
Jill & Mike Greyson

~ The day after Edward regained his meridians.

Inside a dark room, lit by a single candle on the table two figures were sitting opposite to each other.

"Hey father! Did you hear that the assassination failed?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know that!

But there is something worse that has happened.

Not only did he escape he also regained his meridians."

"That bastard how the hell did he regain his meridians."

"I asked from my brother Jack, he told me that a mysterious man helped his son."

"Damn it! This was my chance to finish that trash off and take the position of clan heir."

"If only our family was not a branch family, then we could have..."

"Yeah, you are right, dad."

"Don't worry he has only regained his meridians, not his cultivation. We can give another order for assassination."

~ The day after Max Clan's massacre.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

That fucker Jack he massacred the Max clan.

We need to lay low for some time otherwise we will also get caught, Mike."

"Yes, dad you are right."

(Jill Greyson was the younger brother of Jack Greyson. Only the Eldest son can take over the clan. So, Jill's son and his family were part of the branch family of Greyson clan.

Jill had a huge anguish with his brother and wanted to replace him as the Clan Patriarch. She schemed many things when he was young but was never successful.

But when Edward became cripple he saw an opportunity, he thought that if he would kill Edward then his son Mike Greyson will become the new heir to Clan.

But now his plan seemed to be crumbling down as Edward not only regained his meridians but also escaped from the assassination two times.)

~ Current Day

"Dad it's been many days since Max clan massacre, let's start our plan. What do you say?"

"Hmm, you are right my son."

"This time I have asked for Ms. Seven of the Black Assassins organization to perform the mission herself."

"Dad, you don't mean the seventh division leader."

"Yeah, she is the one."

"Woah! I have heard she is a cruel and sadistic woman."

"Yes, that's why there is no chance of that Edward to come out alive this time."

"Hehehehe" both laughed wickedly.


'Master' Alfina spoke through telepathy.


'Master, I have received another assassination mission.

This time I was directly requested to do it.'

'Do you know who requested it?'

'No master.'

'Come to my room.'

'O-ok master.'

~ After five minutes

"Now tell me when the next time is that you will meet Mr. Zero."

"He told me to meet him midnight today."

"Good, now tell me all the details."


Midnight, At the meeting place

"Mr. Zero I am here."

Suddenly a man appeared from thin air.

"Give me your orders, Mr. Zero."

"Tell me the code?"

"Using Octopus As A Code Makes Squidward Roll His Eyes"

(A/N: Well that's a weird code.)


Mr. Zero glanced at Seven's body from bottom to top.

Something was different.

She was wearing strange clothes.

She was revealing normal than usual.

'No no what am I thinking. This little girl is just a pawn in my organisation. A pawn and the weakest one at that.' thought Zero while shaking his head.

Mr. Zero adjusted his spectacles and said, "Why are you not wearing your assassin clothes?"

"I was impersonating as a civilian, sir."

"Hmm, do civilians wear these kinds of clothes?"

"No sir."

"Then why are you wearing these?"

"I was feeling uncomfortable in normal clothes. I have a habit of wearing skintight clothes that's why I am wearing this tight one-piece dress."


Zero became silent.

"Well Whatever,

I called you here to talk about important information."

"Yes, sir."

Zero erected a sound barrier.

After ten minutes,

"Is everything clear?"

"Yes Mr. Zero."

Zero vanished and Alfina also disappeared.


Inside Edward's room,

"How was it, Master?" asked Alfina.

Edward who had just teleported back, said "He is stronger than I imagined. If it was not for my good acting skills, then it might have been a lot of trouble."

Well, he was lying as he could have teleported back.

"As expected of master's skills."

"I learned some things from him like his real name."

"W-what how did you ask him?"

"Tch, I did not ask him.

Don't you remember how I know your name?"

Alfina's eyes widened.

"As expected of master, so what is his real name."

Alfina was excited to hear.

"His name is..."

Next chapter