
The judgement day

Currently in the dormitory of the Venia villages soldiers, in one of the rooms two kids can be seen sleeping together on one bed.

These kids were Claude and Eren of course. It has been a week since Ellen's death. Both of them have not been able to get over it since last week.

Eren just trains and waits for someone with a blank face even though he knows that person will never come back.

Claude's situation was worse. He was blaming himself for Ellen's death and most of the time there are countless simulations going on in his head on how he could have done. Even though he knows that no matter what he does now nothing will change.

They did Ellen's funeral in the lawn of the burned house as Ellen was the only one who kept the manor as house. Without her this was just the manor of the head knight. It will never be able to turn into a home. Her last wish was to bury her near the trees she planted and took care of.

Ares' situation was way worse than anyone. He had a face that showed he had not slept for two to three days and had not eaten much either. His eyes were that of a dead man.

He heard the news about Ellen's death from a messenger bird. He was on his way from the viscounts manor. He traveled on a horse non stop for 2 days and finally reached the village leading to the horse's death.

When he saw the body of Ellen in a magical created ice coffin by Claude. He shattered in thousands of pieces. He wanted to kill the glasses man right away but we convinced him to give priority to Ellen's funeral. 

Ares became a dead man from the day he came to know about his wife's death. Even though it might seem like a person who takes a second wife does not care about the first, Ares was completely broken after seeing Ellen's death.

It's true that he loved and longed for Amber from his childhood. At some point he gave up on her and at that time he accepted Ellen. He spended 2 years of his life with happiness only because of Ellen. Even when he decided to marry Amber he never once ignored her and gave her his love. For him if Amber was his heart then Ellen was his heart beat. Even if one of them is not present he will die. You might think that he is still alive but he is dying every second of his life.

Today was the day the village head was going to give his judgement regarding the glasses man. Me along with Eren and Amber were waiting alongside a hundred or so soldiers of venia village. There were some personal knights of the village chief but they were scared shitless seeing the tense expression on the soldiers face.

Amber currently was worried about what was going on in the meeting room. Eren was calm but even with this he was not able to hide his anxious face. Claude was the most calm sitting on a nearby chair while hiding his face in the shadows. For the onlookers he seemed like a general with his soldiers standing behind him ready to pounce on anyone at his order. This scene gathered a lot of attention on him but he didn't even move slightly from his face.

When Ares came out of the hall he had a grieved expression. He looked at everyone with dead eyes and said :-

" There is no proof that the ambush was made by him. According to his statements he bought mana fuel for winter. His servants were not able to tolerate their master's humiliation; that's why they did it according to their own accord."

When the village chief came out of the hall he repeated the same thing as Ares. The glasses man was smiling without any care of the world. While the chief was ignoring Ares and talking with the glasses man. 

" You are lying !! You were the one who told them to burn our house !!" Eren shouted with anger.

" Yes, you are lying…"

" How dare you touch our lady Ellen…."

" You fucker…."

All the knights started accusing the glasses man. Even some of the villagers were opposing him.

" The village wants proof. Without any proof every man is an honest man." The village chief said when the glasses man glared at him.

The accusing kept going on until….

" Silence " Claude said in such authoritative tobe that everyone present stopped talking and looked at Claude. Even a single drop of water water was able to be clearly heard, such silence reigned over everything.

" You said you want proof right ?" Claude said with a charming smile but for the onlookers the smile sent chills down their spine.

" …..Yes, " the village chief answered after a pause.

" Bring them, " Claude ordered a nearby knight. The knight didn't say anything and just nodded.

After a few minutes he came along with the men who were caught by Claude on the day of fire. Seeing his former servants who were supposed to be hiding the glasses, the man broke into cold sweat.

" Speak," Claude ordered the men. The men had already seen the might of this 8 year old child that they spoke like a train engine.

" We were sended by him. He drank a lot that night and ordered us to set the fire on the head knight's manor. We were not willing at first but the head servant forced us to do it." They concluded.

" Lies !! I don't even know this man !!" The glasses man said with worry and hurry.

" What are you saying ? They work for you, I myself have sended meat a lot of times to you through their hands." The butcher of the village said and many people agreed that they have known about this man being the servant of the glasses man. 

The glasses man and the village chief both broke into cold sweat but Claude was not done yet.

" I also have something else which might be related to this topic." Claude said again with his charming smile but now the onlookers knew that the smile was that of a cruel and cold devil.

He gestured to another knight who nodded and went in the same direction as that of the first time. This time as well the knight brought another man who people recognised as the right hand man of the village chief.

" Knights kill him !!" The village chief ordered in panic.

The knights of the village chief moved but before they even reached the man a sword master appeared in front of them. 

Without even using the sword, with such incredible speed he knocked out the knights and brought them dragging in front of Claude. Claude gave them a cold look before asking the swordsmen to throw them away. The swordsmen picked the knights and as ordered threw them away. All onlookers were shocked seeing the loyalty of the swordsmen towards Claude.

" Speak, " Claude ordered again.

" He bribed the chief by giving him 50 silver emperions. He asked the village chief to support him no matter what against the head knight." When the man said that one knight handed a pouch to Claude. Claude threw the pouch near the village chief and a few silver coins came out of it.

" You bastard, I am going to kill you just like your so called mother." The glasses man finally lost it

PS :- Join the discord server link given in synopsis if you want to see illustration of characters or just want to chat with me about upcoming chapters.




5 Power stones :- 2 chapter [ Completed ]

10 Power stones :- 3 chapters [ Completed ]

20 power stones :- 5 chapters [ Completed ]

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