
GTA 5 - Viper

Keith, a bank robber from New York moves to San Andreas to start a new chapter in his live. After his last crew fell apart, or more accurately they died after hitting the New York grand reserve. he needed something new and San Andreas had that. (it is a mix of GTA 5 and GTA online content) (r18 tag - I was planning on having a couple r18 scenes/ chapter but will limit the amount of plot that revolves around that in case some people want to skip parts containing such descriptions.)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · Video Games
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66 Chs

Stolen bike

The investment was completed, the stock value of Vapid returned to normal after a few days and just as predicted netting Keith a total of twelve million, of which ten point two million went into buying his two new companies.

After buying each property he got a text message from the manager congratulating him on purchasing the property.. and telling him that he didn't need to manage the property because it would run with them managing it, only getting a call when there was serious trouble.. Although the managers turned silent after hearing that he would come and inspect the properties himself, and invest in upgrading the equipment and training the staff.


As Keith arrived at Doppler cinema the first thing that stook him was the poor appearance of the signs hanging at the front…

Entering the front you are stopped by a guy that works there… "Sorry sir, but you have to pay to see a movie.."

Realizing that he wasn't informed of the new owners arrival Keith responds.. "Ohh, I am not here to see a movie, I am here to talk to the manager Patrick, about further investments into this business.."

Nodding his head the employ guides Keith to the manager to let him deal with him and continue working.

Keith entered the managers office of the Doppler Cinema and looked around.. "Well Patrick.. nice to meet you.. I'm Keith, the new owner." Patrick stands up and gives you a good handshake introducing you to the cinema.

"So Mr. Keith, I trust you have already seen the income that we will produce, but you said you wanted to improve it by upgrading the business?"

"Yes.. Patrick, due to the previous owner not caring the cinema is getting old fashioned.. that isn't bad but we could be making more money by.. training the staff better, upgrading the equipment so we could make more money.. with a small investment we could change the whole look of this place.." Keith explained while Patrick nodded along.

"So Mr. Keith.. how much are you willing to invest?"

"Well from the looks of thing we will need to clean the outside, maybe get a new sign, costing around filthy thousand, after that we will need better equipment, make it easier to manage and train the staff, maybe higher some extra to get things moving.. totalling around three hundred thousand."

"You sure with the redecorations we will be out of business for at least a week and lose a month of profit?" Patrick seemed to want to make sure that Keith knew what he was doing.

"Yes.. I know, but from looking at the data I am sure that the profit increase will make it so I will be even within the year."

Patrick looked surprised but agreed to the idea as Keith was the owner and he could decide what to do with the property.

The new look of the Cinema would be a dark blue that would be easy to clean if it ever got dirty, the new pieces of equipment would be delivered by the end of the week, getting better quality film and food for the guest, bathrooms were redone and walls were to be smooth with a wide stipe pattern… the price of tickets would go up but because of the increase in quality most people would pay it.


Keith could be seen leaving the Cinema after handing all the plans over to Patrick. And getting into his car, his next destination would be the cap company.. he didn't need to do as much work as with the cinema but he did need to talk to the manager with improving the cars and getting into VIP jobs…

Stopping before the Garage where the company was situated he entered this time walking straight to the office without anyone stopping him.

"Raul.. you in there?" Keith knocked a couple of times on the door

"Yes.. enter." His voice could be heard from inside.

Keith opened the door and entered the managers office..

"So.. your Raul.. nice to meet you, so I was looking to further invest into the business.." Keith looked at Raul but he didn't seem to get it.

"I mean, diversify.. get some better cars, limousine services and VIP cars.. get some new staff and look to improve the old staff.."

"I am not sure that we could manage that… or if there even is a big business in moving VIP's.. but I am sure I could manage it if it came up, and if not I will call you immediately.."

Keith looked Raul in the eyes as if seeing if he was really telling the truth.

"You got spirit.. let me explain… I will purchase some new cars.. for possible VIP clientele make some adds and show them in a cinema to get the word out and begin to get the money flowing… as you might know self driving cars don't exist.. but you know your staff.. find those suitable to drive the VIP's or higher someone new people to do it."

Raul seems to finally get it saying;

"I know some competent drivers who I have never heard anything bad about that would be able to drive some VIP's, but nobody that I know can drive the Limo…"

"That's fine, I can order the Cars today and they will arrive within two days.. if you can just get somebody at the end of the week then we will be golden… oh not to forget.. if you need new parts for the vehicles than go to the LS customs in La Mesa because you can receive a discount price there.."

Raul nodded along noting down the important things

Keith confirmed the information and ordered the three new vehicles, two being a Cognoscenti 55 and one being the Stretch both coloured black. With the first two arriving tomorrow and the Stretch on the day after tomorrow.

