
Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmos³

L1T3RAT1 · Sci-fi
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13 Chs


"I was correct, Watcher, they have found the Cube." The Grandmaster said.

Two majestic figures materialized and stepped from the shadows, The Grandmaster and Uatu the Watcher both held out their hands expectantly. When Black Bolt prepared to place the  Cosmic Cube into the hands of Uatu, The Grandmaster glared daggers at the Inhumans and said, "I promised to destroy your city if you failed me, and so i shall, but i have business here -- so you have received a brief reprieve."

But, Rocket then began to call into question Uatu. He began to claim that it was an imposter, and not the true Watcher. The Uatu imposter, unable to defend himself had the Cube snatched from his hands by Rocket. "Enough!" the Grandmaster shouted.

With a clap of his hands, The Grandmaster wiped Rocket from existence with his death power. In a blind rage The Guardians opened fire on the imposter and the Grandmaster. The Trader, who was posing as Uatu then used his temporal assimilator to bring the events backwards in time to the moment before Rocmet snatched the Cube from his hands. This time, The GrandMaster snapped his fingers and teleported the Cube into his hands. As the Guardians attack the Grandmaster and The Trader, the Trader zapped a few of them with a stun gun. The Inhumans stood by and idly watched the battle, clearly outclassed and unsure as to which side to fight for. Eventually, The Grandmaster teleported himself and the Trader away with the Cube.

As soon as the Elders left, the real Uatu arrived. He then said, "after long and careful deliberation, i have decided it would not be a violation of my noninterference vow to tell you, the Trader has stolen my identity to manipulate you into the Contest, although i remain unclear as to the motivation of the Elders for obtaining the cube. I do know they would fear if Galactus were to discover they were looking for it. They used you as proxies to avoid his notice -- do not let this trouble you. The Elders are to you, as your or Inhumans are to a typical earthling. But, now you must find them and undo what they have tricked you into doing." Uatu then teleported everyone to the surface if Attilan.


Meanwhile, Silver Surfer and Galactus arrive in the Milky Way galaxy where Galactus makes a literal meal of Ego. The devourer of world sustained himself with the immense energy of the sentient planet and felt the power cosmic enforced through his veins. He rejoiced, when suddenly, himself and Silver Surfer were teleported to the dark side of the moon.