
Bullet #0: Epilogue

- So, why have you done THIS ?

-I've done this `cause it was the only thing I wanted all this time...

The boat rocked from side to side. I preferred to look at the "water" rather than at the local species, and yet out of the corner of my eye I saw my interlocutor in black rags, slowly moving an oar through the water, creating waves from which it was difficult for me to take my eyes off.

Not to say that the views were too disgusting or frightening, they just instilled too much melancholy and a feeling of loneliness that could have captured me completely if not for the entity on the other side of the boat.

-For your information, you are now especially wanted in all 3 worlds, even this one, so why are you sitting here?

- The question is too simple, I know for sure that nothing threatens me here.

- You are definitely a madman, if not for my steely patience, you would have already gone overboard.You irritate me with your behavior.

- If you were a good, obedient and less nervous boy, we could get along.

- Get out of my boat, NOW.

It's not clear why Charon was so irritated. Maybe those thousands of years during which he never got out of his boat affected him this way? It must be incredibly tiring to ferry souls through hell for eternity. Even the work of office plankton may seem more interesting.

My first impression of his appearance and character was radically different from what I see and feel now. Charon has very strict white face, decorated with bioluminescent paint, looked out from his dark cloak, absorbing all the surrounding light.

I have already told you about his character, and to his face. His face is almost always motionless, only occasionally his jaw drops when he says something at the top of his voice, but this does not prevent him from expressing a huge range of emotions, which over all this time I have learned to read. In essence, he is a visible image that does not have a full physical shell.

- Calm down and forgive me my "rudeness", amigo, I know that you are such a "gloomy type".

- And all this time I thought that you didn't know how to apologize, Reigai.

- Hey, I know how to- STOP, wait, how did you call me?

- Watch your tone, you're scaring your fellow travelers, Vector.

You won't get any pleasant words from him, but when he speaks, your soul becomes so warm.

Fortunately, hell is not dangerous today, which gives me the right to rest a little.

- Charon, if I take a short nap, won't I disturb you too much, my dearest friend?

- No, but try not to snore. This sound of yours pisses me off.

- Good eternity, Charon.

- Good eternity, Reigai.

At that moment, my soul yearned for peace from everything. I made myself as comfortable as possible in the boat and closed my eyes. The flame of my soul died down to a small smoldering candle.

And how the hell did I get to this point?

Most of the details of this chapter may seem confusing or illogical. However, this is a temporary effect. In the future, history will better explain what is happening here. So don't judge a book by its cover)

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