4 Spawn meets Amazonian Warrior

Alvin opens his eyes and looks around to see that it was morning. He got up but pain shot through his body and he held his sides. He looks down to see that he's covered in bandages. He heard the door open up because it is completely old and he saw it was Cagliostro was walking into the room with a bowl of water. He smiles to see that Alvin was awake.

"I see that you manage to pull through," Cagliostro said.

"What the hell happen?" Alvin asked.

"Well, the Lord of Order attack you last night," Cagliostro told him.

It took about a couple of minutes for Alvin to figure out that he was attacked by Doctor Fate.

"WHAT!" Alvin yelled.

Cagliostro places the cold rag on some of Alvin's wounds. He was using his unholy energy to counteract the Holy energy that was preventing Alvin to heal himself. He saw that the wounds were starting to close thanks to unholy energy. Alvin was looking down at the wounds. He uses his spawn eyes to see that some of the Holy energy was starting to fade.

"Yes, that was supreme sorcerer Doctor Fate. He's one of the Lord of Order that answers to Heaven on dealing with Hellspawns like us. We can't withstand the holy magic or artifacts." Cagliostro said.

"So, what are we going to do?" Alvin asked.

Cagliostro stroke his beard to think for a moment and he knew that he has no knowledge to handle the Holy magic users and those that have holy artifacts. He knew that they both were going to come up with a plan to destroy the artifacts.

"Well, I can't help to defend against Holy magic or artifact. I manage to cleanse your body with Unholy magic from my books of spells. I don't know how to counteract the artifact." Cagliostro said.

"I know that we need to go our separate ways. If they might target to get to me, but I know that you have worked hard to stop out of trouble." Alvin said.

He was looking at Alvin because he knew that Alvin was concern about him. He just smiles at the poor boy. Alvin begins to unwrapped the bandages to see that some of his major wounds had closed up and heal. Some of the minor wounds were taken a lot longer. He manages to get himself some new clothes for him to wear while he went to get himself some food yesterday. He put a black wifebeater over his wounds and then he put on a black t-shirt.

"Well, look like this is it. I want to thank you for teaching me how to control my powers." Alvin said.

He extends his hands to Cagliostro.

"It's a pleasure to have a student that wanted to learn. Know this, the lord of Order is watching your every move. Try not to kill innocent people. I know that Jason Wynn and Jessica Priest were the ones that ruin your father's good name. I can't protect from their wrath." Cagliostro warned him.

He shook Alvin's hand which Alvin nods his head and he exited the church. Cagliostro was looking at the new change Spawn. He just sighs to see that he had just let go of a potential student. His smile turned into a worried frown. Hades was standing next to him.

'He has managed to stand his ground against one of the Lord of Order." Cagliostro said, putting his hat on his head. "I just concern that they will try to attack him again. Will you protect them from their wrath?"

"I will have my familiars to watch over him. They will let me know if they will strike." Hades reassure him. "He has a rebellious now. He wants to get rid of the villains that have made the world suffer. He still going to kill the Joker."

"I know. That clown has been living for far too long. He killed an innocent child was the last straw. I myself thought about killing him but look at me now. I am too old for this battle." Cagliostro said.

==== Alvin ====

Alvin was walking down the street of Detroit. He knew that this was going to be a peaceful walk until a black car pulls up to him. Then three armed guards came out and try to grab him. He put up a good fight against them. He flips one of them on his back and he did a double kick to two more guards. He was looking around for a moment and he was greeted by a dart which knocking him unconscious. The guards start to carry him to the car. Then the car drove off out of Detroit.

=== Metropolis, Global Tech ====

The car arrives in Metropolis and it parked in front of Global Tech which the guards start to carry him inside of the building. They brought him to Sean's office and they place him on the couch. The guards were rubbing their bruises that Alvin had given them. They knew that they weren't dealing with an original man. Sean had some chemical that can negate the effect of the drug that took Alvin down. Alvin took a sniff and starts to wake up. His vision was coming into focus again to see that he was in a building. He looks over at Sean and he jumps for a moment because he was abducted.

