1 The Application

NTI High School, Stockholm.

As it is currently time for lunch, the cafeteria is packed with students. Matthew had already eaten, but was called to the cafeteria by his girlfriend, who told him she wanted to talk to him about something important.

Matthew Waller was currently a little scared. The voice Linn used when calling him was pretty cold.

'Shit. I've probably done something? I don't know what though, but I'm sure its something really stupid. Well. I'll just apologize and agree. Yeah, nod and wave.. Nod and wave.'

As he enters the cafeteria he settles on a surefire plan that must work.

"Matthew! Over here." A girl calls out in the packed cafeteria. Matthew spots her and makes his way over, still somewhat uneasy. On his way over, he noticed a lot of people looking towards him with a strange look in their eye. 'What's wrong with them?'

After about 15 seconds of walking through the cafeteria he finally sits down in front of his girlfriend, Linn Hillberg.

"Hello, you wanted to talk? Did I do something?" Matthew asks.

"No, you haven't done anything." Linn responds, making Matthew breathe out in relief.

"But, I think we should break up." The words coming out of Linns mouth make Matthews heart break. Linn and him have been dating for a little over 3 years. Although, they haven't gone all the way yet, but Matthew really likes Linn and they've known one another since they started preschool.

Matthew takes a couple seconds to process what he has been told and replies with a weak voice.

"I thought we had it good. Why do you suddenly want to break up? Did something happen?"

Matthew doesn't understand where this is coming from, they've been dating for so long and have always been good friends and both like each other a lot.

"I don't feel the same way about you anymore, and I've met somebody else who can also provide for me after we finish schooling. He's from a good family and I think this is for the better."

The more Matthew hears, the more his heart freezes. 'Money? This is all about money? She was that kind of materialistic person? How come I didn't know it?'

"Linn!" A happy voice comes from behind as a boy walks over and sits down besides Linn, passing her a tray of food and placing his own on the table, finally noticing Matthew when he sits down.

"Oh, hi Matthew."

"Jay? Hey, could you leave us alone for a bit. We've got stuff to talk about." Matthew replies to Jay in a weak and cold voice.

Jay is one of Matthews best friends in High School. They've only known each other for about 2 ½ years. Since the start of High School. But they immediately became good friends, with both having similar interests.

"Oh. Linn, you haven't told him?" Jay looks towards Linn and asks whilst also rubbing her back to make her relax. "It's fine. You can't keep this from him, he deserves to know."

When Matthew hears this he gets really confused. 'I need to know? What do I need to know? Why don't I understand?'

"Matthew, the new boyfriend I was talking about is Jay." Linn replies with a weak voice that has a trace of pity in it, but Matthew doesn't notice any of it as he is currently in the midst of his mind breaking down.

"J-jay is this true?" He asks with a shaky voice.

"Yes." Jay nods his head and replies.

"FUCK!" Matthew suddenly shouts and violently stands up, sending the chair he was sitting in flying backwards. With tears in his eyes, Matthews anger can be clearly seen by the other students around who are watching the drama play out with some pity in their looks. Most people in the school knew about the relationship between Linn and Matthew and had seen earlier how she was very close to Jay and even kissing him before walking to find a table.

As Matthews mind is running in all different directions he gets angrier and angrier until he finally snaps and rushes to the other side of the table, with a fast and hard kick onto Jays head, immediately knocking him out. After which he sends a viciously cold glance towards Linn, making her tremble, before finally turning around and leaving Jay and Linn to their own devices and walking out of the cafeteria and a short while later, out of the school. Taking the train and bus back home.

'How? Why?' Is all Matthew can think about when he arrives home. Immediately locking himself into his room, crying and feeling very sad about the whole situation.

Not only did his girlfriend dump him, but she got together with his best friend. A truly devastating outcome to a otherwise harmonious friendship between the three people.

'I'm the one who got them to know each other. Fuck. I'm never trusting anyone ever again.'

From the huge shock of having his best friend betray him with his girlfriend, Matthew inadvertently developed a huge social trauma that will influence his life for a really long time.

After crying and feeling sad for about 10 minutes, Matthew eventually feels really exhausted and falls asleep, not waking up until it's time for dinner and his mother knocks on the door.

"Matthew, it's time for dinner." Matthew wakes up, but does not get up from bed as hes still feeling really sad. Having no appetite he does not feel like going to eat.

"It's fine Mom, I'm really tired so I'm gonna continue to rest a bit more." Matthew replies with a tired voice.

"Alright then, but no going up in the middle of the night getting good to eat. We need to get up early tomorrow as I start work at 7 in the morning."

"Yes Mom, I wont."

After hearing his mom walking down the stairs Matthew sighs and picks up his phone in order to console himself by looking at some funny videos and pictures online.

Whilst browsing the web, he comes across an advertisement for a new chat application.

'Ultimate Chat? That's such a stupid application name.' Matthew is not very impressed with the application name. 'Why even make a chat application? There are millions of them already. And to even advertise it like this? So stupid.' Matthew already being sad and angry over the events that happened today, gets irritated by the application advert for no reason at all.

'Fuck it, I'll just download it and join some chat room to play around.' Matthew looking for something to take his mind of things decides to give the application a chance and proceeds to download the application.

Opening the application after installing it makes Matthew really surprised. The loading screen was really simple, but it loaded really fast. After the loading screen, he was taken to the login/register page, where he proceeded to register a new account.

'Wow, this application is actually really good. The responsiveness of the buttons and the design is really professional. Even with my shitty phone, there is no lag at all. I guess they chose the name Ultimate Chat for a reason.' Having found out that the application is top of the line, Matthew gets a little happier and sports a smile on his face whilst inputting his account information.

'Username? Hmm, let's go with matthewwaller, the regular username.' Matthew always tries to use the same username for all accounts he makes, consisting of his first name and surname. Easy to remember, with no hassle to think about what his username was for any random thing he registers on.

After picking his username the next thing to be decided was the display name.

'Aii, what should my display name be?' He has always been bad with deciding what to use as nicknames while playing games and such things.

'Oh, I know. Let's just pretend to be some powerful deity or something, it's always fun to role-play these things in chat rooms.' Eventually coming up with a good idea and also coming up with the purpose of using the chat application, Matthew eventually decides on a name.

'Overlord Waller, yes. That's the perfect name.'

After eventually filling in all the information required, and skipping some optional ones like bank information and other private information that hes not comfortable sharing with this unknown application, he eventually finishes his registration and logs in.

The moment he successfully logs in, hes immediately invited into a chat group.

'Huh? Invited to a group? Supreme Hangout? What's up with that name?'

Finding it weird whilst also being intrigued about being invited to a group immediately after registering Matthew decides to accept the invite.

"Please welcome Overlord Waller to the group!"

After accepting the invite, the application switches over to the aforementioned chat room, whilst also sending out a message in the chat that a new user has joined.

Matthew having joined this group, will have his life changed in ways he can't even imagine.
