
Guardians of The Galaxy: The Left Hand of Eternity

L1T3RAT1 · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

At Last, Galactus

Below the Guardians lied a huge valley that stretched on as far as the eye could see. The simple setting was perhaps the most horrible site within Mephisto's entire realm! There were corpses piled approximately 30 feet high all across the valley; the dead numbering in the billions. The hot infernal sun that burned down on the entire scene was responsible for the expectedly putrid stench and noxious clouds that rose out of the valley.

According to Mephisto's map, Galactus lied only 100 yards dead ahead, though none of them could visualize him. Every now and then, however, a low moan echoed back and forth through the valley; and if listened to carefully enough; they made out the faint thump of a fading heartbeat.


Galactus lied ahead of them beneath more than 30 feet of stacked corpses. The amount of power Mephisto was granted from a being held captive in his realm was increased while that being was tormented, so Mephisto tormented Galactus by perpetually burying him beneath billions of dead bodies: A constant torturous reminder of the countless civilizations Galactus had completely eradicated to satiate his cosmic hunger. Every movement Galactus made would cause the entire pile of bodies to shift and multiply.

At the bottom of the sea of corpses, lied Galactus  chained to a flat of bedrock and weeping.


Dormmamu disguised as Adam Warlock only silently observed as the Guardians made their move.

Once Galactus was found, the Guardians all worked together to sever the 4 chains that bound him. Once the last of the chains were broken, Galactus opened his eyes, looked at them, and slowly began to sit up.

Just after Galactus began to sit up, there was the high-pitched wail of Mephisto crying out in defeat, Dormammu dispelled his illusion of glamour, using the confusion to assume his true form and cast his mystical dust of Orpheus into the air around him.

"Dormammu! That's all we needed!" Dr. Strange exclaimed.

"Fools! I knew you would fall for my ruse. I cannot leave without offering my thanks. Without your aid I would have never been able to seize Galactus for my own purposes. With Galactus' energies added to my own I will now have the strength to reclaim the Dark Dimension, once again installing myself as the Sorceror Supreme; and with the power of Galactus under my control, It will be short time before I conquer the Earth dimension as well.

"Ah!! This victory is just as sweet as I had imagined it! All of my preparations and scheming, as well as the massive amount of mystical energy I had to constantly expend to mask my presence from Mephisto and you all paid off. But, I am afraid I must be off now, Strange. I have a dimension to conquer. Sorry I haven't the time to kill you just yet, my friends. Sweet Dreams!"


When the Guardians woke up two hours later, they found Galactus gone. In fact, Mephisto's entire realm seemed almost eerily peaceful and quiet. Its master had already abandoned it in travel to the Dark Dimension to reclaim his prize captive from Dormammu.