
Mr. Newton! Your research is approved!

In the middle of the night, in the bunker on the island, Marshall was enjoying a peaceful sleep. For the first time in a long time, he slept peacefully, and his 4 hours of sleep promised to be very pleasant. But unfortunately, not today.

Marshall's exhausted mind began to create nightmares again. Only two hours of sleep were peaceful, and then the quiet time turned into a struggle with his fears.

Marshal dreamed of Kaiju attacks. Torterra's betrayal and even having Mr. Choi stick chewing gum on his military uniform.

"You're fired!" Marshal shouted, waking up from a terrible dream. Mr. Choi's act of disrespect was far more terrifying than tens of thousands of Kaiju bursting through the portal.

Dripping with cold sweat, he was breathing hard. Marshal lowered his feet to the floor from the bed and felt the coolness from the contact with the ground. He looked at his watch. It was now 3 o'clock in the morning. This is the worst time to wake up.

"Ah… My head!" Clutching his head, Marshal groaned from a headache. It was worse than headache in the base in Alaska.

The next second, Marshal opened his eyes again, lying on the bed, covered with a blanket. He was disoriented because he woke up once again. He put his feet back on the ground, feeling the coolness of his skin. Lifting his head, he looked at the clock and it was 3:05.

"It's happening again!" Marshal got out of bed and reached into his pants pockets. Pulling out a small plastic jar of pills from them, he opened it, but the next moment he woke up in bed again.

"Damn!" Marshal began to panic because he couldn't tell if he was asleep or not. Marshal hit his leg with all his might to feel the pain. After his leg hurt, he quickly reached for the medicine, which this time was on the bedside table.

Straining his memory, pushing through the headache, he remembered that he had actually put them here before going to bed. Opening the jar of pills, he popped into his mouth the maximum number of pills that Mr. Newton would allow him to take at one time.

After eating the pills, he quickly ran to the bathroom and drank water from the tap. Exhaling a sigh of relief, he began to think over the situation. The drugs he took were simply stimulants with a heavy dose of caffeine. Caffeine was just one of the ingredients in these pills. They are tried on to increase concentration.

It was a temporary measure, but he and Dr. Newton hoped that it would help get rid of the hallucinations. The marshal had to act. The cause of these problems came here to the island for him. This is good on the one hand, because the island is smaller than the base in Alaska and the enemy could be seen, but he was afraid to meet an enemy that can make people see hallucinations.

Marshal quickly dressed and ran out into the corridor. There was an alarm button on the wall of the corridor and he quickly pressed it.


The whole island woke up to the alarm. People started coming out of their rooms, not understanding what was happening.

"Enemy on the island! Everyone gather together and grab your weapons! Find a Enemy. Be careful, the enemy can cause hallucinations!" Marshal shouted at the top of his voice. Having said this, he went to the armory to get a machine gun.

"What? Can it cause hallucinations? Is this some kind of joke?" People did not understand what was happening.

"Don't make me repeat the order twice. Quickly do what I told you!" The marshal shouted at the people, noticing their sleepy state.

"Yes sir!" Finally, people woke up and ran back to their rooms to at least put on pants.

He didn't know if it was really an attack. There might be no one on the island, but he couldn't risk it. After arming himself, Marshal went out of the bunker and into the street. Behind him were many people, also armed.

It was a dark night and it was raining heavily. Many of the street lights were off and some parts of the island were dark. Only lightning in the sky illuminated these parts of the island.

"Where's the security?" Major Steven Brown, the head of this base, asked. He followed Marshall outside with everyone. He had a gun in his hands.

"Sir! We found Robert." One of the people who had just gone outside found one of the guards. All the people came to look.

"O God! Who could do such a thing?" People began to worry. Robert was lying behind the boxes, his head lying separately beside him.

"Be attentive and concentrate. Here, take these caffeine pills, they help keep your mind sharp so you can better fight the hallucinations!" The marshal spoke loudly to drown out the sound of the rain. He took out his pills from his pocket and handed them to the people around him.

"What pills? Why are you offering us drugs?" One of the people said with a strange tone of voice. The rest of the people looked at him with expressions of doubt and disbelief. Everyone heard clearly that these are caffeine pills, but this one was talking about his own.



Another person pointed a gun at Marshall and fired. Fortunately, the bullet hit the shoulder without hitting the bone, but it hurt a lot and Marshall screamed.

"What are you doing! Take away his weapon!" Major Brown shouted and the men quickly grabbed the man and pinned him to the ground.

"I do not understand. There was a woman here! She wanted to kill me!" He shouted.

"Quickly eat the medicine I gave you! And direct your weapon to the ground!" Marshal shouted. His head hurt as much as the shoulder that had been hit by the bullet, but he didn't seem to be hallucinating any more. People obeyed him and quickly swallowed the pills.


Two more shots rang out, and a person standing at the edge of everyone started shooting at them. A scream was heard, and one person fell to the ground. People froze in fear when they saw the gunman pointing an M-16 assault rifle at them.

"Son, put down your weapon!" Major Brown tried to calm the situation.

"What? How can you lower your weapon when these monsters are running this way! Shoot! What are you doing?"

"Everyone to the ground!" shouted Major Brown, and the next moment everything was out of control!


The guy started shooting in all directions. He shot indiscriminately without aiming.



Another shot rang out and this time it was Marshall. He shot the crazy guy in the leg and he fell to the ground screaming.

