

Unfamiliar people surrounded Luxa, Howard, and Hazard. The bushes rustled. An entire platoon streamed out and surrounded the trio.

"I don't like this," Howard said nervously and drew his sword. Luxa followed suit.

The leader of the group rode forward and disarmed Howard in a flash. His sword clattered on the ground. Seeing this, Luxa lowered her weapon. Their leader was wearing black war paint on her face, and so was her army. Hazard gulped. He had read about a group of Regialian Radicals that fled Regalia. In the book he read (The Regalian Revolution), they were sentenced to be killed for a coup against one of the former Kings and Queens.

"Come with us," their leader ordered in a cold, hard voice. Hazard ran through some options in his head. They were all terrible.

None of the trio moved. In a flash, the leader rendered Howard unconscious. He dropped to the ground, not moving at all. Luxa glared up at the commander with spite but followed the commander. Luxa picked up Howard and motioned Hazard to come with her.

Suddenly, someone bound Hazard's hands. They did the same to Luxa and Howard, even though he was still unconscious.

They were prisoners.

Gregor woke up. Where was he? Around him were moist, stone walls, and a passageway that was blocked by a door. There was a ton of random items strewn everywhere, and a pile of them to his right. The only light came from a couple of torches on the side of the cave. Next to him was a bowl of soup and a slice of bread. Gregor hadn't eaten for a couple of days and wolfed down the food. With his hunger gone and his head cleared, he could take a good look around. Tapestries hung around, and he was sleeping on a bedroll made out of... What type of fur was that? It looked like a Bearskin, but Gregor wasn't sure if there were bears in the Underland. He got up and tried the door. It was locked. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Gregor yelled and tried to force it open, but he was too weak.

Gregor started finding a way to escape.

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