
Chapter 1

"SARAH!", ugh. I heard my mother shouting my name. Is it morning already? I was up all night watching anime.

"Okaaaay", I said as I lazily got up from my bed. Today is my first day in 8th grade at Mid-Sky Academy. The nation's top school for elites and smart people. I neither belong to those, I just happen to pass the exam. My mom was really against in me entering the school however, for somewhat reason, I really want to enter that school. Maybe it's because our uniform is black?

'I think I look good in black', I said to myself as I turn around in front of the mirror. I took a quick bath then I will go downstairs to eat breakfast after I admire myself. No one will love me more than myself. So I really need to boost some confidence to these dead eyes of mine. I even have black hair with blue...highlights? Well, it's kind of natural because I took it after my father. My mom has brown hair.

This is my second year in the school but nothing beats the uniform (cause I really don't care about my elite classmates, they're all talking about bags and some of them even have night classes)

Our school have night classes but it was just actually for 3 hours and they're usually for exceptional or talented students. My mom said I should not aim to enter that class. I'm actually not interested and I'm just entering the school for my resume when I get a job in the future.

"SARAH! IT'S ALREADY 6:30 AM!!!", my mom shouted. Oh no, I don't want her to lessen my pocket money so I will go down immediately.


Every start of the school year, we have this strange ceremony where in each student will touch the World Tree and pray to our One True God to wish our school year, our loved ones and our selves a good year. It is August, how come we're doing this in the start of our school year? We should be doing this on January. Anyways, not that I will say that in public. When we touch the trunk of the tree, the teacher that is wearing our traditional clothing will strike the gong. I'm really surprised last year ( it was my first year doing that) and I was shaking when I move back to my seat.

But now I'm prepared, I will wear an ear buds. Fufufu. My classmate who is a rich looking guy looked at me with disgust when he saw me wearing the ear buds. We are currently in line based on our section and this guy... I think he's a new classmate of mine. Or not, I don't actually know because all I care last year was whether I will pass the school year or what.

"Will you even hear your name being called?", he whispered to me while he is frowning. Now that I took a close look at him, he's actually handsome. Nice self, you talked to a handsome guy. I'm not hoping for a romance though. I can feel the glares of the girls around me because this guy talked to me.

"Hmmm...I think so?", I said. I'm really unsure because I only heard him because he whispered to me.

He reached to my ears and removed one earbud and wore it in his ear, " I also hate that gong, let me borrow this for now.", he said. What the hell is his deal? I didn't say a thing because his fangirls are glaring at me. He was hoping for my retort but when I didn't answered he rolled his eyes and didn't gave me a look since then.

When it was the students turn to pray to holy and sacred world tree, the line was suddenly divided by boys and girls. I didn't saw the guy who borrowed my earbud again and I was even in front. Damn, why am I small?! I was the first one to touch the tree in our year.

"Sarah Nockdern, 14 years old. Grade 8.",the professor said then I marched to the World Tree. Everyone is looking at me and I don't like everyone's gaze at me. I'm suddenly conscious and I looked again at the crowd then I saw the guy who borrowed my ear buds....since when did his eye color became red? It was gold back then if I remember it correctly... Or am I just imagining things? Anyways, his smirk made me annoyed and I guess it helped me shake off my nervousness.

I touched the world tree. Then I look at it's top that is barely visible because the tree is about 400 feet. It keeps on getting taller each year. I closed my eyes, "One True God, please make the exam easier this year. I hope you will continue to bless my mom and our house. I also hope that you will let my mom allow me to go to anime events and I promise that I will take care of studies even though I go to events.", I prayed silently in my head.

I slowly opened my eyes then the I looked up to tree leaves, suddenly the whole tree is shining brightly. I looked to the professors and to the students and it seemed like... time has stopped.

What is fantasy-like development?!!!

I'm not really panicking right now, this is an obvious plot. Come on, tell it to me. Am I a chosen one or not? Come on, come on. I actually want the demon king's forces but anything will do right now! Where's the messenger or god or goddess that will make me get away from this boring life I have!!!

(author's note: she is currently being an otaku, sarah, our protagonist, is hoping for an isekai moment, such an idiot and depressing girl)

"Miss Sarah, I'm sorry to be a messenger of bad news but you are not going to be... What are you saying in your head... Isekai--d?? Because the world you're in right now is already A MAGICAL WORLD.", a blonde child with black one piece dress told me. Wait who is this kid?! She is even have an annoyingly a smug face like that bastard who took my earbud!

"Miss Sarah, I'm not a kid, I'm Medusa, a shapeshifter and also the teacher of the guardians in our world.",she said then she transformed to an adult version of her. Woahhhh, amazing! - - - wait, i think i forgot something, is she reading my mind?!!

"Yes, I am reading your mind. As a Triple S Class magician that's an easy thing to do especially to an individual exposed to the Eyes of God.",she said then she flicked her finger. Suddenly some of the students are moving and.... THERE ARE SOME UNBELIEVABLE CREATURES THAT I ONLY SAW IN PICTURE BOOKS, ONLINE, ANIME AND ETC! Some of the students even have animal ears, pointed ears, tails, unusual skin color! Crap, this is amazing. I don't want this tension to get into me but I'm really amazed by all of this. I saw that some of the students are still not moving... Why? Could it be that they can't...

"Yes, they are non-magic users, they can't see magic and it is also our duty to protect them.", Medusa said. I just noticed that she actually had a... pet snake that is camouflaged with her clothes. Amazing.

