
Day 1

My name is Caren, but it's not my actual name so pretend it is my real name. I have two sisters Mary, and Audry also not their actual names. My parents are high school sweethearts a regular family; just my parents are together, and they are happy. Back to me, I am 5'9 1/2" Golden red hair that is short and layered, so no bob cut for me. My sisters and I all have different hair colors, so if you picture all of us with red hair, then you are off. Mary has brown hair 5' 7" and is a marine she also has an afro if she doesn't do proper hair treatments. She also has the same hair length as me, but she has short bangs. Also, I am the youngest of the two Audry is the oldest by six years and the other is four years my senior. Audry, I can't remember the actual hair color she dyed it so many times it is hard to remember, but she was a dirty blond and is the shortest of us sisters. I believe she is 5' 4" but to counter her height she wears heels that are stilettos. I call them "kill me" shoes. My sisters always laugh at that comment. Anyways I am a senior in Highschool I am graduating this year which is 2019. Anyways I am not here about the oh my god I am a senior and how my daily life goes. Somewhat I mainly am going to tell you how Fucked up my life is. I am an emotional teen, but I am not one of those teens that are popular well liked, or blend into the crowd. I am the person who everyone knows of but don't care. The only thing they care about is whether my BFF is with me because they hate her. Well, I kind of know how they feel, but I am not one of those people that gets many friends in the first place. Also, we understand each other without trying this time; I don't even think that we should be called BFF's just Friends.

Alright, my friend Jaden not her actual name but anyways she did something not even a friend should do especially a best friend. There is a guy I like to the point I wanted to date him. He will go by "Dirtbag" temporarily. I liked him for a while now over three months he knows that I like him to the point of love. Sad to say I am a teen a female teen, so that means that I am going to be an emotional mess. Anyways I would have asked him to be my boyfriend if it wasn't for the fact that not only is he dealing with the death of his father but he is also going through court issues to imprison the people who murdered his dad. No his dad didn't die in an accident or something else he was killed. So I figured that asking him to be my boyfriend was not the best thing to do. I was considerate of his feelings. He also stated that right now with everything going on right now and being a senior who is planning to move to Oregon he decided not to date anyone for a few months. I repeat being considerate of his situation. Prom is coming up though actually, it is at the end of this week. I decided to ask him to my prom a few weeks ago he said yes. Then last week he ordered his tux we the tie is the same color as my dress and the napkin as well whatever it is called. We based it off of my dress! Sorry, let me momentarily pause to gag and throw up from stress...

Anyways with everything is taken care of my best friend and I were going on a unicameral trip later on in the day after I spent $158.94 on me and her. She knew that I like him to the point of love she also knows all the dirty secrets. I tell her everything, so I trusted nothing would happen after she stole his number from my phone. Here's the thing my last boyfriend scared me, but he also traumatized me to the point that I cannot talk to him without wanting to die and also because of him that I have commitment issues. So I also couldn't ask the dirtbag to be mine because of this for the first few months of liking him. I was recovering from my emotional trauma. Here is the thing he helped me get over my shock now I am not afraid of commitment I so I not only love him in many ways I am emotionally grateful to him. Because of him, I took the initiative to get over the past. So I was happy enough to fly in the sky metaphorically speaking. Now I am a thousand feet below and the most depressed I have ever been, and I am also sitting in hell, so I am even angrier. Anger and depression do not mix. Anyways a while back he asked me to his prom, and I said yes we got everything set up for that as well. So now the drama is unfolding even more.

I got the paperwork to go to prom with him a few days ago signed and ready to give to him today. I don't think I can give it to him now. He is still going to my prom which is messed up. My friend Fucked me over any girl knows that this is the girl's secret code. DONT DATE THE PERSON YOUR FRIEND LIKES, ESPECIALLY, IF SHE LIKED HIM LONGER THAN YOU HAVE KNOWN HIM!!!! That's right. He asked her to be his girlfriend; she SAID YES. I'm happy for him... them... her... I am not that is bull shit. So I plan on confronting him already confronted her still don't forgiver her. She knows that my emotional predicament is because of her, but she refuses to do anything about it. She could have said can we wait till after you take my friend to prom and tell her that you can't go with her to his dance (Her as in me). Nope they started to date less than a week before our prom and now he plans on going to his prom with her and I am the backup. Stupid don't think you agree. He also is still going to my prom. This might be the worst prom I will ever go to. Now I just want to go to "Post prom" get MY fifty bucks not give him any and leave. I cannot be with him; he can go to post prom with the bitch. Sorry, I shouldn't be calling her names. Jaden is my second and only other friend at our school, but now she is something that I can't even trust with the people I like. The sad thing is he has yet to tell me any of this himself.

So yeah I am down in the gutter. I am going to see the Dirtbag tonight to ask if I am just going to be the backup plan or if I am not going to prom. I will also say many things but I will start off by being polite I will quote what I say, "Is there something you want to inform me on? (MAKE SURE TO SMILE) If not I can tell you what I know. Also right now you do not deserve nice so I will be as lovely as I can manage although you deserve to have your third leg broken. (Kids if you don't know what that is go and ask someone not your parents) Sadly we are not talking in private, so I cannot do so." I'll wait for him to tell me everything then leaving I will say my favorite quote although I don't know the person who says it. "Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn." Wish me luck on not beating him up or having others beat him up.