17 Baldwin?

Finally done with reading, I closed the thick book. It was about a thousand page book filled with small letters. There were 2 people silently waiting by my side. My loyal butler, Jack and the bald supervisor at the registration this morning. Wondering what time it was I took my pocket watch and it displayed 2.42. Morning I guess. Seeing both of them still quiet, I break the silence.

"A very good morning Jack, Baldwin. You two were waiting for me?"

"Very good morning indeed Mr Lux. Are you feeling hungry? I've brought some food for you. The two of us have already had our fill for the night." Replied Jack as he handed me some box container.

Noticing my gaze on him, Baldwin spoke a simple word. "Eat up first. I've waited long already, what difference does a 10 minute would make."

"Pardon me then, I'll have a feast first."

Opening the lid of that box, I was greeted with a salivating smell. It was steaming hot rice served together with chicken curry. Using the spoon and fork combo, I take a little bit of time enjoying this food as both of them said they won't mind.

Finished eating and feeling myself full of energy again i was just about to start another research but then remembered the presence of these two before me.

"So, what is it that you want?" I asked with full confidence. Nobody would wait this long and have an expression of indifference if they don't want anything for the wait.

"Mr Lux, I'll be honest with you. I hate rich people like you the most. People who think they could do anything because of the power they have. Though you have been helping us poor people a lot, I don't trust you. Don't get me wrong, we are grateful for all the help you gave but it kinda felt like you have a motive behind those generosity. What are you hiding, or more directly, what did you do to my sister... and the other eleven elite student with her."

"Motive? Hiding? *Humphh* Firstly my intentions have been revealed every time I announce the community building project. I want everyone here in My City can live a live full of satisfaction and happiness. If I were to have more power, I would make the entire world live in prosperity. The fact is even in My City, I have yet to achieve my goal. Not to mention unhappiness and dissatisfaction, I cant even make My Citizens recover their lost hope in living. The numbers of suicide is still increasing and I wont stop till either I die or the worlds end."

"Secondly, what are you implying with that kind of tone?"

Clearly Baldwin can't accept that fact that I'm giving a free lunch to others without wanting any favors. He is shaking, probably trying to keep his emotion in check. What happened to him, earlier this morning he flustered so easily. Now he can even resist his own emotions. Remarkable indeed.

"I Won't Repeat This Again. What Did You Do To My Sister?" The words were clear and precise, unlike his body which is still trembling, especially his arms which looked to be wanting to land a heavy blow to my handsome self and possibly knocks a few pearly white teeth of mine. Can't have my face being punched. Face is reputation, you hurt my face and you will break my reputation.

"Okay I will answer it but I dont remember a girl surnamed Baldwin. Can you give me more details about her. What year did she enroll?"

Calming a bit, he spoke again to me with less hostility. "My name isn't Baldwin. I am Winchester, Braddy Winchester. My sister is Bella, Isabella Winchester. She enrolled 2 years ago. I haven't heard from her since you sent her out to die on that suicide mission."

"Why did they call you Baldwin then?" Curiosity got the best of me.

Pointing his finger at his shiny bald head he said. "See this? I'm Bald. Everyone calls me Win. Then one day it got stuck together, Baldwin. Look, tell me about my sister."

Such a simple reason. I partly guessed that. "Winchester... I do remember of a fine blond back then. She aced every test on every subject. Be it theory or the practical test, even the dreaded live combat, she aced them all. She was blond right? Wavy long hair with a cheerful personality. A look at her makes me happy... a look at you makes me feel conflicted and messy. Are you really related? Such a contrast."

I was about to wait for his reply but the murderous gaze he gave me makes me abandon that thought.

"She's doing great right now. We have secured a foothold inside those treacherous forest."

Eyes wide, surprised with that news he gripped his fist tight then punched the floor. Not a crack, he is weak. Still he looked relieved and just in a moment, his gaze turned sharp again.

"You didn't lie right? How do i know you are telling the truth? Bring me to see her right away." He came close and was about to grab my collars. Luckily Jack stood in the way.

"My master may be kind and gentle to his citizens. Are you stepping on his face now that he's been kind and honest with you? Yo-"

"That's okay Jack. He's emotionally unstable but I am sorry. I can't agree to that little request of yours."

Before he could get a word out of his mouth, I interjected him. "Every year, a select group of twelve elite graduate will be sent out towards the treacherous nature. This 4th year will be the same. You can tag along then."

"At the end of the year? I can't wait that long... Wait did you said every year? that means there have been 3 group sent out to suicide? What exactly are you up to, Gray Lux?"

Unfazed I simply replied. "Yes, all with their own choice. It is on their own will to take that mission. A mission to ensure mankind won't be extinct in the near future. Possibly this next decade."

Shocked all over his face he wanted to say something but I interjected him again. It is fun doing this. "If you still don't believe your sister is doing just fine, follow me to my room. I have all the reports there."

Not bothered to see his reaction and what decision he will take, I gestured to Jack. The two of us with practiced motion walks elegantly back to my room. I wonder how classy I look in that moment.

Next chapter