"So am I a chosen one?",I asked. I knew this pattern but actually I want to be on the dark side you know. Like being in the demon king forces...

"Yeah good thing you predicted it, you're the next queen of Gringeno Famiglia and also one of the four guardians of this world.", she said casually. I smiled... I just smiled... Because I don't know what the hell is the Gringeno Famiglia she is saying!!

Then Medusa glared at me, ah... Argh, she can read my mind. Her hair began transforming to snakes as I can see that she is about to explode because of anger. Am i about to die?!! "Before, when you are still not awakening...you didn't even heard of Gringeno Family?", she said while looking at me like I'm some kind of bug.

"No...I don't really know!!", I told her while looking away at her eyes. What if her eyes can make me stone?! You know, greek mythology..

"How come you have more knowledge on mythologies, anime and other country's cultures and you don't know the family name of our country's royal family?! The royal family of all magicians in the world?! ", she shouted to me then I saw the students that are even classified as magic user has stopped moving again. She is really angry.

"Calm down, Miss Medusa... I think I know what is going on",the professor who is handling the gong said then he showed me his phone. So he is also a magic user. I read what is there on his phone, "The current queen of Oneginrg Family has perished and the magic ministry is still looking for the queen's grandchild that is titled to be the next queen--"

"Stop! What the hell is Oneginrg?!",Medusa said and her hair became snakes again. Freaking golden snakes...

"Wait miss medusa, I think someone put a mirror magic to her eyes that's why she can read it like that. Okay child let me see you eyes.", the professor told me. Anyways I looked at him and he was surprised.

"Look miss medusa.", he said and he showed my eyes to Medusa.

"Ancient magic.", Medusa was also surprised and her expression became dark.

"Someone that is responsible for hiding you Miss Sarah must have done this. We have been looking for you for 14 years and if that magic is still hindering you, then you will not be entitled as the next queen and you will only get the title as guardian.", the professor said. I don't really know his name.

"He is your professor in Science, Professor Evander. You're calling him professor, gong professor and science teacher in your head.", Medusa said. Now she is all prickly.

"It's alright Medusa, I don't really have that much of an image. I'm used to it.", Professor Evander said.

"Sorry, it's my fault Sir. I always saw you picking up trashes on the ground and I never bothered to help you. ", I said.

It's true, I never have that kind of interest to mingle with other people. If it will not affect me then it is not my business.

Anyways, I still can't believe it. Me? A royalty? What a good joke!

"You never throw your trash on the ground, you always clean after your mess and you are polite even if you don't really like doing business with other people. I see now why I noticed you even back then when I thought you are a non-magic user.", Professer Evander said then he pat my head. I blushed because I am not used to being praised like that.

" I think this is not a good time for praises, pervert professor. ", the guy who borrowed my earbud said as he removed Professor's hand on my head. He pointed to the missiles that are... Going straight to us?!!

"You can see them?", Medusa asked me.

"Yes..",I said then I looked away. It must be a magic-induced missile that's why they're on alert. The guy who borrowed my earbud must also be a magician and a strong one because he can move even when Medusa stopped the time. His eyes are back to being gold now.

"Those missiles must have gone here the moment Professor Evander realized you have a hindering magic in your eyes.", Medusa said.

"Mark, clean them up! We will hide Sarah!", Professor Evander said and he put me to a carriage that is floating that has fire in its wheels. Medusa also jumped to the carriage and the guy who borrowed my earbud named Mark just glared at us. The carriage began to move and I looked back at Mark who destroyed half of the hundreds of missiles because of his ice magic.

"You're peculiar Miss Sarah, you're only a little bit surprised and you are also excited by this. If some of the missiles happens to be homing ones then they will just past through Mark. Do you get why I am saying this to you?", Medusa said to me. What does she mean by... I looked at Mark then I noticed that through the smoke some missiles are actually homing... Does it mean that he will die..?

"As much as I don't want other people's business to be my problem, I also don't want to be a burden to other people.", I said as I jumped from the carriage. I landed at building of a rooftop of a house. Professor Evander and Medusa was really surprised and the carriage they are on are following me. Professor wants me to return inside.

I jumped from another house's rooftop to another one until I was positioned opposite to Mark. I saw the missiles changing their directions and Mark is surprised and angry at the same time. Professor and Medusa got caught by one of the homing missiles and because of that I was surprised and I was caught off balanced.I was about to fall on one of the houses and the homing missiles also speed up.

I think my life just flashed before my eyes. What a boring life it is. Anyways, what a good day to die, I realized this is a magic a world, I met an annoyingly handsome guy(Mark) and...I was a member of Royal Family? I can't even read their name as Gringeno.. Wait, did I just said it right?! Not Onegnirg?

Suddenly everything was in slow motion, I saw numerous silhouette of great people before me and they whisphered me something...

"Ancestral Auspice", I said it and then suddenly all of the homing missiles vanished like they were eaten through a rift of time and everything became back to normal without a trace of damage.

Is that a freaking magic?! Everything happened so fast I was not able to process anything! Mark caught me when I fell off the house. He has a blank expression meanwhile Medusa and Professor Evander...

"That's...",Professor Evander was surprised that he cannot speak.

"..a magic spell that only one with royal blood can do.", Medusa continued then they slowly walked to get to me. Mark brought me down to stand up on my own. How did he even get here so fast?! " This a great proof, Miss Sarah! You want to get away with your boring life right? Then--", I didn't hear what Professor Evander was saying because everything went black. I think I just collapsed. I feel so tired.


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