
Chapter 2 - A coincidence

A coincidence. He would go to the mansion at night, but the kid was right in front of him, here. This kid was one of the few he was going to save anyway. The kid was walking along the road, Vikky quickly caught up to him and tapped him on the back.

"What are you doing here all by yourself kid?" He asked

"My mom came here for shopping, see, she's right there." he pointed a finger at her.

"Is that your mother?"

"Yes, she is." The kid said

"You got to be with your mom kid, this is a really crowded place, you might get lost." Vikky said

Then he walked the kid near his mom, she was picking out some vegetables.

"Excuse me ma'am"

She turned around and faced Vikky.

"What is it?" She asked

"Don't go back to your house today ma'am." Vikky calmly said

"Why shouldn't I go? And why is my son with you?"

"Oh, your son was walking along the road, I just walked him up here, and about why you shouldn't go home today, it's basically because if you do, you'll be killed."

Suddenly, her expression changed, she was agitated now.

"Excuse me? What do you mean I'm going to be killed? Are you trying to scare me?"

"No ma'am, it's just a warning, a drunk man will attack your house at midnight today. He will kill you, your husband and your elder son, so please, it'd be great if you could inform your family about this and stay at a hotel or something today." He said

Her face didn't put out an emotion, or, maybe it seemed like that to Vikky, he isn't capable of processing emotions. He is an emotionless man.

"Security! Come here please, take care of this young man, he is threatening me that I'd die if I go home, I need your help" She suddenly yelled.

Soon, there was a huge crowd gathered around Vikky and the woman, and the security guards slowly started to pull him back. He was kicked out of the store, he just picked up his stuff and walked away.

He knew he wasn't lying, the bus stop murder proved it. Vikky could see the impending horrors of future through his dreams, he already saw one, but couldn't save the victim. It wasn't like he felt anything about not being able to save the victim, he just wanted to save this kid if possible, again if it wasn't possible, it wouldn't be much of a deal for him.

Some of the events from the dream had faded away from his memory, the last event he remembered was the elder son getting stabbed and the kid crying loudly.

1:33 AM. The man would be at the place at 1:33 AM.


It was 8 PM, Vikky's day in the office was done, he quickly drove home, had dinner and was ready to go to the kid's house.

The house was at the end of the Parkour Street as far as he could remember from the dream, if that wasn't the location of the house, there'd be nothing he could do, he warned the lady of the house, didn't he?

The drunk man would strike at 1:33 AM, he saw a clock in his dream, he was certain of the time.

The house was huge, the family was surely very rich. But Vikky was here 4 hours early, he stopped his car in front of the house. And he just sat there, waiting. When the time would come, he would stop the killer.

As the time passed on, Vikky started to feel sleepy, at this point he'd be sleeping at his house, but now he couldn't risk sleeping, even for a minute. He had to be alert all the time since some of the events from the dream faded from his memory.

He surely knew all the events when he just woke up, but now, they faded away. He could lose the little memories he had from the dream if he slept. And so, he was up.


It finally was 1:30 AM, the killer would be here in 3 more minutes.

1:31 AM, the road was still silent.

1:32 AM, there was a faint sound of footsteps

1:33 AM. The man.

He was here.

His eyes were very red, he was surely drunk.

As he walked past the car, Vikky saw a small, sharp knife tucked in his back pocket, it was time he got out of the car.

The man staggered towards the door and he started banging it very loudly. Vikky quickly got out of the car and quickly ran up to him.

He was to the right of the man, and he pushed him a bit, and the man fell down.

"Sir, you'll have to leave, you are causing a ruckus at such a time, you are clearly drunk and you have a knife, you'll do something horrible and I can't allow that to happen." Vikky said calmly

"Are you related to that family?" The man asked in a high pitched voice

"No, I am not, but I will still protect them" Vikky said

"Do whatever you want." said the man and he suddenly pushed Vikky hardly to the ground and he fell on a flower pot and it broke.

Vikky turned around to check his back there was a huge scratch on his back and he was bleeding, the pain was unbearable.

His fall must've caused a lot of sound and soon the lady of the house opened the door to check what the sound was and she caught a sight of the drunk man.

This time, her expression was clearly understandable, even for Vikky, her face showcased pure terror.

"Are you crazy!? Why are you here!?" The woman yelled at the man

The man started to charge at her with his knife, but she closed the door just in time.

"Tommy, don't come out of your room, you need to be locked in, keep your younger brother safe. Darling, we need to talk." The woman's voice was audible

All this time, Vikky was trying to get up, but he wasn't able to, the pain was too much for him.

The man quickly ran towards a window and he punched it hardly.

The window broke, the man's hand was bleeding, but he didn't stop, he started to get inside of the house.

The couple started to yell.

Vikky finally got up, he staggered up to the window and he saw the man charge at the husband and wife of the house, Vikky needed to do something quickly.

He ran behind the man and pushed him towards his left. The man fell on the dining table.

"You again? Do you want to be killed?" The man started charging at Vikky with the knife.

Vikky calmly stood there, here was a man coming at him with a knife to kill him and yet, there wasn't anything he could feel. He just wanted to protect this family, that's it. Even a person like him wouldn't leave someone to die.

The man approached Vikky and just before he could swing his knife, Vikky grabbed the killer's hand and twisted a bit with his right hand, then with his other hand, he tried to grab the knife. It was hard, the man wasn't giving up, the man was struggling and kicking Vikky to be free, and after a minute or two, Vikky finally grabbed the knife from him and pushed him down.

"Sir, call the police." Vikky calmly said while not allowing the man to break free.

He slowly made a scratch on the man's back with the knife.

The man was yelling, he was crying with pain.

"You did the same to me, feel the pain." Vikky said calmly.

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