
Grand Duke of Destruction : Lord of the North

" Death is the end of everything and anything but for some people it is just the end of a path, not the end of the journey." Our protagonist is just your everyday normal low middle class boy. He is an introvert whose only purpose in life after middle school to university is to earn money. He thinks that the solution to every problem of his is money. He died in a truck accident. Well, not so tragic death but that's how reality works, you never know when you are going to die. He got reincarnated in a different world. Yes pretty cliche I know but unlike most protagonists who simply ignore the purpose of their Reincarnation he wants to find out the reason behind his Reincarnation. Will he find the reason behind his Reincarnation ? Will he become a prey in a world where strength is everything or will he devour and defeat everyone and anyone who stands in his path. Will he become a cold killing machine or will he create a dynasty the whole world will remember. To find out please read the novel….. ––––– Hello~ Author here, the synopsis might be a bit confusing or weird that's why I have decided to simplify it. This novel is not my first novel but still I will make a lot of grammatical mistakes as English is not my primary language. This is not your hero or anti hero protagonist, he is just like you and me. A selfish and indifferent bastard. You will find more about his personality in the novel. As this is a fantasy novel and a reincarnated one at that you can somewhat guess how things are going to be but just to not confuse you I am going to write a chapter regarding the power system and everything necessary you need to know. And yes this is going to be a kingdom building part as you might know after reading the title. Though the main plot will slowly and surely change. You can expect a harem but I am also going to include the problems which follow the harem. You want more than one woman you will also have to bear the consequences. HELLO GUYS~ MY DISCORD SERVER :- https://discord.gg/XnnqWVXH PS :- NO SYSTEM PSS :- Not my art, want to be removed please contact me.

DukeofDemon · Fantasy
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73 Chs

Talk with Mother

After calming himself down, cleaning his mouth with a handkerchief and pondering for a while. Ares completely ignore his unruly behaviour and the tea stain and said :-

" Then go meet and talk with your mother."

" I-I can't go on my own…." Claude said with a gloomy and teary expression which caused Ellen's heart to melt.

She glared at her husband and said :-

" Dear, don't you think you should go with the boy ?" She asked but for the onlookers it seemed like she ordered her husband ' Go with the boy or….'

" Ah, yes yes, I will go with him." Ares hurriedly replied, he has heard his father say ' No matter if you are a tier 9 mage or a sword god in front of your wife nothing matters.' Even though he didn't understand it at first , he clearly understood his father's words of wisdom. During a fight against your wife even if you win the fight you will lose the war, at least by admitting defeat you suffer less loss.

" Let's go Claude." He said standing up and keeping his glasses in their box.

" Yes, " Claude said.

Claude turned and walked towards Ellen and said with a Happy and charming smile :-

" Thank you lord mother,"

This caused Ellen to feel a nervous system breakdown. Every inch of her body was saying to hug this little, cute creature tightly. Claude felt chills down his spine like he was in front of a predator.

" I-Its alright, we are f-family after all…." Was the only thing Ellen managed to say while keeping her motherly instincts in check.

After hearing her reply Claude gave her a small smile and went towards Ares who was standing near the door of his office.

After they both left the office, Ellen let out a sigh of relief.

" That child, he is truly dangerous." Though she said that it didn't match her expression a bit.


Claude was currently moving towards Amber's room where she is present most of the time.

Even in his act Claude did not forget to check Ellen and Ares's mana core.

Ellen's was a light pink colour but unlike Layla her's was a bit dull. Maybe keeping her virginity has given Layla a more pure colour or Ellen's maternity has caused some organs to become weak but it was still good.

Ares's case was a bit different, his core was deep yellow on the outside while light yellow at the centre. I guess he was in the middle of deep and light colour on the verge of conquering the bright yellow core. His limiters were also further pushed towards core.

" You sure tricked my wife well." Ares suddenly said, still walking.

" I don't understand what you mean." Claude said, turning his head 90° away from Ares but he felt a stare which sended chills.

" Haah, a man should use every weapon possible to win the war." He sighed in defeat and said.

" True," Ares said with a smile.

" But what changed your mind to the point that you want to talk to your mother ?" He asked, standing in front of Amber's room.

" I just thought that someday or the other I have to face her anyway then why not now." Claude replied.

Ares did not believe him completely but decided to not pry further. After all, this was a matter between a son and a mother. He just hoped that this meeting will at least become the bridge of their relationship.

Ares first knocked the door and heard a reply :-

" Come in,"

When he opened the door he saw Amber reading a small pile of letters on her tea table. Coming around from all the parts of viscounty, after all even though Amber's social image destroyed she is still a tier 4 healer and reputation, status and all stupid things are useless when it comes to one's life.

Amber glanced at Ares who was standing near the door.

" When did you start knocking on the door before entering ?" She asked with a confused look.

" Um, I have brought someone who wants to meet you." He said.

" Is it another emergency that requires my help or another horny noble Scion came here to check me out." She asked with a disgusted look.

" No, actually here he is…." Ares said, noting a point that he should first come and talk privately before inviting someone to meet his wife.

When Ares said that he gestured to Claude to enter the room.

Amber was confused about what was going on but when a cute child with beautiful features and white hair entered, she flinched a bit. Even though it has been a couple of years since she had seen Claude she still recognised him with a single look. Maybe a motherly instinct or just that white haired people are hardly born around the Buratti continent.

Claude and Ares both entered the room. Firstly Ares sat on one of the chairs of the tea table and gestured to Claude to sit next to him.

When Claude saw Amber he stared at Amber for a few seconds before his eyes wandered towards her bosom. He remembered his conversation with his father.

'.....her pride is that big !!' Claude exclaimed in his mind.

After a few minutes of silence Ares was the first one to speak.

" Should I pour some tea ?" Ares asked, feeling the tension in the room.

" No need." Claude answered.

Then he stared at his mother and spoke.

" See I am not here to ask you about the past." He continued.

" I am here to talk about present and fu–" before he can complete his sentence. He heard Amber's slow but understandable murmur.

" Why are you here….."

After that, Amber suddenly stood up and exclaimed loudly.

" WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE !!" This caused both Claude and Ares to flinch and stare at her in silence as she started her speech.

" Don't you understand that I don't even want to see you ? Don't you have common sense and manners ?"

" I thought that at least I don't have to see your face and talk to you for the rest of my life but here you are shamelessly sitting in front of me." She continued with her beautiful face twisted in anger and disgust

" And yes, what were you talking about in the past and future ? Well, let me tell you because of you I lost both my past and future."

" My lover who was going to marry me left me why? because of you. I suffered from my father's hatred because of you. I lost my surname and status because of you. I lost my career because of you. I was and am treated like thrash from both my family and other people because of you. You were like a curse to me who's cure was nowhere to be found. You are the reason why I am suffering through this hell. Just your face makes me feel disgusted and fills me with anger." She finally concluded.

Silence reigned over the room for a few seconds. Ares was going to say something when Claude :-

" Then I will never meet you again in your whole life." When he said that both Amber and Ares flinched for a second. They both expected Claude to fight back.

" I just thought that maybe just maybe we both were in the same boat. I thought that our anger and hatred was blinding. I also resented you, I thought that what was my fault in your past, just being born. But then I thought that if it's not my fault then what is stopping me from meeting you. From telling you I wanted you, I want to fight alongside you and to show all the people who laughed at you to know that I am with you. I thought you also wanted the same but a wall of pride was stopping you because that was the case for me as well." He didn't even look in her eyes while his head was slumped down, his bangs covering his eyes.


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