"Stand in a circle! Cover each other's backs. Look for the enemy!" Marshal shouted.

People quickly formed a circle, trying not to point their weapons at each other. They looked in all directions to see the enemy.


Lightning flashed in the sky and thunder rumbled, far from them they saw a person standing in the middle of the rain in the dark under a broken lantern.

"There! Shoot!" Someone shouted and everyone started shooting in that direction, destroying equipment and boxes. They fired, using up ammunition. The bullets flew leaving bright lines in the air, but the person they were shooting at was no longer there.


One of the people's head flew off when something flew past. Blood splattered all over them and the people watched as their comrade fell to the ground dead.

"What the hell!" Panic spread among the people, and some ran back to the bunker, others ran away pointing their automatic weapons in all directions, not knowing what to do.


People who ran into the bunker shouted. It is not known what happened to them.

'I have to get out of here!' thought Marshal. Here he could die at any second, either by the hands of the enemy or by the bullet of an ally. Thinking so, Marshal ran. No one paid attention to him, being busy searching for the enemy.

Marshal ran through the rain towards Torterra's house. He didn't know what to do, but he knew he had nowhere else to go. The rain drenched him in a second as he ran away from the bunker.

Behind him he heard gunshots and screams, but he couldn't do anything to help. Bullets flew past him. Perhaps someone spotted him and fired, thinking he was an enemy.


He screamed as the bullet hit his leg. He fell to the ground and his blood mixed with the pool of water, turning it black (at night the blood appears black). He was already almost at the entrance to the house.


Another bolt of lightning illuminated the island, and Marshall saw two men running after him, leaving the bunker area. The people near the bunker were still alive, but there was a lot of blood. They did not know that the enemy had switched from them to Marshal and were running in his direction. As before, they were spinning, pointing their weapons in different directions, sometimes firing into the void.


The marshal started firing, but after a flash of lightning, the island was once again covered in darkness, so his shots were useless. Gathering his strength, he stood up and continued running.

Walking into the middle of the building, he noticed Yun and Dr. Newton standing by the truck. They had worried looks on their faces.

"Mr. Pentecost! What's going on? Are you OK?" Yun walked over to him and helped him to continue.

"Dr. Newton, this is the enemy! You took the pills?" The marshal shouted, only to be answered by a long shard of metal in Dr. Newton's hands. He shouted and waved it in all directions, as if fighting off shadows.

Marshal approached him and punched him in the face. The doctor staggered from the impact and took a few steps back, leaning against the back of the truck.

"Thank you!" he said when he regained consciousness.

"Hurry inside!" The marshal shouted and opened the door to the crane truck. He felt that the enemy was already here and they didn't have time, so he decided to shut thay in the car.

"What's going on!" Yun panicked. She had no answers and was very scared.

The three of them quickly entered the middle and closed.


While they were in the car, lightning flashed and they saw two women in black robes holding knives covered in blood.

"Start the engine!" Marshal shouted. But there was no answer, so he turned around to see Yun and Dr. Newton holding their heads and crying in pain.


The knife hit the windshield of the truck and stuck a centimeter from Marshall's face. A scary-looking woman with a pale face and blue eyes stood on the hood and tried to break through the glass.


The marshal started shooting at her, but the next moment there was no one there, he just broke the glass from the machine gun, opening himself up for a direct attack. It was a hallucination with a woman.



The knife flew into his shoulder, nailing him to the seat. He screamed in pain.


Lightning flashed, illuminating everything around, and the next moment a woman was standing on the hood of the truck with a knife in her hand, ready to cut Marshall's throat, and it was already a reality. He pulled the trigger, but heard only a click. He ran out of ammo.

"You should be glad that they paid attention to you!" The woman ordered in a creepy voice. She swung a long, sharp knife at him and...





First, Marshall heard a loud animal roar, then something large hit the car, shattering the windshield and crumpling the cab. The glass flew in all directions, injuring him and the two people next to him, who were still holding their heads with their hands and screaming in pain. After that blow, he heard a horrible woman's scream, and blood splattered on his face.

He wiped the blood with his hand and looked at her. The blood was blue. This only happened to people infected with Kaiju blood. But usually such people died quickly.

The marshal raised his head and looked outside. Standing next to them was Ruby with the legs of the woman who wanted to behead him a second ago sticking out of her mouth. Ruby shook her head, then she clenched her jaw harder and the woman's legs fell to the ground. A moment later, Ruby spat out the rest of women`s body next to her legs.


Ruby stood next to the car, carelessly kicking it with her legs as she tried to protect the people inside. She stared at the other woman and growled at her, trying to scare her.

Yun and Dr. Newton regained consciousness and saw what was happening. Marshal was nailed to the seat with a knife and could not move.


Lightning struck and everyone noticed a second woman standing at a distance from Ruby. She didn't dare attack because Ruby was stomping feet, ready to crush her.

"Soon your world will be ours. And a stranger will not save you!" The woman said and ran to the exit.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Ruby turned her head to the cab of the car and sniffed it, trying to find out if people inside are okay.

"Thank you, Ruby! You saved us." Yun reached out to Ruby and patted her through the missing glass.

"You were right, Mr. Pentecost! These were really not simple hallucinations. I was already preparing to commit you to the insane asylum," said Dr. Newton.

"Dr. Newton! I let you do your DNA research!" The marshal ignored the doctor's jokes. But after today he realized that he needed special soldiers.


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