
Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmos³

L1T3RAT1 · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

The Guardians strike back

Panicked mobs of Inhumans crowded Attilan's streets. Men and women raced toward the Aerodrome. The reason for their panic was readily apparent. A foreboding, man-shaped figure loomed over the blue city, so large he eclipsed even the disk of earth. Standing as tall as Attilan's highest tower, he wore dark, metallic armor lending him resemblance to a robot. On his head rested a winged, cylindrical helmet that framed his grim, determined face. "Who summons Galactus, and how?!"

The Inhumans immediately part company with the Guardians to expedite the evacuation of Attilan. 

The Elders had locked themselves in Attilan's Arena of Judgement, behind one of the Grandmaster's powerful force fields. They were all using the energy they could coax out of the power-primordial to super-charge the Kree's Cosmic Cube. They had asked the cube to destroy Galactus, but were realizing that the Cube would need much more energy to complete the task.

As the Guardians looked into the Arena from outside the force field they saw all of the Elders (The Collector, The Grandmaster, The Champion, The Runner, The Gardener, The Contemplator, The Possessor, The Obliterator, The Astronomer, & The Trader. Ego was the only missing Elder, having been devoured by Galactus) standing in a circle around the Cosmic Cube, their fingers streaming shimmering, multi-colored strands of raw energy into the cube. The cube bounced across the ground like an angry and wounded animal.

In their time of need, and in response to the arrival of Galactus on the moon former guardians The Thing, Venom, and Shadow-Cat came from the Alpha Flight space station to lend a hand. Then, the Guardians of the galaxy all work together to develop a plan. Their plan is for Shadow-Cat to phase the team through the force-field where Drax, and The Thing would ambush the Elders. From there, it would be up to most of the rest of the Guardians to unleash a ferocious attack on the Elders with what little element of surprise remains, while Groot and Venom tried to sneak their way to the Cube.

Galactus remained motionless and impassive in the sky above Attilan, but when the guardians moved into action he spoke. "I see you, gnats. Was your previous attempt not disastrous and painful enough?! This time, i shall postpone your punishment until i deem something worthy."

Galactus spoke to the Elders.

Then, the Guardians leapt into action. Once Shadow-Cat phased the team, Rocket dispensed a flash-bang smoke grenade to disorient the Elders who were completely rapt in their activity.

The Collector wore Etherion battle armor equipped with a temporal assimilator that, used when he spied the Guardians attack, carried him quickly into the future and then directly back to the present so he could see their next moves. Breaking his siphoning of energy from the Cube, The Collector drew a sonic scrambler sidearm and aimed it towards the Guardians.

The Thing bellowed out, "It's Clobberin' time!!" as he hauled off and dealt the Champion a mighty blow across the mouth.

The Champion merely straightened his neck and stared down at the frail figure before him. "Congratulations!" The Champion roared as he charged toward the Thing and batted him into the far-away wall.

The Astronomer frightened from their task easily, and teleported away to the farthest reaches of the galaxy at the first sign of trouble. Leaving his fellow Elders to dispatch the intruders and continue charging the cube without his assistance. The Gardener also opted to avoid combat, choosing instead to continue channeling his energy to the Cube.

Shadow-Cat rushed to attack The Runner with her laser pistol when the Elder rurned and smiled at her gleefully. She found herself immediately, and inexplicably liking the Runner and even engaging in playful conversation as they fought. He dashed about the arena, occasionally blasting at her with his Energy projection ability.

Reveling in combat, The Obligerator used his armor's ranged weaponry and chuckled maniacally with every scored hit against Drax. The Trader attempted to use his power of extreme persuasion to manipulate Rocket into abandoning the fight, wording their terms of surrender as some form of barter.

The Grandmaster began wildly teleporting about, taunting the Guardians with remarks about the futility if their actions and how woefully outpowered they were. "Foolish mortals!! You meddle in affairs beyond your comprehension!"

But, then, The Silver Surfer joined the fray and began blasting the Elders with his extreme cosmic energy blasts. He quickly turned the tide of battle to slightly more in favor of the Guardians.  Galactus had began to watch the combat, and commented to the Elders. "Again you have failed. This time mere mortals have foiled your plans. Perhaps you should resign yourselves to your domain of the universe -- before you lose it all together."