1 How he came to be

When I woke up I couldn't remember anything all I knew is that something wasn't right although I do remember some fighting moves. And something else wasn't right I was in the body of a orc. Although strange I somehow knew this wasn't my body . About 10 feet tall and ripped the common green skin. But what was in my immediate surroundings was somewhat weird a forest but what was weirder was the blue tranperent panel I front of me. I was oddly calm, the panel read.

[Choose a starting class

Hunter (common)self explanatory

Barbarian (common)the more he fight stronger he gets

Warlord hunter (rare) you are born to lead and hunt. (Can create its own tribe)]

"I guess, warlord hunter "

[Confirm Y/N] "Yes"

[You have gained skills and starter equipment

Skills gained

Hunter skills

Eagle vision (D) able to see father by 100 feet

Silent steps (E) self explanatory

Blood tracking (A) tracks a bleeding enemy

Tracking (A) able to track anything that leaves footprints or scent

Bow mastery (C) able to use the bow better

Warlord skills

Leaders will (C) any soldier under you with a lower Will stat than you becomes more likely to follow orders

Leaders aura (F) there is an air around you that makes people think you deserve respect

Bloodlust (F) the more you kill the air around you gets heavier for those with a weaker Will stat

Sword mastery (C) can use any type of sword better

Axe mastery (C) can use any type of axe better

Ride (B) you are highly skilled in the art of riding

Tribe creation (S) create a tribe to lead.

Gained items

Common orc bow

Common orc woodcutter axe

Common orc short sword

Common leather orc armor able to evolve into stronger class(a/n imagine the legs are covered completely and there is a skull on his belt his upper body is not covered. )]

The items appeared in front of me I quickly put on the leather armor the bow was bigger than a human bow to fit perfectly in our naturally bigger hands , strange I was already thinking like a orc I had the mindset of an orc. I put the bow on my back and sheathed the short sword to the left side of my waist and the was hanging by the head on my right side of my waist . Out of curiosity I said status and the panel appeared what I saw shocked me.

[Name = Grayard

Hp = 200/200

Mp = 300/300

Class = Warlord hunter

Level = 1

Species = Orc

Xp = 0/100

Strength = 50

Agility = 50

Dexterity = 40

Vitality = 20

Intelligence = 30

Will = 70



Martial arts

Rising sun technique (Legendary)

A set of moves that knocks the opponent off includesbalance includes three moves

Crashing moon (Legendary)

A set of moves that increases the gravitational pull to the earth includes three moves

Blood blade (Myth)

A sword style that uses bloodlust to slash at enemies includes five moves ].

I thought I was really strong I had three strong martial arts I was well balanced between my strength and my agility. That's when I heard a sound in the woods.

