
Gravity Falls: A Summer Full Of Mysteries... FINALLY!!!

Our protagonist, who still hasn't decided the name, went to the world of Gravity Falls with 3 wishes what awaits him in this world where... nobody can be trusted... (And this is the synopsis, I was tired of looking for a gravity falls fic and I only find billdip, and other things I only found two good ones but they haven't updated in a while, I'm so frustrated that I created this ff, I'll start writing chapters if it goes well received, I'm using a translator since I'm not very proficient in English so forgive me for the lack of consistency between the sentences if it occurs, the cover is not mine, the love interest is already decided, I don't know how long it will take to leave the chapter but i would kick that with my laziness every 1 week. I hope this message reaches those who also want a gravity falls fic and don't have it.)

Arthur_Gameplay · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Training My Powers

Well, let's open observation haki first, since I'm going to spend 6 years blindfolded, that's the basics of survival.

I sat down and tried to feel my surroundings and the trees, although my talent has increased I have no idea how long it will take but even if I fail I will awaken you eventually against the animals and creatures that live here.

After 6 min and 58 sec and 38 milliseconds

'Hmm, I know the exact time that has passed, how interesting....' In that instant, I could feel what was around me for a moment.

'Focus on the feeling...' After a while of trying to replicate the feeling, I could 'see' what was around me within 1 meter.

'So this is the feeling of kenbunshoku no Haki?' I thought with a smile plastered on my face.

I felt a fly behind me, spin quickly and I caught the fly, it was a bluish blowfly and red eyes summarizing a big fly.

'Tsk and I thought it was a soothsquitos' I wanted to see what prophecy he would bring to me. *disappointed sigh

'Well, you can't cry over spilled milk, especially when it hasn't even been spilled, now let's test the fruit.' I positioned myself in front of the tree where I appeared and prepared a blow using the fruit.

"gomu gomu no-" I stretched my arm back and then started pulling her towards the tree.

"-pistol!" *Bam!

The tree was nearly split in half.

'Impressive, even though it was my first time using the fruit it had this kind of effect... It must be because of the physique of a Luffy piece, really amazing and...' I put my hand over the damage done to the tree

"I left my mark... this is my beginning." I said smiling with the classic D. smile.

I backed away from the log that marked my beginnings and started going deeper into the forest with the kenbushoku always activated.

'I need to increase my range like Issho (Fujitora) who could pull meteors from space and I need to be able to use it while I'm sleeping, danger comes when you least expect it...'

As I delved deeper into the forest, I found my first free meal.

'Wait...free meal?! I can't believe this was one of Luffy's abilities... it ended up influencing me but compared to all the benefits I got from him this is nothing.' As I thought about this question my stomach gave away my location and I was spotted by the bear.

"ROAARRRR!!!!!!!!" The bear roared and started to come toward me with clear intent to attack me.

"They say bear meat tastes strong, let's see if it's true." I thought with a little drool running down the side of my mouth.

I positioned myself, the bear was already on top of me ready to tear me apart, I quickly dodged jumping over his head.

"MEAT!!" I screamed and stretched my arm as far as I could in the short amount of time I had to hit without him dodging.


The bear that had recovered from the brief disorientation of being stomped on the head and thrown to the ground turned quickly to see where his prey was and the moment he turned the human's punch was about to connect with his face.

"PISTOL!" My punch quickly connected with the bear's face, which turned towards me.

The bear's skull cracked and some of its teeth were broken in the process.

'Hmm... is he alive?' I checked with my haki and got close to his mouth.

'Still breathing but weakly, let's end his pain quickly and start disassembling the flesh and removing the blood.' I began to dismantle the flesh with a little knowledge I gained in the past life.

'The scent of blood may attract other predators but...'


'I'm hungry... I need food to survive in this forest and have the energy to face the diversity that is found here.' I started to draw the blood from the animal, which will take about 30 minutes to make sure it all came out.

'Meanwhile, I can train with my fruit and have a better mastery with it.'

After training for a while doing some movements and tests I started to prepare the fire to put the meat on the fire.

'I took as many dry branches as I could find around and now it's just a matter of ascending and...'


I put the meat on the fire and waited for it to be done even though my stomach was against it.

'My kenbushoku is constantly increasing while I leave it activated...' As I thought about the range of my kenbushoku a presence was slowly approaching my location.

'I expected a predator to come, but has one appeared within an hour?' I got up off the rock and backed away from the meat so the fight wouldn't interfere with my food.

'Well, let's see what we have here...!!!' I do not believe it.

The animal realizing that it was seen by the human in front of it slowly walked out of the dense vegetation.

"WHY IS THERE A SNAKE THAT SIZE OVER HERE!" It was around 3 meters in circumference and 10 meters in length.

'No, on second thought, I'm in town with the biggest number of supernatural things, let alone a snake of that size besides that it could have been the fault of the crystals or God did me this favor to have enough food for myself, since I'm going to live in that forest for 6 years.'

The snake didn't pay much attention to me and was instead looking at the meat I'd put on the fire.


"HEY! IF YOU WANT THAT MEAT YOU'LL HAVE TO PASS ME! ​​Hunt your own meat." I yelled reminding him of my presence.

The snake looked in my direction with contempt for me being a human and my size.

'Oh~ So it will be like this? Let's take advantage of it.'

"Gomu gomu no..." I started punching quickly giving the illusion of several punches but none of the attacks hit his scales.

The snake mentally scoffed at a desperate fight for fragile prey and decided to crush it with its tail and eat the bear's meat that was in the fire.

She pulled her tail and crushed it towards me but it was long enough.

"CANNON!" My arms had started to redden from the repeated back and forth, picking up speed.

The multiple fists began to coalesce into just two with the attack aimed at the neck.

The snake being alerted by its instincts let go of its attack and dodged as much as it could but the attack hit him.


The attack hit him in the side of his stomach, his scales were broken and he was thrown back a few feet.

"A serious injury on? That's what you get for despising your 'prey'." The wound started to ooze blood and in addition to the damage, I'd caused his own scales were piercing him now.

The snake got very angry with my comment and his injury which was caused by someone he despised 1 minute ago and in a fit of rage quickly crawled towards the human child ready to swallow or poison me.

I stretched both my arms back as the snake advanced even faster, it won't make the mistake of despising its opponent more than once, not again.

When the snake was close enough with its fangs dripping with venom I had already started pulling on my arms.

"GOMU GOMU NO BAZOOKA!" The attack struck at the base of the snake's fangs.

She began to feel a throbbing pain in her teeth.

After the collision of the attack, both retreated.

*thud x2

The snake's fangs fell to the ground.

"Without your fangs, you are unable to poison someone as they were your only means of extracting the poison from their glands. How does it feel to be the "prey" now? skin like that." I told her looking towards her eyes.

The snake felt a shiver through its body and that child that was much smaller than it looked much bigger and more imposing than before and feeling pressured and helpless by that pressure.

As soon as he turned his head, get out of there as quickly as possible.

"And he ran away, too bad I missed the chance to stock up on meat."

*Sniff x3

"What's that smell? It looks like there's something... BURNING?!!" I ran to save my meat from turning to coal and no longer edible.

I tasted 30kg of bear meat and even without seasoning it was delicious and I'm satisfied.

"I've barely arrived and I've already had so much adventure in a single day..." I threw myself to the ground looking toward the sky.

"I wish I could see the stars in the sky now, it must be beautiful to look at..." Lying looking up not seeing anything but imagining the view in my head.

*Breathe deeply

"On second thought I need a new name for this life...how about Monkey D. Luffy?! As I have your skills it's the least I can do." I said with a big smile.


Hope you like it ^-^

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