
the awaking

I wake up in a strange room that is most dark except the center on which I am in. in front of me is a statue which look like a king of some sorts I feel a trance when look at the statue. I look next to me and there's a staff next to me, I pick it up and see that it has a sun,moon,stars, and eclipse I decided to take it with me it must belong to me right after all it was right next to me. I try to look for a way out and feel a door of some sort, I feel for a door handle but can't find one so I think of pushing it. the door opens I leave through it not caring where I am. when I go through the doors I see a forest of some sorts, I look around and see no one around. I decided to continue forward on hopes of finding out who I am and finding out where I am exactly. going through the forest I realized quickly that it is a dark and scary place. I hear a noise and run unsure of what it was and if it was dangerous so I just ran away. running through the forest I fall down and drop the staff and then as I go to quickly pick up to defend myself it before me stands a boy my age. the boy is holding a cane but he doesn't look disabled in fact he looks healthy. he said said to me "why are you here this place is dangerous" he said. I said "I don't know why I'm here, why are you here" he said "I'm here because my sister favorite toy got thrown in the forest by some bully" I said "well can I help" he said "yes but be careful if the adults find us here we will be in trouble" I listen and follow him to the spot where he said the guy threw his sister toy. while we were walking he asked "so what guardian are you" I was confused and said "guardian?" he said "yeah do you not know I'm the guardian of time or I will be once I get older" I said in amazement "guardians are real" he said in confusion "of course there is we all got a guardian tool to show it, your staff is a tool too it looks like it". I look at the staff and said "it is?" he said in annoyance "of course it is has no one taught you anything of a guardian" I tell him about how I woke up with no memories and that there was this staff just right next to me. he listens and said "that sounds strange but not unbelievable" we get to the place and he tells me that that he said the bully throw it around here. we get started on looking I ask while looking "so if this is where the bully thrown it why were you so deep in the forest". he said "I saw a wolf and thought it would make a good guardian animal so I follow it and that's when I found you" I didn't understand what a guardian animal was but then I saw something and found out it was the toy or at least I think it was and told him. "is this it?" he looked and said yes and I gave it to him and he was leaving. I didn't think he wanted me around, I figured it would be just I do this and then we act like we never met when he turn around and said "come one I want you to meet my sister". I followed I was happy does this mean we're friends. we leave to an old house with a bunch of plants. he takes me to his sister and gives me the doll and said "you should give it after all your the one who found it". he goes up to his sister and said "I found your toy with help with a new friend I made" he then calls me over and I hand her the doll. he then tells me how she's a year younger than him and that she's going to be a toy plant guardian when she gets older. just then two people who I can assume are his parents his mom said "there you are where were you younger man" then they both saw me and the dad said "who is this" I said "um my name is..." I try to think of a name knowing I don't remember my name and then my new friend spoke up and said "just call him space it's a nick name I have for him" they both welcome me and invite me in and ask stuff like where I'm from and what do I like to do. I try to answer them as best as I can and then my friend dad asked "so I'm assuming your going to be attending your first day at guardian school am I right?" I said "um yeah I will" they wish me luck in the new school year. I go up to my new friend room because he invited me there. he shows me around and then said "so you told me your got amnesia right". I nodded yes and he said "so how are you going to attend the school were going to" I hang my head down. he said "ok it's not too late we could get you in" I look up to him said "there's a way to?" he said "listen I know a few older kids and they told me how the vice principal comes by asked for names and looks for you on her clip board, I have been practicing my time powers a little and can stop time for one minute so I will stop time and write your name on her list and then your in". I said "will that really work?" he said "it will if everything goes right which it will" I said "thanks" he said "no problem oh and I never did tell you my name, I'm Micah" he then went downstairs and asked if I could spend the night since school starts tomorrow and he wanted to walk with me to his first day. they bought it and I slept on his bed he pulled out a sleeping bag for himself and told to get ready for tomorrow because we won't be seeing this room till summer.

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