"Whoa, relax man," Sean said.

"Where the hell am I?" Alvin said.

Sean was looking at Alvin for a moment and looking at his tablet to look at the blood match results. Alvin was looking at him for a moment and he knew something wasn't right.

"It can't be right. You're supposed to be my dead best friend, Albert Simmons Jr." Sean said.

Alvin gave him a sad look because he knew that they have been friends for years. He got up and was about to leave but a knife stops him in his tracks. Alvin turned his head towards Sean. Then Sean throws another knife at him but the cape appears to protect its master from harm.

"Just tell me the truth, Al. Are you alive?" Sean said.

Alvin just sighs and turn to face him.

"How did you know it's was me?" Alvin said.

"You left a blood trail behind when you took off with Jason," Sean said.

Alvin sat back down and sigh one more time. He was looking at his best friend who was rubbing his temple. He was trying to come to terms because he was happy on the inside. Alvin stood up for a moment, but he got sucker punch by Sean. He was holding his face because he felt a powerful right hook. Sean was holding his old hand and gently rub it.

"God damn! What the hell are you made up a stone? That hurt." Sean whine.

"Well, that must be my power. I am not a normal man anymore." Alvin said.

"I'll say. I think that some of the bones are mess up." Sean said.

Alvin examined Sean's hand with his vision to see any broken bones. He saw that there weren't any that was too serious. Sean looks at him because he was impressed with his powers.

"Well, it's just a sprang. Just don't try using that hand for a while until it heals." Alvin said.

"So, tell what the hell happen to you," Sean said.

"Well, it's a long story," Alvin said.

Then there was a knock at the door which Alvin hide behind something and the cape turn him invisible. Sean was shocked to see that Alvin was gone and he walked over to the door. He opens the door to see that it was Anna and he let her in his office. She was looking around to see Sean was alone in his office.

"Where's the person that looks like Al?" Anna said.

Sean was looking around to find Alvin and he opens the drawer of his desk. He grabs a device that he create when they were younger. He was looking around to find Alvin. He pointed around to see that energy signature.

"You can come out now, Al," Sean said.

Then Alvin appeared out of nowhere which spooks Anna. She was looking at him for a moment. She walked up to him and place her hand on his face. She smiles for a moment which Alvin was smiling. But suddenly, Anna hit him upside the head with a socket wrench.

"OWWWWWWWW! What the HELL girl!" Alvin yelled.

"That's for not calling us to tell that you were alive," Anna said.

She tried to hit him again, but he ducks and raises his hands in defense. Then his bruises were disappearing.

"Whoa, I didn't want to open old wounds. I was dead for three years and I was assuming that you all have moved on with your lives." Alvin said.

"Well, that's why I am even more piss at you, Albert," Anna said.

Sean just chuckles and walked up to her stop her. Alvin was looking at the both of them and he raises a brow at the both of them. He watches as Sean gently rub Anna's hand which she looks at him.

"Well, well, well, I guess that those three years means that you guys had hit the sheets." Alvin teases.

They both were blushing at his statement which they both let go of each other's hands and he was looking at him.

"What the FUCK MAN!" Sean said.

"Even if we did, it's none of your business," Anna said.

Alvin just chuckles as he was about to take his leave.

"Hold it," Sean said.

Alvin turns around for a moment and he caught something. He opens his hand to see a pair of keys. He looked up at his best friend with a raised eyebrow look. Anna just smiles at him because she hugs him.

"Well, Anna thought that you might need a place of your own. I don't want my friend to live on the street." Sean said.

He handed him a map with a street address and they both start to do their handshake. Alvin starts to leave and he took the elevator to head back down to the lobby. He hails a tax and his hand the cab driver the address. The cab starts to drive off to Alvin's new home.

