
Grand Avenger (To Be Rebooted)

I AM ASURA! AND YOU! WILL FEEL MY WRATH!!! I’ll work on this whenever I feel like it. And yes if you can tell from the name I was a bit inspired by the Grand Foreigner fic with Ainz from Overlord being in FGO so I thought, ‘Well what would happen if Asura was there instead?’ So that’s why I made this, but I know this one will be inconsistent with uploads as I have plenty other fics to write Leans more into the action adventure aspect rather than any of the romance stuff early on, when he can get a grip on his wrath then will any relationships budding around him will possibly bloom.

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23 Chs

Ascension & Even more Summonings

After we had finished our run through the controlled singularity and gaining many of these ember crystals of power, Heracles, Arthuria, Medusa, and Ibuki were all brimming with power but it seemed as if they had hit their limit in strength, but I could tell they could get stronger.

"Ahh, I can see that you all have gotten your fill from the embers." Roman says as he comes down from the control room towards us.

He then gives everyone a once over before nodding, "Looks like you guys can now go through a SaintGraph ascension, this will increase both your strengths and defenses overall." He says giving a short explanation.

"Hmmm…" (Heracles)

"Yosh! Now I can show you up Master! Now you can see my full beauty in my true adult form!" (Ibuki)

"Hmm…. Maybe I'll be able to control my eyes better…. Although maybe I should get some glasses made to control it by DiVinci…." (Medusa)

*Growl* "…. I'm hungry…." (Aurthuria)

"Whatever, Roman, can we just get on with it so we can all eat or something?" With Aurthuria mentioning food I was getting hungry again as well.

"Alright Alright, just come with me and will get you all through your ascensions." He said wanting to move it along as well since me, Aurthuria and Heracles were making him nervous.

Soon after we went to what appeared to be tubes that could even fit the largest of the servants.

Soon after all 4 of them went into the tubes before the doors shut and with the pull of a lever from Roman they began to be filled with a blinding light before the doors reopened again.

When the doors opened and they stepped out both Medusa and Aurthuria looked the same but felt stronger than before.

Where as Heracles outfit slightly changed and his weapon became more spikier than before, but as a result of his increased strength and ascension, another influx of madness went into me which made me clutch my head as the lines on my body glowed orange once more as I controlled my wrath.


But the last one Ibuki, had the largest change as she no longer looked like a little girl, but instead she truly looked like herself when she turned into an adult.


"Aha! See! Look at me now Master! Now you can't stop me from drinking all the alcohol I want! Fuhahaha!" She said as he rather large breasts began to jiggle a bit from her laughing.

Luckily my eyes were currently whited out as I stared at her burgeoning breasts, before shaking it off, 'Damn Augus and him tempting me with hot women back then! But…. She is definitely hot…' I think to myself.

"Whatever, Roman, what was that thing about using energy to summon things? Because of Heracles getting stronger I need to off load all this energy." I say ignoring an annoyed Ibuki and Medusa who was looking at me intensely under her blindfold.

"Oh! Um yeah! Follow me I'll get that set up if you need it!" He could both see and feel the excess energy wafting off me.

Me and him left the others who after seeing they were done here went to do there own things while me and Roman went to the summoning room.

I didn't have that much excess energy like when I first summoned Ibuki with that catalyst from that Lev guy, but this one is just pure energy so it might not result in anything.

So he pulled up the pylons that I grabbed on and let my energy flow into them until it took all it out of me.

"Hmm…. Looks like we can preform three summons from the energy you gave off, well let's start then.

He said as he pressed a button to activate it and in a flash of light what appeared wasn't a servant but a twin bladed dagger it seems.


"Oh that's a craft essence! There like Mystic codes, when given to servants it can increase there strengths a bit when equipped, will give it to DiVinci to see what effects it has." He says while I go pick them up before attaching them to my hand waist as he did the second summon.

Same light show, but what popped up was a pair of glasses, "Really? Glasses?" I say as I go grab them.

"Well they must be good for something, but here goes the last one!" He says as he pushes it for the last time, but this time it glowed brighter than before as a real servant summoning was going through.

When the light fades away, a beautiful green haired woman wearing what I assume is a over sexualized dancers outfit, with a mirror like platter, and many skulls with one extra large one that she was seated on.


"I'm Salome! the daughter of Herodias. You must be my Master. Nice to meet you." She says with a gentle smile as she holds out her hand and thus we form a contract.

Although I get a slight headache afterwards as I realize she's also a berserker, but her mad enhancement isn't as heavy as Heracles

She unsummoned her large skull and stood before me before smiling in a cute but also lewd way at me.

"...Hey, Master, do you like kisses?" She said with a slight blush.

I started to massage my head, I'm starting to get a headache with dealing with all of these servants.

Now I wanna punch something again….


Explanation on the Ruler Class.

A Ruler is also summoned to preserve the laws of Heroic Spirits to ensure they won't be violated, such as the law of "the dead not leading the living", touted as the greatest law of Heroic Spirits, and to maintain human history by preserving the illusion behind the Age of Gods so that people do not know about the truth behind it. The role of a Ruler is to arbitrate the truth and adjudicate all things in order to maintain human history.

The criteria to be summoned for the Ruler Class is impartiality and possessing no desire for the Holy Grail. Those who qualify are most often Saints, and any Ruler summoned to preside over a Holy Grail will be a Saint under normal conditions. Within other systems like the FATE System, others who meet the criteria can be summoned. One exception to the normal rule of impartiality is Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, an aberration who does not normally qualify, summoned by the Einzberns as the Heroic Spirit who was considered the closest to a 'Saint' that could possibly be found in the Far East.

Rulers are naturally weaker to the Avenger Class due to my deductions that they are those that they equate with there wish for vengeance against those that wronged them.

They see those of the Rulers as 'those that had caused them torment in there lives' by default most Avengers had been wronged by those in power whether they be kings or even gods and they seek vengeance over those that had ruined there lives.

And in conjunction with that theory this makes it so that they are unable to see the Avengers true names and abilities due to them not falling in there jurisdiction thus making them unable to control them through there command seals like they can with all the other regular servant classes.