Wishing Raul the best of luck Keith moves back to his car, thinking about the promotion he would need to make for the new services of the cab company. But he would probably leave it to Stacy, his trusted assistant to finish and manage the projects.


As Keith was driving he first called molly, wanting to ask about the cars and maybe get into contact with some high profile clientele for his new VIP taxi service..

"Molly Schultz, how is everything going?"

["Keith.. why did you call?"]

"Well I was interested in the last couple of cars, I heard Franklin and Trevor are getting the Z-Type but that still leaves us short one car.."

["Yes the last car location is know but we are still waiting on the green light from Mr Weston to let someone move on it as Mr Weston wants to be at the drop but is currently having a business trip."]

"Sounds awesome, I just got one more thing.. I am starting some VIP taxi services… luxury cars that you can call and will arrive as soon as possible.."

["Mr Weston.. Keith has a proposition.. her you go… Hello slick.. I hear you have a proposition for me?"]

"Mr Weston, I invested into some luxury taxi services, and am looking to expand my clientele to make them aware that it exists and possibly get some tips as the current manager isn't to experienced with VIP clientele." Keith had arrived to his home and stopped the engine of his car waiting for Devin to answer.

["Sound like a plan slick.. I will get someone to check it out, if it is satisfactory I will get some celebrities to use your service.. what do you think?"]

"I think it sounds great.. oh and do call me when you want that last car on your list."

["Haha sure.."]

Devin hung up the phone while Keith kind of felt disgusted with himself, he usually wouldn't do something like this but since he didn't have a team behind him in which he leaded the Heist and instead waited for opportunities to make money or create opportunities like with the assassinations and Devin..


Keith was working on a clients bike, one of his newest bikes was set to arrive today in the afternoon but the delivery was late. Keith didn't really pay it any mind as he was bussie working and just saw it as a delay but after getting the message that his bike was delivered and it not being there he got angry..

"God dammit.." looking on his phone it seemed as though his bike was stolen and was stashed in all the way in sandy shores.

Calling Raul to get a cap Keith waited in front of his house, seeing the cap arrive he told him of the destination and to please make it quick.. realising that it would at least take a couple hours Keith dosed off sleeping most of the way.


They had finally arrived at the destination as Keith got out of the cab he handed the guy one hundred saying that it was a tip and to keep up the good work… he didn't have to pay for the taxi because he owned the company but he found it important to treat his staff decent.

Keith was standing before a Motel next to a LS custom, that was not situated in LS..

He looked around as his GPS tracker suggested that his bike should be here, but as all the apps produced it had a area of failure that wasn't improved upon.. as he searched for his bike a burning plane flew overhead, completely missing the airstrip that was in the area.

"Jesus.. now where is my bike.."

Keith had seen some things and he suspected that he would even see more strange things than just a burning plane.. his top priority now was finding the fucker who stole his bike..

Moving to LS customs to see if the bike was inside you open the shutter door to see the guy painting his beautiful Shitzu Hakuckou Drag red, instead of the diamond bleu that it was before..

"How Dare You!" Keith charged at the guy shuffling him back from his bike..

The mechanic just looked shocked that somebody had pushed him and wanted to retaliate but when he saw a gun pointed at his head he froze up, only letting out a gulp as he pout his hands up high..

"Who gave you my bike?!" Keith still angry at the injustice that his bike had to endure pointed his gun at the guy..

"Somebody from the lost brought it in said they had gotten it from some delivery on the freeway… I didn't know it was stolen.."

"Bullshit, who of the lost would get a million dollar bike and just purchase it… look how you ruined that paint it had before…"

Keith looked with sympathetic eyes to his bike, the mechanic was already painting over but looking at the quality of the work that he did he lost all the respect a fellow mechanic would have..

"It isn't finished…"

"So what you began horrible and you will end horrible!" the mechanic began to quiver…

"Tell me who of the lost gave you the bike!"

"It was the Mike he is a Enforcer situated in one of their side camps that's all I know.. I swear.."

Keith punched the mechanic knocking him out.. before he left to find this Mike, he cleaned the bike.. not wanting the not yet dry paint to ruin it even more.

Calling Malcom Keith waited for him to answer.. when he picked up Keith immediately began.

"I want the head of a enforcer by the name of Mike, situated in the area around Sandy shores.."

["Wait WhAT? What happened.."]

"No, no questions just get me somebody higher up in command and let me talk to him.." Keith waited for a while until a new voice came over the phone.

["Keith right.. Malcom talked about you, I am the Road captain of sandy shores… what do I hear with you wanting Mike's head?"]

"Sir, mike has robed me of one of my priced bikes.. brought it to a LS customs and tried to defile its body with subpar paint.."

["You find your bike to be more worth than the life of one of our enforcers?"]

"You misunderstand I want his head and am willing to compensate if we come to a understanding… if not.. then we will be having problems.."

Laughing could be heard over the phone clearly seeing the treat of one person as a joke..