
Push Up

The system that had been passive all this while had changed. The same being that only observed me as I made mistakes was now ready to take action.

Unlocking the true system had come with a rebranding as well. Cheap trick, but quite effective.

[Very well, Host. Let us make your place clear. Please tear some paper and roll it in a ball.]

I was having second thoughts about this guy already.

I tore off the pages from a notebook and crumpled them into a ball.

[Now, please put one on the top of your closet]

I did as he said. The top of the closet was too up high for me to reach, so I tossed it over.

[That is where established Authors stand. People who are focused more on the business aspect of writing than the writing part itself]

"Business aspect?"

[We'll learn that eventually, now let's move to the next one.]

I placed the next paper ball inside the closet, at eye level from the ground up.

[This high is where Authors who are earning a good amount of money stand. Maybe one of their novels ends up a hit, or maybe they have stuck with the craft long enough that it earns them a lot. It is unfortunate, but a large number of people who reach here stop here.]

"Because they lack skill?"

[Because they lack passion. Next, put one on your table.]

My table reached a little above my waist.

[This is where authors who have just started to make money stand. Two things happen, they either make some, and then see a dip in their earnings just to give up, or they don't see an increase in their earnings just to give up. Many give up even if the increase in earnings is slow. Once again, a lot of them don't make it past this phase. A liberal estimate, I'd say 90% of people who reach this stage always stay here. ]

"Is that so…"

[Next one on your bed.]

It reached a bit above my knees. I tossed the paper ball over.

[These are the guys who start and stick around for a few months. Ones that have potential. Of course, whether they act on it or not depends on them]

"Where next?"

[The floor.]

I tossed the paper ball and wore a smile. "This is the people just starting out? From the millions of people who wish to become authors, barely any reach this place, let alone go further."

[You get it. Inaction is death, but action doesn't make it easy to climb alone. You need multiple factors to work in tandem. Now, pick up a last paper and open your window.]

The floor was where I was supposed to be. I wondered why the window, the system might ask me to toss it at the sky and say 'The sky is where you need to go.' How cringe.

I held in a laugh and pulled the window open.

Our house was on the first level and the studio on the lowest. I had a good view of the slightly busy road at the side of our house.

[Toss it as far as you can.]

"You want me to litter the street?" I asked, grinning. "I can see the sky just good enough—"

[Toss it.]

The paper made an arc through the air and flew straight ahead. It went past the walls of my home and straight to the street. The paper ball fell on the ground, in front of someone stuck on their phone.

[That right there is where you are, host! All the way on the fucking streets]

"What!? Excuse me? Rude much?"

[You are nothing but a crumpled piece of paper on the side of the road. That is where you stand. Your path is going to be much more difficult]

Right then, that same person stepped on the ball of paper and walked past.

He stomped on me…

[Don't worry, you have the greatest teacher this world could hope for.]

"I have serious doubts about that."

[You're in good hands. Don't worry.]


I picked the trash up and returned to my room.

[What do you think is the most important for an author, host?]

"Writing a lot?" I asked, fiddling with a pen in my hands and a book in front of me.

[Nope. It is reading a lot. If writing is your exercise, then reading is your food. Your muscles need nutrition.]

"I see, that makes sense."

[So, on that note, do a pushup.]

I narrowed my eyes and glared at the system window.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

It's not that I couldn't do pushups, but I disliked exerting myself.

[It's just one. Do it.]

"Argh, what a hassle."

Was all this for becoming a webnovel author?

I got on the ground and pushed myself down.

[Your form is terrible, your arms are like noodles]

"I am pretty strong despite how I look"

[That's what everyone your age believes, host.]

I went down and came back up, heaving out a giant sigh along with it. It was a useless waste of energy, my head was slightly light after this.

"Is this for webnovels? I thought we'd be doing something more interesting. Maybe you could summon some amazing authors' spirits and get me their cheats?"

[There are no cheats.]

"Well, a pushup isn't going to change anything."

The system seemed to be scoffing from the other side.

[It took you almost seventeen years to become who you are now, how can five minutes completely flip it over?]

I pursed my lips at his words.

Wasn't change supposed to be stark and sudden? While that thought entered my mind, I realized that wasn't the case. A month back, I did not think much of webnovels, and now I wanted to write them with all my heart.

It wasn't a sudden change.

[Just watch. This push-up will change everything]

Can you do a pushup?

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