=== elsewhere ====

Wonder Woman was helping her fellow heroes to take down a giant woman with red and she was wearing a pink dress and some of the villains. She was looking at the big woman which she knew it was pointless for her to battle this woman.

"Give it up Giganta. I know that you can't win against us." Wonder Woman said.

"Like hell, I will," Giganta said.

She tries to hit her but Wonder Woman gave the poor girl a right and left a hook to the face which knocked her out. After the battle, the police arrest her and her colleagues. Wonder Woman just sighs for a moment but she felt something on her bracelets. She was looking at it to see it was a mark of a Hellspawn.

"It can't be. I just thought that it was a myth." Wonder Woman said.

Batman walks over her which she covered her bracelets.

"Are you alright, Diana," Batman said.

"I am fine. I am going to head back to the watchtower." Wonder Woman said.

She flew to a place for the watchtower beam back up. In space, is a base called the watchtower which it a home for every superhero in the world? She was looking around for a moment to make sure that no one was in earshot when she calls her mother on Paradise Island.

"Mother," Diana called.

Then an image of a woman that looks like a ruler of Paradise Island. She had long blonde hair and she was dress in a white Amazonian attire. Her name is Hippolyta and she is the mother of Wonder Woman.

"What is it, Diana?" Hippolyta asked.

"Mother, could you tell me about this strange mark on my bracelets," Diana said.

She presented her mother the mark of the Hellspawn on her bracelets which Hippolyta's eyes widen when she saw the symbol on her daughter's bracelets. She knew that it was too long of quiet for the world. She had fought the Hellspawns before the Amazonian found the island.

"Remember me telling you the tale about the Amazonian warrior fight the Hellspawn?" Hippolyta asked.

"Yes, I just thought that it just a myth. So, you're telling me that it's all true?" Diana said.

"Yes. And I am the Amazonian warrior." Hippolyta told her.

Diana's eyes widen to hear the woman in the story that her mother told her was actually her.

"Why are telling all of this?" Diana asked.

"Well, I want you to live up to your main purpose. I want you to find and kill this new Hellspawn before he invades the land of Heaven and kills all that live there."Hippolyta said.

Diana nods her head and she had ended the call. She heads towards the hangar bay to take a ship and flew back down to Earth. She knew that this was her true mission. She knew that this was going to fulfill the wishes of her mother.

=== Alvin ===

The cab had arrived at a house that looks like a mansion. He got out of the cab and hand the driver the money. He was walking toward the door and unlock it. Once the door opens up, he blushes at the sight of a pale skin woman which black hair and she is naked. She was checking around the house and he was looking at her bags.

"Um," Alvin said.

"Oh. I didn't expect you to arrive early."

He was blushing and he looks down to see that his penis was bulging in his pants and he uses his bag to hide it. The woman just giggles and she played with her breast which she was teasing him.

"What? You've never seen a beautiful woman naked before?"

"Well, on Webcam, and on porn sites," Alvin told her.

She just giggles and she grabs the last of her stuff. She had a little tube and she easy let it dripped on her stuff. Then her stuff starts to shrink it to the palm of her hand. She picked it up and she walks towards Alvin which handed him a form. She kissed him on the cheek.

"Sean wants you to sign this to make it official."

"Okay," Alvin said.

He took the form out of the girl's hand and walk over to the table. He signed his name on the form. Then he hands it back to the woman as she walked out the door. Alvin raises an eyebrow because he just realizes that the woman had just left the house butt naked. He ran outside to see her in a car and drove off. He scratches his head for a moment. He heard the sound of a ring which he walks back inside and he closed the door. He grabs the remote to answer the call on the television. Then the image of Sean in his office appeared on the screen.

"Hey, how is the place? I know that you had experience one of my girls naked." Sean said.

"Well, that was not what I've expected to see," Alvin said.

"Oh please. I didn't hear you complaining when you were alive when I brought girls home naked," Sean said.

