1 love hurtz : Present

" boss , the unit x provide confidential data of microtech company limited , chief granted the permission to encounter the criminal leo lynx , what should we do now " da quing waiting for taking the order from his leader Zhao yunlan .

" Is team ready ? " Yunlan asked , " ready " da quing answered , " let's move , we won't let him run to night as if it's his last day " Yunlan taking his service revolver and putting bulletproof jacket .

In the leo lynx mansion surrounded by police officers , special forces team .... Yunlan divide teams and signals them to enters for all direction in the house.

Leo is aware of that , he sitting on the last room of his mansion and somebody tied , gaged , struggling  in his floor watching Zhao yunlans every single movement on cctv cameras with sound processing system , waiting how far he can come within that traps set by himself .

The loud banging can hear from his mansion , yunlan overcoming all the traps on by one , killing Leo's people , covering his mates , hand to hand fighting , kickboxing his only hint to reach leo is the optical cables of cctv cameras .

And the time comes there plenty of yunlans men's were eliminated , almost all of Leo's people were killed .

He heard the chopper is landing on the roof top of his mansion he hurriedly run towards roof the door is locked after few kicks it opens .

" Don't even think of it Mr. Zhao yunlan , or you will loose your most precious thing " leo warned him and pushing someone in chopper . " That can't be , that's not possible , how comes he here  ? " Yunlan muttering himself , " don't touch him you aren't allowed to touch him " yunlan angrily spoken . " Leo laughing hard " you lose Yunlan & i won "  , Yunlan suffering he sees his beloved crying , his life is in other men's hand . " Just let him go " yunlan literally begging , gun dropped from his hand , knelt  front of his enemy .

Leo feels pity for a second he never thought yunlan do such a things and turns again in devil mode he signals pilot to start  . " I hope we meet again , if you manage to be alive " and a ground  of mansion blasted .

Next chapter