
Greg Ruben's Overdriven Sexual Simulator

Warning: This book is meant to be twisted and demented and filled with sex, if you can't handle it, don't read it. It will have torture, rape, murder, gore, and many other dark themes. If you are feint of heart, you cannot handle this. Greg Ruben, an unknown genius had developed the perfect AI, a form of sentient intelligence that operated within specific parameters. Out of curiosity, he merged the new AI with a passion project of his, a full-dive smut game that he had developed in his spare time.

Inker · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: King

'I didn't expect to just get thrust into this without any lore... I have no clue what's going on...' Daniel thought to himself as he sat up.

"We also have a few queen candidates lined up. If you choose one but still want other women, I am certain they will do well as concubines." The maid continued. "Ah, and your coronation is in the afternoon. It is regrettable that you must take up this responsibility despite being so young, however, our late king would certainly be proud to have you as his successor." The maid added as memories flooded Daniel's head.

'Ah, I see... So this world isn't Earth, but rather a different world. The orcs seem to be similar to the Mongols from Earth, taking over a large swath of land. The adventurers guild has been employed recently to assist in the fight alongside the soldiers against the raging orcish horde.' Daniel thought as he organized his thoughts.

'And about the queen issue, apparently, the previous king was rather picky about the betrothal, so my current self is not engaged, the previous king also died recently in a hunting accident. I am also still sixteen.' He finished the organizing of current events.

"Your highness, your breakfast will get cold if you do not leave your bed. Is something on your mind?" The maid asked, snapping Daniel back to what can be deemed as reality, although it is virtual.

"Right." He said as he stood up. The maid looked to the floor.

"We will ready your coronation outfit immediately, in the meantime, breakfast is prepared." The maid said with a slight bow before leaving. After the maid left, Daniel went to the dining room, navigating the castle as if he had lived there his entire life.

'This is rather amazing... I can taste, smell, and feel the food. Everything is realistic, it's simply amazing.' Daniel thought to himself as he ate the food before him. After he was done with breakfast, he began taking a bath and is being cleaned by several maids. 'I could get used to this, but... I kind of wish they were naked.' He thought to himself as he looked around the edge of the large bath.

"Is something on your mind, master?" The maid who is cleaning his arm asked.

"I want the maids in here to be naked if I am taking a bath. I also want each of you to clean me with your bodies." He said. The maid blushed slightly.

"Yes, master." She said as she stood up and informed another maid. She then stripped and entered the bath. Daniel stood up, then sat on the edge of the bath, revealing his dick, which is hard. The maid looked away slightly. "Is something the matter, master?" She asked with blush all over her face.

"Clean it with your mouth." He said. The maid looked shocked as she glanced at his penis.

"Of course, master." She said as she slowly walked closer, drawing her eyes closer to his member. Eventually, she put her hand on it and prepared herself to take the dick into her mouth. She took a deep breath, as she opened her mouth and put her lips on the tip.

She slowly slid it into her mouth but was unable to fit the whole thing. 'This feels quite good. I wonder if it feels the same in real life...' He thought as he observed the woman before him who is in the nude. Her breasts are c cup and her nipples are pink. Her skin is rather pale and her figure is thin.

She moved back and forth on the part she could fit it into and did her best to pleasure her master. Every time she moved her mouth over his member, about four inches would go inter her mouth, leaving three out.

As the maid continued to give him a blowjob, Daniel took the soap she had before getting in and began washing her hair. She appeared to be shocked but did not stop what she was doing. "Don't worry. I'm just rewarding your service." Daniel said as he massaged her scalp with the soap.

After a few moments, her hair was completely soaped up, and daniel began to soap up her breasts. She stopped for a moment and pulled her head back. "Master, my body is unfit for one as high as you, I am unsure as to what you see, but others may talk if you go any further." She said as she looked to the water in front of Daniel.

Daniel sighed as he pushed her lightly around the middle of her chest. He entered into the water as she stepped back. "Lay down a bit, I need to rinse your hair." He said blandly as he broke her balance and kept her above the water.

"B-but master..." She said shakily as Daniel began to rinse her hair. Once he was finished, he placed her back into a standing position. Once she was in a standing position, he pushed on her back and drove her to the edge.

"Put your hands on the edge." He said as he grabbed her hips.

"Y-yes, master!" She said hesitantly as Daniel angled his penis to enter her vaginal cavity. She closed her eyes as hard as she could as she put her hands on the edge of the bath. Quickly, as she did this, Daniel plunged into the woman.

At the moment that he entered into the woman, a moan escaped her mouth, drawing the attention of the other maids, who, at this point, were also naked, exposing all of their parts. He began to move, entering and exiting the maid constantly, causing her to moan more.

"M-master! This is hardly appropriate, only a noble lady's part could be honorable enough for your... Your..." She paused.

"My what?" Daniel asked as he pushed deeper into the maid.

"Your... Royal stick..." She said embarrassedly. As he fucked the girl, a notification appeared in his vision.

'Warning: Although you are playing God mode, there are exceptions to the 'everyone will have sex with you' rule. They are primarily extraordinarily powerful beings such as heroes, demon lords, demon lord generals, and gods/goddesses. Again, there are also a few highly willful weak creatures who will also resist unless they actually want you, just a word of advice.' The notification read.

'Ah, that is useful to know.' He thought to himself as he continued to penetrate the girl he was inside. When he was feeling close to cumming, he pulled out and turned her around quickly, then sat on the edge of the bath. "Continue the cleaning from earlier, and remember to drink everything that comes out." He said as he sat on the edge.

