
First Day

Life is full of dreams. One dream in particular is having the greatest high school life.

Kevin thought as he look at the school campus in front of him.

In all honesty, he can't even imagine having a decent high school life much less than a great one.


Because this country is not his home country, so different in culture, food and the likes. Should we include sports too? Yes, while Kevin is into sport he doesn't stick to one so he is a jack of all trade master of none.


~Sigh~ Well here goes nothing as he went into his first period classroom. The classroom is like a bee hive as buzzes could be heard instead of a word-speech talks.

Looking around he saw one vacant seat, located near at the left side corner of the room only one seat to the right and at the back.

By his left is a tall big muscular man and to his right is a all black clothed girl.

"Hi, my name is Kevin what's yours?" Kevin ask the big man. The big man look at him and said "Phil" in a deep voice. Kevin fighting instinct is tingling as he look at this man.

Must be nice to fight him, Kevin thought. In his birth country, it is not unusual to see fights, so he is quite a experience in that area and become his second nature to observe a person. Due to it he can see that Phil is quite a fighter too.

Kevin then look at and ask the girl for her name which got ignored.

"Rude" Kevin thought but he could not help but stare at her as he is captive by her beauty.

A foreign beauty, blonde hair, sharp nose, thin lips, and sexy body.

"Done staring?" the girl asked

"Nope but give me an hour or so" Kevin replied

"Suit yourself" the girl replied and ignore him

"May" said Phil

"What?" asked Kevin

"Her name is May"replied Phil

~Bell Ringing~

First period begun with English, and it turn out that all his classes align with May and Phil.

Just for fun so daily update? I don't know

TheLazyDaocreators' thoughts
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