
The Second Underground Floor Is Open! (2)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

They were the prisoners here!

"Hey, let's see who's here!"

"Why are there suddenly so many people? Are you all here for a tour?"

"It seems like those bastards upstairs have finally remembered us and intend to provide us with guards too?"

As the door opened, voices came from inside.

Some expressed surprise, but most of them were filled with vulgar insults.

This made everyone present feel like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, as if stepping inside would result in being devoured by the people inside!

So for a while, they didn't dare to step foot inside.

But Peter showed no signs of fear.

He snorted and took the initiative to walk inside.

As he walked, he pulled out a spherical object.

As he took steps deeper inside, the sphere emitted radiant light imbued with a sacred aura!

"Ah! What is that thing? Get it away!"

"I hate the aura of Holy Light. It makes me feel like my skin is being scorched by flames! Help!"

The prisoners, who had seemed crazy just a moment ago, now became extremely distressed.

They instinctively feared this Holy Light and some even huddled directly into corners!

The object Peter held in his hand was a magical item called the Holy Light Ball, specially prepared for him by the Inspector General.

If the prisoners on the second underground floor didn't obey, he could use the Holy Light from the Holy Light Ball to shine upon them!

Peter tried it out and found it to be really effective.

The Holy Light Ball contained the purest strength of Holy Light, making it highly effective against these Dark Wizards who practiced black magic!

Therefore, the prisoners were so frightened that they curled up and did not even dare to breathe loudly.

Seeing this, Peter was very satisfied.

He placed the Holy Light Ball directly in the center of the second underground floor and said to his companions behind him, "Remember, if these guys misbehave, pour your magic power into the ball, and they will be afraid!"


His subordinates, seeing this, all responded affirmatively.

After witnessing the effects of the Holy Light Ball, everyone gradually relaxed.

Initially, they were worried about being frightened by the prisoners on the second underground floor. After all, this place was definitely more terrifying than the first floor.

But since they now had something to restrain them, there was nothing to fear!

With this in mind, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, the radiance on the Holy Light Ball gradually dimmed and returned to a normal state.

The prisoners, who had previously been in extreme agony, also gradually calmed down. However, they dared not mock the people outside anymore.

They were afraid of being burnt by the Holy Light Ball!

At this moment, each of them could only peer nervously at the people outside through the cell door.

"Listen up, starting today, the six of us will be responsible for patrolling the second underground floor. You must obey us, or the Holy Light Ball will bring you the most intense pain!"

Peter's voice echoed throughout the second underground floor.

His previous actions were meant to intimidate these people, letting them know that they weren't to be messed with!

In the following days, Peter organized the personnel roster for patrolling the second underground floor.

From then on, Peter and his companions entered a new phase of life.

Every day, they patrolled the second underground floor. Over time, they realized that there was no fundamental difference between this floor and the first underground floor.

Although the prisoners on the second underground floor were more powerful, they had nothing to fear because of the presence of the Holy Light Ball.

As for Peter, he didn't need to come here often.

He was currently the patrol captain.

However, he still had a job to do.

That was interrogating prisoners!

Just like on the first underground floor!

On this day, Peter followed the instructions from above and interrogated a prisoner.

He was a burly man with muscles that seemed as hard as steel.

"Hmph, kid, with your tender skin, you can't even cause me the slightest bit of harm!"

As Peter dragged the prisoner along, the man mocked him.

[Prisoner: Lunde]

[Infamy Level: Six Stars]

[Strength: Advanced Level 8 Wizard]

[Status: Imprisoned]

[Capture participation rate: 1%]

[Reward: 60 magic power/hour]


Soon, all kinds of information about this prisoner appeared in Peter's mind.

As expected of the second underground floor!

Just interrogating a random prisoner could bring in so much magic power!

Peter exclaimed in surprise.

However, despite his astonishment, he showed nothing on his face.

As he looked at the man, he coldly responded with a sneer, "Is that so? But let me tell you, this matter is far from over. It's too early to draw conclusions!"

While speaking, Peter dragged Lunde into the interrogation room.

Shortly after, piercing screams of agony echoed from the interrogation room.

The sound reverberated throughout the underground chamber, terrifying all the prisoners on the second underground floor!

They never expected that this seemingly ordinary patrol captain possessed such a terrifying side.

Soon, when they saw Lunde again, they realized his figure had been tortured greatly and they could not even recognize him.


Peter tossed Lunde into his cell as if discarding a dead dog.

At the same time, he cast a chilling glance around the room.

This time, even without using the Holy Light Ball, the prisoners confined on the second underground floor could feel the horrifying aura emanating from Peter.

They felt that he was not human at all!

He was a complete and utter devil!

A devil far more terrifying than themselves!

Sensing this, all the prisoners trembled and realized that their speculations were not unfounded!


It had to be said.

Peter was right to do this.

As a patrol captain, he had to be more terrifying than the prisoners here in order to intimidate them!

Otherwise, those people would not listen to him at all.

With Lunde as a reference, the prisoners on the second floor became much more obedient and no longer acted arrogantly in front of Peter.

As a result, Peter's life became much easier.

He successfully registered two more prisoners, further increasing the amount of magic power he obtained per hour!

It seemed that his decision to enter the second underground floor was completely correct!

Without the rewards brought by the second underground floor, his leveling speed would have been much slower!

After all, he now had to focus not only on leveling up but also on improving his magic.

He was in no rush to raise his level but instead focused on advancing his magic during these days.


Soon, it was time for the annual assessment.

On this day, the Inspector General once again summoned Peter.

"Since the higher-ups have decided to establish the position of Warden, the assessment of Warden will be an essential component. I will assess you, so I hope you are prepared!"

Alfred looked at Peter and said.

"Don't worry, Inspector General. I have made preparations for this!"

Peter raised his head and said firmly.

"Good. Then come with me."

As he spoke, Inspector General Alfred stood up and led Peter toward the underground area.

However, they didn't stop at the second underground floor but continued to descend.

The surroundings became even darker!

Peter was shocked. He hadn't expected that the Inspector General would bring him to the third floor.

After all, among the prisoners confined on the third floor, many of them were no longer human!

Next chapter