The maid turned around again and was faced with his penis once more. Hesitantly, she obliged and began to suck him off again. Within only a few moments, he came and the maid began to drink it, only allowing a few droplets to go to waste.

"How wasteful... Do you think my royal seed is worth so little?" Daniel asked. The maid flinched as she began to shake with fear.

"N-no, your majesty. It is the only th-thing worth nearly as much as you." She said with a shaky voice as a tear went down her cheek. He put his hand on her head and she flinched, he then began to pet her lightly.

"Do better next time, then." He said lightly.

"Of course, your majesty!" She yelled as she began to cry.

"Go ahead and leave, someone else can take over your job for the day." He said lightly.

"Y-yes... Your majesty..." She said dejectedly through her tears as she exited the bath. A few moments later, a different maid took over for her. This one was a bit younger, around fifteen. Daniel had her use her D-cup chest and body to clean his and after a while was fully cleaned.

After being cleaned, he was dressed and waited until his coronation. After a while of waiting, his coronation began. He walked down the red-carpeted path in the church and stepped closer and closer to the podium, where his crown was held.

Next to the podium is a woman in papal clothing. 'Ah, I think that's the pope.' He thought to himself as he searched his new memories to see if he could remember her. 'I want her.' He thought as he approached the podium.

He walked next to it, then turned to face the audience, then the pope began to speak.

"It is both a glorious and woeful day. The day that a new king is to be crowned, and the day in the shadow of the previous king's death. King Darius Blaire left the kingdom in a precarious state before his tragic departure, but I am certain that he knew his son would be ready." The pope said with grandiose gestures.

"And to signify his readiness, I am here today to crown this prince king!" She said loudly with ambition. Daniel walked in front of the podium and kneeled as the pope took the crown from the podium and placed it on his head. "From now on, this man is King Daniel Blaire, King of Hartfrith, son of Darius Blaire." She said loudly with an authoritative tone. "King, rise and show your subjects your might!" She said as she took a step forward. Daniel stood and faced his subjects once more.

He moved his hand into the air and imagined a light appearing and a blue light suddenly appeared in his hands. He brought his hand down in front of his chest and looked at the light as its shape morphed into a sword.

After only a moment, it had been fashioned into a claymore with a scabbard (Sword not bomb). He used the in-built belt from the scabbard to place it on his hips. The crowd was stunned at the feat and the pope was shocked.

'Theoretically, this should help me solidify my place as king, but it may make some enemies.' He thought as he glanced at the pope.

"I will need to speak with you after this." The pope whispered into his ear. He nodded slightly.

"Today I take on the title of King! From today onward, I shall bear the responsibility and power that comes with it and our lands will prosper! Glory to Hartfrith, land of the prosperous!" He said with a grand aura. His words caused a good amount of cheers, though there are some who seem to think that this will only end poorly. After a short speech from the pope, a feast began and everyone ate, drank, and socialized, ensuring to make their rounds greeting the new king.

In the evening, after the social event, the pope pulled Daniel aside and into a meeting room. At the center of the room is a coffee table. Next to the coffee table, on both of the long sides, are couches that are facing each other. They sat down, and a few seconds later, tea and snack were prepared for them by a maid.

Once everything was poured and prepared, the maid bowed and exited the room. "So, mind telling me what that trick you pulled during the coronation was?" She asked as she leaned back in her seat and crossed her legs as she placed her right arm on the back of the couch.

'I think it's safe to say that this woman is one of those that I can't just tell to have sex with me... Well, even so, it shouldn't be that difficult to progress from here.' Daniel thought to himself as he mimicked her posture, leaving out the crossed legs, instead, he widened his stance. "It was nothing more than a summoning of a magical tool. I had bought the sword recently and had it enchanted, though I did not expect to use it in such a grandiose way." Daniel said calmly as he gazed at the pope's figure.

She is a thin woman with C-cup breasts. Her robes accentuate her figure and show her curves quite well. He hair is a silverish blue and her eyes are purple. Her face is young, she looks to be around twenty, rather young for a pope.

"I see, so you didn't create it out of nothing, then?" She asked as she leaned forwards and grabbed a cookie from the coffee table.

"That would be correct." Daniel said lightly as the pope returned to her prior posture. "Ah, but I did just remember, I have a question for you, and since we've come here to chat, it seems like a good time." Daniel said.

"Speak it, if I deem you worthy of the answer, then you shall receive it." The pope said as she leaned her head onto her hand.

"I thank you for the opportunity." Daniel said as he put his ankle on his knee. "I was just curious as to how a young woman like yourself gained the title of pope, is all." Daniel said with false confidence.

Suddenly, the pope's expression grew angry. "You may be a king, but you have no right to question the line of succession of the pope." She said authoritatively. Daniel could feel a pressure of authority as she spoke.

"Alright, I get it. With a presence like that, it'd be hard to deny your rightful place. Just be careful not to get caught in any traps. People won't like that the pope is so young. And they will dislike the fact that it's a woman even more." Daniel said as he stood up. "Well, I should go check on my country's current forces and see how well we can handle the incoming invasion." He said as he stretched.

"I haven't dismissed you yet." The pope said as she emitted a heavier pressure than before.

'Wow, I'm not even scared. I assume that it has something to do with me being God or whatever.' Daniel thought as he began walking away. "You aren't the one who decides when I leave in my own country, religious puppet." He said as he left the room, leaving the pope seething with anger.

After leaving, he could hear the noise of shattering glass and porcelain.