
Containing the Bismarck

All right we have found the Bismarck. okay good is are new object is ready?. Yes sir!. Good collect the soul of the ship YESSER!. The object turned on and took the soul of the ship. LATER THAT DAY. Ok you have the soul?. Yessir!. My I see it?. Yessir!. Hmm..I see go to the school and grab some volunteers. But sir there just kids. I know but just go. Yessir... so how was to day?. It was good how about you eh?. Oh well ya it was go- WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO BECOME A PART OF THE NAVY WE HAVE THE SOUL OF THE BISMARCK WE NEED A TEST SUBJECT PLEASE NEVER MIND!!!. WAIT WHAT!?!?. Ya we have the soul of the Bismarck right here. Ok I'ma be a Test