
Grindelwald: The White Death

Everybody knows Gellert Grindelwald, his views. His indifference for muggles. His wish of uniting Wizard kind, and stopping any possiblity of future calamities. But what do people know about his storiy? Why he became the Dark Lord? What drove him to such lengths. Finally, what do people know of his brother?... His twin brother... The White Death

Karito_ · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

Yo I already mentioned, I forget. Remind me every week or so.


In a moment of shared excitement over the forgotten treasures, Kaiser chuckled softly, shaking his head in amusement at his brother's enthusiasm. "Have you seen Mother or Father around?" he asked, a tinge of concern seeping into his tone.

Gellert shook his head. "No, they rushed out earlier. Must be something urgent at work," he replied casually, engrossed in their exploration of the discarded toys.

Kaiser paused, a flicker of concern crossing his mind. He pondered the possibility of something untoward happening to his parents, but swiftly dismissed the thought. What could possibly go wrong? It was an ordinary evening, after all.

Deciding to join Gellert in their scavenging adventure, they continued their hunt through the piles of discarded items, relishing in the discovery of forgotten knick-knacks.

Yet as the night fell, Kaiser lay in bed, a sense of unease settled upon him, gnawing at his thoughts. Sleep eluded him, a cloud of confusion hanging over his mind. Suddenly, a knock echoed through the silence, startling him from his restless state.

Cautiously, he opened the door, and his face quickly was replaced by worry, Yovar stood, a canvas of wounds and injuries. Bloodied and worn, his once-pristine white hair now painted crimson. His countenance, usually adorned with an aloof smile, bore no semblance of its usual demeanor. Instead, a haunting transformation had overtaken him—his features etched with weariness, laced with darkness, and masked by an unnerving coldness. His face was a mosaic of cuts and scrapes, a visual testament to the harrowing events that had unfolded.

Kaiser couldn't help but shudder at the sight. The familiar, composed Yovar had vanished, replaced by this chilling visage that unsettled him to the core. The absence of the usual warmth in Yovar's expression sent a shiver down Kaiser's spine, a silent warning of the gravity of the situation they were in.


Shocked and alarmed by Yovar's appearance, Kaiser complied, joining the butler. Together, they entered Gellert's room, rousing him from his slumber. Gellert, equally startled, inquired about Yovar's condition, but the butler remained silent, gesturing urgently for them to follow.

Limping, Yovar led them down to the basement's labyrinthine confines. The oppressive atmosphere seemed to weigh heavily upon the secret passage they entered, enveloping it in an eerie shroud of darkness and fog that billowed out from the door, obscuring their path downward.

As they descended the stone, spiral staircase, a sense of foreboding deepened within Kaiser and Gellert, their shared glances betraying their growing concern. Silence reigned, each step plunging them further into the unknown depths, the heavy fog veiling their surroundings.

Yovar, bearing the weight of pain and determination, came to a halt, his strained breaths echoing in the suffocating quiet. With a grunt, he reached for a torch mounted on the wall, revealing yet another concealed passage. This time, Yovar gestured for Kaiser to step forward, followed closely by Gellert.

There was a palpable tension in the air as Kaiser exchanged another glance with his brother, a silent acknowledgment of their shared apprehension. With a deep breath, Kaiser stepped into the newly revealed pathway, the flickering torchlight casting eerie shadows upon the walls, while Gellert followed suit, their hearts pounding in unison, consumed by the ominous unknown that lay ahead.

In the colossal chamber, an array of tables, shelves covered with potions, wand boxes, and volumes of tomes awaited their exploration. As the trio entered, Kaiser and Gellert stood hesitantly, surveying the vast expanse, uncertain of their next move. Meanwhile, Yovar navigated toward a shelf adorned with an assortment of potions, selecting a green vial before consuming its contents.

Time seemed to bend momentarily. The wounds that marred Yovar's body began to visibly mend, a swift and remarkable transformation that breathed color back into his pallid face. The healing process was as astonishing as it was rapid, knitting together the injuries that had painted him in a portrait of suffering just moments before.

As the room settled into a quiet hum of activity, Yovar shifted his attention to the boys. "I'll explain everything shortly," he assured them, striding purposefully toward a nearby table adorned with a cauldron filled with a sparkling blue substance. His movements were deliberate and measured, invoking a sense of urgency tempered with caution.

"Now, grab a handful of that dust," Yovar instructed, pointing to the cauldron, before walking over to a nearby bookshelf and placing his wand on an empty stand, prompting the twins to exchange puzzled glances.

"What you're holding is Nightdust," Yovar elucidated, gesturing to the cauldron. "It was specifically brewed by your mother for this very purpose. It helps locate your wand easily, bypassing the need to try each one."

Gellert, bewildered, blurted out, "But potions are supposed to be liquids, aren't they?"

Yovar nodded. "Yes, usually they are liquids and need ingestion to take effect. However," he fixed a serious gaze on them, emphasizing his point. "We're wizards." He pointed at each of them to emphasize the significance. "We bend the rules that aren't meant to be bent." His words were deliberate and purposeful. "Now," Yovar turned back to the bookshelves lined with wands and cases.

Unexpectedly, a knife materialized in Yovar's hand, startling one of the twins.

"Storage space?" Kaiser pondered in shock, taken aback by the sudden appearance of the blade. While he hadn't sensed any magic, his limited understanding from the Harry Potter movies suggested that it was an incredible feat, something only powerful wizards could achieve. Kaiser couldn't fathom the level of practice and understanding required to accomplish such a feat.

He followed the knife's movement as Yovar made a slight cut on his palm, releasing the Nightdust into the air. The particles swirled, deepening their shade of blue as they enveloped Yovar's wand entirely. "Simple, right?" Yovar smirked, observing the twins' fascinated expressions.