
This is really not cool

I just finished my homework when my brother called it a night with his military buddy Brian. I really didn't like the guy because his brother is Rio, I have every right to be mad at him I can't believe I trusted him! Everything went downhill when I let him blow me, he tells me that my mom paid him to be my friend. I want to nothing to do with the Rio and his brother Brian, Rio play me like a fool and I won't let his brother play my brother like a fool. After finish my homework I walked stairs to my room to get ready for bed so I can go to school tomorrow I stripped my shirt and my panties going to take a shower for the night I had to get the feeling of Rio mouth off me. I stepped into the shower and sighed as the water hit my body which felt really good. I wash my hair and hum softly, I didn't care that people didn't like me because I didn't like talking to people I don't know! Rain always told me stranger Danger which I take to heart but I know I have to get over that fear.

After I shower I make my way to my bedroom to get dressed but I find Rain and Brian sitting on my bed, I wasn't expecting them which caused me to jump in fear. I catch my breath as I glare at them, I don't understand why they have to be in my room when they can go to Rains bedroom! He does have one! I grab my clothes and run back into the bathroom to get dressed for bed. I pull on Rains shirt and grabbed some boxer briefs pulling them up I'm still debating that since that I let Rio blow me that I shouldn't regret having my first sexual experience because of one stupid mistakes I've made. I left the bathroom to find the two idiots on my bed playing around but stopped when they seen me but just laughed at how cute I was. I glare and shoved them out my bed while getting in bed so I could go to sleep. Before I went to sleep I got a message from my mother telling me good night and she hopes are read the letter soon but I have to wait two months before I have to read the letter of really want to know why she left me and rain alone.

Me: I'm fine mom but you didn't have the rights to worry anymore because you left me and Rain so I'm not even sure I could call you my mother.

Carrier: you will understand why me and your father had leave to you and Rain it wasn't because I wanted to but you have to understand.

Me: I didn't care! You left me alone you knew I had a fear of being alone!

Carrier: you wasn't supposed to watch me and your father leaving baby but yes I knew about your fear but I thought you would be over it with Rio.

Me: me and Rio are not real friends because you paid him to be my friend your a sick person! Like really sick!

Carrier: I actually didn't pay him your father paid him because your father looked into his family history and they needed money to pay rent.

Me: you guys are such jerks! Stay out of people's history! I'm done with you guys! Don't talk to me unless you have something good to say!

Carrier: wait baby I'm sorry!

Me: no bye!

I placed my phone down I didn't want to believe my mother but she and dad placed there nose where it doesn't belong at all and they also caused me my only friend because of this. I wasn't going to forgive Rio because he waited to tell me but I'm glad he didn't tell me because I don't know how I would have handled the news if he told me the first time that my mother and father wad basically paying his fucking rent I should be happy right? I'm not actually only because he moving away! I get out of bed and pull on some board shorts and a pink tank top. I climbed out the window and ran down the street to Rios house and knocked on his Window. I was so glad he open the window because I don't want to be home right now, I climb in and sigh softly before looking at his almost empty room.

"So your actually leaving huh?" I sound sad

"Yea but Brian is moving into an apartment down the street from you guys and I'm going to live with him!" He smiled

"I want us to be real friends without my parents paying for everything" I smiled

"Deal! Um why are you here?" He chuckles

"Um I don't want to be home" I sighed

He looked at me and nodded before getting in bed, I got in with him before texting rain where I was. He told me to be back before school starts. I fall asleep in bed with Rio. The next morning I woke up and left because I needed to get ready for school.

Me: I want to open the letter so can i? You told me not to but I want to before I want to go to school.

Carrier: sure but do it front of Rain and tell him he can open the package I left is no point in trying to wait two months.

I didn't answer I walked to the table and opened the letter when rain came down. He looked at me before chucking Before going to make us breakfast.

"Mom said to do this in front of you so just listen. Dear Rain and Alex, this is a letter to tell you the truth in Why we left. You see rain isn't your really brother he is my bestfriend son but she died giving birth to him. I was his God mother so I had to take him, we made a promise back when we was in high school that our kids was going to get Married no matter the gender. So I decided to fully make that promise Happen, I had Alex right after rain turned eight but my husband told me to wait till Alex was seventeen to leave him but I never thought he was going to hate being alone after the accident but we made it. So in the package rain has its the number to Alexs trust fund and the engagement ring, you have three years to be engaged and a year to get Married. I still love you guys! "

I stare at the letter and look at rain who was in complete disbelief of what he just heard. He isn't my real brother but my soon to be husband and we thought we was related. I grab the package and ripped it open seeing My trust fund account number and a ring. Rain grabbed the ring and walked to me getting on one knee before opening it.

"Since I'm forced to do this will you Alexander Shea Wagner?" He asked

"Yes" I pouted as he put the ring on my finger.

I pulled out my phone before snapping a picture of the letter sending it to Rio, I know rain did the same thing but to Brian after Rio read the letter he texted me.

Rio: so he was never your real brother and now you have to marry him? I bet the school know about this man I feel bad for you

Me: yea but it can't be that bad, I knew him for most of my life anyways so it can't be that bad other then someone telling me I'm part female

Rio: you never know you probably are, but umm check with your doctor because I want to be an uncle soon! :)

Me: bug off you dick!

I look up and see some other papers and grab them but not bothering to read them since they are not for me. So I got get ready for school since I have to come home to my fiancé which is going to get weird say.

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