounts. "Can't a boyfriend miss his girlfriend?" I heard a few gasps around us. There has been a rumor that me and Joshua Zhou-Gonzales is dating. And now this ass hat made people assume stuff again.

"Stop it with that joke. It's not funny anymore." I told him and gave him the finger. He made a hurt face and put his hand on his heart, acting all dramatic. I sneered at him and looked at the people around us, looking at our every move. I glared at them, asking what the hell they're looking at. He's loving all this attention. Damn it, Zhou! "I'm so hurt, babe! You're so mean. Isn't she?" He looked at one girl from the audience. The girl looked at me, and I sent her a steely, cold, glare. Good luck with answering.

"U-Uhm..." She stuttered. I shot one eyebrow up, waiting for her answer, when a small group of women got inside the room. "Good morning, bitches!" My face lit up at the sight of my girlfriends. "Hello to you too, Jane!" I shouted and instantly got up. I ran gracefully on the aisle and gave a bone-crushing hug to her.

"Aw, the bitch squad is back." Micah, another Kappa girl from my sorority, butt in and I hugged her as well. I worked my ass off every day and I worked harder during summer break. I wasn't able to check up on my lovely ladies.

"I'm sorry to cut your little reunion, ladies, but class is starting." A voice said, coming from behind us. I turned around, only to see professor Atiyah. She's the literature professor.

"Good morning, class!" The professor greeted the whole class and I went back to my seat. Joshua is nowhere to be, I think he went back to his real class. His job is to annoy me and he's damn good at it.

The class started and it's fun, as usual. Professor Atiyah is quite old but she has an edge. I've always liked her because of her open mind and way of teaching the students. I had her as my professor I think a year ago and she's really good.

I paid attention to the class but quiet as usual. My friends always tease me that when I open my mouth, something bad always comes out of it. The class is okay, it's understandable, but what's really bothering me are those suck-ups that I call as classmates.

They act too excited even on the smallest of things. Once, Professor Atiyah made a joke and the whole class laughed but their laughs are the loudest of them all. It's really bothering me more than I want it to and I can't concentrate with their laughter and squealing, blasting in my ears.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I finally snapped. The whole class turned to look at me and I just shot an eyebrow up. Who the hell cares about their stupid opinions?

"What? Aren't I right? You all are too noisy for my liking, especially those dumb bitches over there." I gestured to the trio, and some people snickered at their direction, taking my side. "Okay, class! Let's proceed, shall we?" The teacher smiled nervously and continued with the lesson.

The next few minutes are so quiet, you could hear someone from the class's heartbeat. At last, the class is over and the students dispersed. I waited until all the students left until I stood up and walked down the aisle myself. I hate crowds, especially if they're sticky with sweat or something. As I was about to get out of the room, Professor Atiyah uttered my name.

"M-Miss Mercado?" She said and took a hold of my arm. I looked down at her hand with my cold eyes and she immediately took it off. "Yes?" I asked with my neutral tone. What does she need from me? She never talked to me last year.

"A-About earlier..." She spoke with a weak, shaky voice. Geez, calm down. I won't eat you alive... yet. I'm joking! Everyone's acting weird around me because of my relationship with my dad. "What about it?" I asked and lifted an eyebrow.

"N-Never mind. I'm sorry for taking your t-time." I looked at her for a few seconds and nodded. I headed for the door but then she called me again. What is it that she wants now? Just spit it out, lady.

"A-Actually, I'm doing a research and looking for a P.A. I'm thinking that you're the best candidate." She told me as she played with her fingers. Why? Is it because of my dad? Because if it is, I don't want the position. Is it because she wants to brag to others how the Mercado heiress is her personal assistant? I've seen it all before, but I kept all my thoughts to myself. I might be wrong. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt.

"Why?" I asked her again, keeping my cool. I'm a hot-tempered person but I'm not the type to trash around and freak out in an instant. "You're offering me because I'm Reid's daughter?" I pressed even further. She became a flustered mess and looked around nervously, trying to ignore my gaze.

"N-No. It's because of your school performance. You've been the valedictorian of your course ever since freshman year and that says a lot." She said with confidence in the end. I replied with a hum and crossed my arms. "How do you know if I'm not cheating and tampering with the exams? I mean, my dad's the dean, you know." I gave her a dazzling smile.

Do I? Of course, I don't. It's not really success if you cheated your way into it. I just want to see her reaction, see if she thought of me the way everyone else does. Her eyes widened in the realization that I'm just messing with her head. "Of course not. I've seen you in class and asked the other professors about your performance. Don't take me as someone who doesn't do her research." She replied and gave me a soft smile.

I dropped my crossed arms and offered her a hand. "I'll be looking forward to this experience," I said and she took my hand gladly and shook it a little bit too excitedly, a little bit too long. I gave her a look and she let go of my hand, bowing a little bit. Probably embarrassed about what she did. Her face turned into a deep shade of red.

I took out my wallet from my Gucci purse and pulled out a calling card and gave it to her. "We'll be in touch." I didn't wait for her answer and turned away from her, walking out of the room. I breathed in the fresh air from the campus. As much as I hate living this college life, some things are still worth looking forward into.

Ugh, why do I gotta attend this college bullshit anyway?

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