Alvin was looking through the refrigerator to get something to drink. He popped open a can of orange soda and he walks back to the television.

"Well, that was because you brought home cougars. Remember principal, Johnson. She was in her thirties." Alvin said.

Sean just chuckles and he makes clear his throat.

"Well, let me give you a tour of the place," Sean said.

The television starts to move which Alvin starts to follow after the television. Sean was showing his best friend the layout of the place. He has shown Alvin the indoors and outdoors pool, the hot tub, gym room, indoor basketball court, basement fill with a built-in bar, lots of bedrooms, garage, and the escape passages. Alvin was amazed to see that this place has everything that he needs.

"Wow. This place has everything." Alvin said.

"Yeah. Everything is yours including the money in the vault." Sean told him.

"Oh, okay," Alvin said.

He picks up his bag and leaves the room. He went into one of the rooms to get settled in for the night.




He came back as fast as he could and came face to face in front of the television.

"SAY WHAT!" Alvin yelled.

"Well, since you are back into the world of the living, your bank account has been clear out because of your death. My company has been making some large amount of money from all of the invention and new tech. I knew that some bank couldn't hold all of my money. So, I have built four houses to store all of my money. I know that you might need to look for a job to get money." Sean said.

Alvin looks at him for a moment because he knew that his bank account would be clear out when he died. Then he just smirks for a moment.

"Thanks, but you didn't have to do that," Alvin said.

"Have to, no. Wanted to, yes. And besides, you are my best friend and I want you to have it to get back on your feet since you die. Don't make me beg." Sean said.

Alvin just chuckles to himself because he knew that he could never resist Sean's offers.

"Well, alright. If you wanted me to have, then I will take it." Alvin said.

"Alright, I thought that I have to beg. Before I go, it's good to have you back Albert." Sean said.

"Thanks, but you might need to call me Alvin when we're out in public. I am trying to stay out of social media." Alvin said.

"Okay. Trying to avoid the panic and the media. I have to go, one of my girls is in need of attention. I check in on you soon. See ya, pal." Sean said.

The television turned off and its move back over to the wall. He grabs his bags head towards one of the rooms to get some rest. He turned off the lights and he flops on to the bed. He closed his eyes and he was enjoying the comfortableness of a real bed again. Then he drifted off to dreamland. Outside of the house, there was a ship that was parking in midair. Wonder woman presses the autopilot and unbuckles her seatbelt. She walks over to the ramp to see as it lower. She flew down to the ground and she had land in front of the house. She was looking at her bracelets to see that mark glow brighter.

"It looks like I am in the right place." Wonder Woman said.

She was about to walk towards the house, but she stops for a moment because she felt the presence of two people in white cloaks. She was about to reach for her lasso. The two hood figures walk towards her and kneel down before her. Wonder Woman raises a brow in confusion. The hood figure offers her a wrapped artifact which Wonder Woman took it. She unwrapped it and she saw that it was a sword. Wonder Woman could tell they were females just looking the both of them.

"It's been on even terms with the Hellspawn. He has a sword of his own that can change its shape from just a thought. This sword has been forged to kill Hellspawn."

"Thank you, sisters. I will fulfill the duty for heaven." Wonder Woman said.

They both bows to Wonder Woman and they turn to take their leave. One of the hood figures turns her head.

"Walk with God, dear sister."

They both start walking as they disappear into the mist. Wonder Woman looks at the sword and unsheathed it to see that it was craft perfectly. She could feel the power of God's holy might infuse with the sword. She sheathed the sword back up as she walks towards the house and she uses her Amazonian strength to break the doorknob. She was looking around to see that there was nothing. She walked inside the house and the mark on the bracelet was glowing even brighter. She flew in the house until she came into the bedrooms. She saw a man sleep on the bed and she looks at her bracelet one more time to see the mark glow as she pointed it at sleep man.

"So, he's a Hellspawn. Of course, men are just evil as ever." Wonder Woman said.

