
The Start Of Something Great

It was March twenty-fourth in the year of our king Julius twenty-three, Madam Mary was nine months pregnant with her second child. Her husband Heph stood by her side as she went through her contractions, the contractions heavy and painful; coming and going, comparable to the tides that beat against the shore in the far off coast. Mary breathed in deeply as she braced for another contraction, it hit like the high point of the tide as the midwife signaled that it was time for her to start pushing.

Mary pushed and screamed as she felt the pain of tearing herself apart, Mary wished she could stop but for the sake of her child she knew she had to continue. For the sake of her child, who was not yet born, but already she loved so dearly. Mary pushed and pushed as the midwife yelled out to her to push one final time. The room went still as all anyone could hear was the heavy panting of Mary and soft crying of a baby, as the Midwife told them that they had a healthy baby boy.

Mary cried as the Midwife passed her the child after wiping the babies face clean with a warm towel, the whole while the baby released small soft crying sounds. Mary cried as she held her baby in her arms, she looked into its eyes as they slowly opened to show eyes that were Gray with gold around the iris.

Mary turned to her husband as he stared silently with eyes full of love at his dear baby boy. Heph reached out for his son, Mary reluctant to let go of her boy yet conceded to him reluctantly. Heph held his son close to him and cradled him in his arms, as he looked down at his son, his son in turn looked back into his father's eyes. Heph, overcome with a feeling unexplainable with words, said in his deep steely voice "You my son shall be called Daedalus, as you too shall be blessed by the Gods"

This is the introductory chapter, if you have some criticizms or thoughts put them here or on the paragraph where the issue was found. I will not be making chapters that are this short, this chapter was just the story intro, introducing us to our main charicter and part of his family. If you enjoy the book save it, I do this more as a hobby than as a form of income. If enough people like the book I will start to write on a schedule.

I will do all I can to make sure no one has to pay to read this book. With love From: Monomanga

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