
Greenfield: Dandelion

Fayrene was struggling with life in general. She feels like a dandelion floating where ever the wind blows. She wished she had something she liked with passion, something she can put her all into. One night she decided to drink her problems away. She met Skyler. He's a lead vocalist of a band. He was someone she wanted to be. Someone who has enough passion to chase his dreams and make it a reality.

wolfheart23 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 1

It was a long tiring day with so many things to do and so little time. I never thought I would think that 24 hours is not enough for one day.

After 2 weeks of overtime, the project is finally done, well, my part of the project, good luck testing team!

I walked/crawled out of the office and was deciding whether I want to eat first or just pass out on my bed. It's the weekend anyway. I can finally rest.

"You finally came out, Fay." Someone called.

I saw a guy leaning on a motorbike not too far from where I stood.

"Sky?" I said when I realized who it was.

"Glad that you still remember me. Seriously Fay, was it hard to leave a phone number with your name? It took me 3 months to find you again." Skyler complained.

"Was I that hard to find?" I asked unconsciously.

"I mean why were you looking for me?" I asked again when I realized what I just said.

"Yes, you were hard to find though some part of it was because of me. I got busy. Anyway, why was I looking for you? I want to invite you to dinner. Can I?" He asked.

I stared at him. I heard what he said but I can't comprehend it. Did he just say he was looking for me to ask me out? Why?

"Fay? Are you alright? Is now not a good time? You look really tired. Want me to send you home?" He asked when I did not reply for a long time.

"I'm really drained right now. I'm hungry." I said the only thing that's on my mind.

"Here. Let's go eat. I hope you don't mind eating fast food." He said as he handed me a helmet.

I looked at it and was wondering if I should go with him but then again I already slept with this guy hoping he would be interested in me too. You know what, I'm hungry and he's willing to feed me so he must be a good guy.

I took the helmet and took his offered ride. Our ride to the nearest fast food chain was as fast as I should have expected.

"We're here. I know I invited you to dinner and I swear, I did choose a nice restaurant and all but you look like you need to eat as soon as possible so I'll reserve that for another time." He said as he opened the door to let me in.

We both ordered our food and ate in silence. A comfortable silence for me but it seems like it's not for him.

"I'm sorry. I'm just really hungry and tired. I haven't even said thank you yet, right? Thank you." I said.

"It's okay. I came unannounced. " He replied.

"You didn't have my contact details." I said.

"I found your social media account. I could have left a message or something." He replied.

"Still thank you." I said.

I'm truly grateful. I didn't know how hungry I really was until I was eating my burger.

"You're a lifesaver." I told him.

"You're exaggerating." He replied.

"I was planning to go home and sleep if you hadn't showed up." I explained.

"I'm glad I could be of help." He said.

"So… why were you looking for me?" I asked when my hunger was satiated.

"I told you I'm a part of a band, right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Well, that talk we had before, gave me inspiration to write this single we released last month." He explained.

"Really? That's great. So you got out of your slump." I said.

"Yeah and that's thanks to you." He said.

"I'm not much of a help. I just listened to you." I replied.

"Remember you told me, you felt like floating without any direction like a dandelion? The song was about that. Ummm… would you… would you like to listen to it?" He asked nervously.

He looks cute asking me.

"Sure but first let's go somewhere else." I said as I stood up and dragged him out.

It felt weird being stared at by people. I wonder what's wrong with those people inside. Is that the first time they saw a haggard looking person? They don't have to stare.

"Let's go to the Blue Moon River." I said when we reached his motorbike.

"I don't know where that is." He replied shyly.

"You don't know? Are you not from here?" I asked.

"Ah… I'm actually from Country Y." He said.

"Oh really? What brought you here? Ah…let's talk when we reach the Blue Moon River. There are a lot of people staring at us. It's giving me the creeps. Or is there something on my face or something?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's just a pretty face." He replied and I rolled my eyes.

I gave him instructions on how to reach the Blue Moon River.

When we arrived, there were not many people. We found a bench to sit down and feel the cool air.

"So… you said you want me to listen to your song." I said.

"Yeah. I kinda want to hear your thoughts on it." He said as he took out his phone and handed me one of the earphones.

"I know nothing about musicality and stuff like that. I don't think there's anything I can say that would be helpful to you." I said.

"I just want to know if you like it or not." He replied.

Right. Stop overthinking, Fay.

He played the song and we listened to it together. I started tearing up by the middle of the song. The song just fits my mood right now. How it's telling me to be strong, how it's alright for me to keep on floating and that someday there's going to be an end and how I'll find somewhere I'll belong.

"Does crying mean it was good?" He asked.

"Yeah. It was really nice. I love it." I replied as I wiped my tears away.

"That's great. After all, I did write this with you in mind." He replied.

"Thanks. Where can I buy this single?" I asked.

"In all online music stores. Our band's name is Greenfield." He replied.

I searched for it and was shocked to find out that it's no.1 in the music chart. I got curious so I googled Greenfield band and was shocked to find out that they're considered as best rookie band of this year in country Y.

"You didn't tell me you're a popular singer." I said when I saw that.

"We just got popular because of this song though I hope we can make more music and reach more audiences. Ah but that's just my greed. " He said.

"You'll make it. Someday the whole world would be your stage. Aim high." I cheered him on.

"Thanks. That's nice to hear from my muse." He replied.

"Calling me your muse, isn't that a bit too much?" I asked.

"Nope. I wouldn't be able to write this song if it weren't for you. I would like to give you something in return but I don't really know what you would like." He said.

"You don't have to give anything. This song is already a gift for me." I replied.

"And if I insist on giving you something?" He asked.

"Hmmm… then a signed album." I replied and smiled at him.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yep. Someday, people will pay to line up just to get their album signed by you." I told him.

"I hope that will come true." He said shyly.

"It will. Believe in yourself. " I told him.

"Thanks. Now enough about me, how were you these past few months? You looked really tired, right now. What happened?" He asked.

"Ah, I got busy as you can see. I'm still working in the same company, nothing has really changed towards my sentiments on my company or my profession. I still feel like I'm floating towards nowhere." I replied sadly.

"I wish there's something I could do for you like you did for me." He replied.

"It's okay. You gave me a song, remember? By the way, what brings you here to country Z?" I asked.

"Hmmm… you?" He answered.

"No, seriously." I said.

"I'm serious. I came here to thank you and I wanted to see you again. I enjoyed talking to you. I wanted to be your friend first." He said.

I think I'm still very tired. Why am I not understanding what he was saying? So he came here to see me again and become my friend?

"I know we had a one night stand. I'm not ignoring that but I wanted to get to know you more as a friend and maybe as something more?" He asked nervously.

I stared at him. It seems like the more he talks the more I can't comprehend what he was saying.

"Ummm… Fay? Can't I be your friend at least?" He asked and I nodded.

"I think I need to be honest with you. I don't think my brain is comprehending what you're telling me right now. How long are you staying here? Where are you staying anyway?" I asked.

"Oh… ummm…I'll be here till Sunday. As for a place to stay, I haven't booked one yet. I went to your office after I got off the plane. I didn't want to miss you, in case you got off early." He explained.

"Ah… hmm… let's exchange numbers and if you don't mind it, you can stay in my place though there's no room service and you'll be sleeping on the sofa but if you don't mind you can stay." I suggested.

"Really? I mean I'm a guy and you know." He said nervously.

"I know. I've seen it. It's okay, it's your choice." I replied and he blushed.

"Then please take care of me this weekend." He replied.

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