She quietly walks into the room until she made it to the bedsides. She down at the young man who was sleeping peacefully. She unsheathed the sword and she was about to kill a Hellspawn in his sleep. She brought the sword down, but Alvin's eyes shot open because he senses the power of Holy artifact and him dodge which the bed was destroyed in the process. He was looking at Wonder Woman, but her beauty reflects from the moonlight.

"I take it that you're here to kill me," Alvin said.

"You're smart for a Hellspawn." Wonder Woman said.

Alvin just smirks as he did a quick spin to transform into his Spawn armor. He was looking at Wonder Woman. He summons his sword and Wonders Woman ready her stances. They both were squaring up which both of them were waiting for one of them to make a move. Then Spawn was the first to make the move and he uses his chains to get away from her. Wonder Woman starts her pursuit which Spawn knew that he just got the house and he wasn't going to let anyone ruin it. He leads her outside and he was looking at her which Wonder Woman look at him with confusion in her eyes.

"Why move out here?" Wonder Woman asked.

"I just got the house and I don't want to ruin it for the first day." Spawn answered.

"Why do you want a house if you're the servant of Hell?" Wonder Woman asked.

She charges at him and she swung the holy sword but Spawn block it. She put pressure but he was evenly matched in strength. The sword glow in bright light which it was putting more pressure on Spawn's sword.

"First of all, I am no one's fucking servant. And second, I kill Malebolgia and his fat ass sorry excuse of a lieutenant." Spawn told her.

"I was told that you Hellspawns are master of deceptions. So, your tricks will not work on me, friend." Wonder Woman said.

Spawn push her back to knock her off balance and his sword changes its shape as it transformed into a whip. He tosses it at her leg and pulls it out from under her. Wonder Woman was about to get back up, but Spawn had his blade pointed at her throat. He narrows his eyes to his attacker which he senses something was near. He was looking around until he saw something. He removes his sword away from Wonder Woman's throat.

"Why spare me?" Wonder Woman asked.

"Shhh. I sense something." Spawn told her.

He was looking around until he heard a thump and he places his hand on the ground to feel it vibrate. Then suddenly, something hit him which he crashed into a tree. He was looking around to see what hit him but he didn't have time to react because he was hit once again. Wonder Woman ready her sword to find the attacker.

"What is going on?" Wonder Woman asked.

"I don't know but something is here and it ain't happy." Spawn told her.

Wonder Woman took a step towards Spawn but she was knocked back. She wiped her lip because she could feel the power of the attack. Spawn was using his chain to find the attacker, but something grabs hold of his chains. He was pulled and knock into Wonder Woman. He lands on top of her and he was looking down at her. She was looking at him with wide eyes which Spawn avoid her eyes because he knew that this was an accident.

"Sorry." Spawn said.

He got off of her and help her up. They both stood back to back. They both had their swords into their hands. They were looking around and Spawn cut the ground to send dirt into the air. The dirt land on something, but it was invisible. Then there was a loud roar.

"An invisible monster." Wonder Woman said.

"Well, that you don't see every day." Spawn said.

The invisible creature knocked Wonder the ground and Spawn swung his sword but he missed. He was looking around to figure out how to take the creature out or make it visible. The invisible monster grabs Spawn and flung him around like a rag doll. Spawn was trying to find the creature until his eyes had changed from green to purple. He was looking at the creature which he saw that it was about to eat his head. He put his hands in front of the creature's signature. Wonder woman got back to her feet and she was looking at him to see that he was having trouble. She just stood there because she was weighing her options.

"What should I do? I mean what do I care about a Hellspawn because they're a blight to this world and Heaven. I am to let them both kill each other." Wonder Woman thoughts.

Spawn was struggling with the creature, but he felt the creature's teeth pierce his neck which Spawn let out a loud scream. Wonder Woman was seeing a large green essence coming out of Spawn's neck. The two hood figures were looking at the fight from afar distance.

"Hmmm... She is hesitating."

"Let's see what will you do, daughter of Hippolyta."

They were watching to see what will Wonder Woman will do next. Spawn was trying his best to keep the creature was biting his head off. He was losing his strength as the creature's teeth start to sinks in. Wonder Woman closes her eyes as she just hears Spawn scream out in pain. Then after a few seconds, her eyes shot open and she grabs the holy sword and charges at the creature. She stabs it in the back which the creature shriek in pain. It made itself visible for the both of them and it looked at Wonder Woman. She readies herself for a fight with the holy sword which she knew that this was going to be a challenge for her. The creature uses its sharp edge tail to take a strike at Wonder Woman. The attack had made contact which Wonder Woman was gravely wounded and her attire was on the verge of showing her body.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, this is the best you can do? No wonder you were able to take our master Malebolgia."

The creature was about to kill Wonder Woman with his sharp edge of its tail. Spawn knew that he had to save her and he uses what little strength he had left to summons a chain in his left hand. He shoots it at the hilt of his sword and he tossed at creature's tail. The sword cut off the creature's tail clean off which Wonder Woman's eyes widen to see that Spawn had just saved her life. The monster just roars in pain as it drops Spawn to ground. It was looking at its tail and it was upset that it was cut off. Spawn couldn't move because the monster had tried to bite his head off which some of his essences leak out of him.

"I guess that I have to deal with you than the other one."

The monster was walking towards Spawn like a predator stalking on a wounded prey. Wonder Woman knew that she was indebted to Spawn which she knew that it wouldn't go unpaid. She tries to get back to her feet and picks up the Holy sword. She noticed Spawn's sword and she walks over to it. She reaches for it and when she touches the hilt, the hilt starts to burn her left hand. She winces in pain because of the power of Spawn's sword. Once she pulled it from the ground, power spike from the sword and Wonder Woman was looking down at her wound to see that it was closed and heal completely.

"Is this the power of the Hellspawn's sword?" Wonder Woman thoughts.

The sword starts to catch on fire which Wonder Woman just smirk. She looks at the monster that had picked up Spawn from the ground. It was about to eat his head, but Wonder Woman begins to run towards the beast. The sword starts to change her attire into the armor of hell. Her hair was float like it was on fire like Fury one of the Four Horsemen. (I can't describe her new armor because I want it to fit the description of Fury from Dark siders 3). Once she got close, she swung both swords into an X formation which she cut the monster's head off. She was looking at the dead monster. She caught Spawn and places him on the ground gently. She uses the power of his sword to give back his essence to close the hole in his neck. The two figures look at the site and they both nod their heads in agreement.

"She had protected the Hellspawn."

"He spoke the truth about Malebolgia's death. Let's see if he can find a place as the servant of Heaven."

"You're right. More and more of Malebolgia's supporters are escaping from hell to seek their revenge on Albert."

They both had left in a massive fog. Spawn open his eyes to see Wonder Woman back to her normal self. He shot up and scooted back in fear and look down to see that he was cover in bandages. He was looking at her with a confused look on his face.

"Why did you help me? I thought that you came to kill me." Spawn said.

Wonder Woman just smiles at him and giggle to herself. She was looking at him for a moment and she got up. She offers her hand to him which he just sighs as he took her hand. She helps him to his feet which she watched as the armor starts to disappear. She was looking at Alvin, but he was blushing because he was looking at Wonder Woman. She starts to float away but he grabs her hand and she looks at him with a confused look on her face.

"Thanks. You didn't have to save me, but you did." Alvin said.

"It's my pleasure... um" Wonder Woman said.

"Alvin. Alvin Satan." Alvin said.

"Diana," Diana said.

She flew off to her ship to head back to the Watchtower. Alvin was walking back inside his home. He forgot that the first bed in the house was destroyed. He moved into the other rooms to get some sleep for the rest of the night. He knew that he had to tell Sean about what happened.
