

I was bullied at school, quite heavily at that. I was hated by everyone, it was miserable. Even my own sister and my childhood friend hated me. I really had nothing to live for. That was when I died, in my last heroic act of saving my sister from a car crash, I myself died. But unexpectedly I was reincarnated into a character from the game I was playing at that time! The failure of the Xander family, Mordred Xander! But even if I was a failure, I could start a new life in this world! But when the otherworldly heroes were summoned to aid in the defeat of the demon king, my old classmates were summoned! How will I build my new life now?!

NeroExcalibur · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The Duel Tournament II

I needed to stop Leon Kent at all costs. In King's Fall, he would kill many people once he became part of the demon king's army. You could kill him at the start of the game but not only was he an insanely difficult opponent, but he would also drop a very good item if you killed him when he was in the army.

But now I had to defeat him, I couldn't allow him to go on. I didn't need the item if he was going to cause trouble. Anyways I had other things to worry about, I had an opponent standing in front of me at this very moment.

It was Gerard Aegis. He was a decent pick in the game albeit overshadowed by many other characters. He held a single katana with light chainmail. The first course of action was to try and coerce him using Clarent. <i>Tranquil Sea!</i> The expression on his face went from concentrated to calm.

He then said simply.

'I surrender, I don't feel like fighting.' The examiner looked confused but let it go and declared me the winner. <i>It seems that Clarent is more powerful than I initially thought.</i> I thought to myself as I sat in the spectator seat. I wonder if I could pacify Leon… The next fight was garnering a lot of attention.

It was Lari von Avalon against an up-and-coming swordsman. Kais Vernon. Vernon was not actually someone you met at the academy but someone you met when adventuring to kill the Demon King. He was an exceptional swordsman but was more fit for multiple targets rather than a single one. He would probably lose very badly.

The fight started and Kais shot towards Lari, Lari then cast defensive magic and Kais got pushed back. He was then put on the defensive as Lari shot fire spells at him. After deflecting the spells for a while his sword melted due to the heat of the fire spells.

The next match had me a bit worried. It was Lari against Leon. If Leon did something similar to Lari then it would mess up the flow of the game immensely because of Lari being a part of the royal family.

In the meantime, though I had some time off so I wandered around the campus. I first went into the training room. It was packed to the brim with people exercising, some were lifting weights or hitting dummies with swords. Others were in something that looked like a boxing ring and fighting each other.

Next, I went over to the archery range. There was someone who was holding a bow. He was supposedly shooting a target but it was so far away that I could barely see it. He took a deep breath in, nocked the arrow and shot. I could hear a sharp clang from the faraway target. It was incredible.

I hurried over to the library because my time was almost up, the bookshelves were high and a pretty librarian was managing the desk. I recognised her but didn't know who she was. I went up to the librarian.

'Hi I haven't seen you here before, are you here to borrow a book?' It felt like her warm blue eyes were staring into my soul.

'Uh, h-hi. What's your n-name?' I was still really awkward with girls so I gave a weird response

'Oh I see, you're a brave little boy trying to hit on me.' <i>What the fuck is she saying?!</i> I was extremely embarrassed, that was not my intention at all. I was very nervous and it must've shown on my face.

'Relax, I'm just kidding. My name's Auria, nice to meet you.' I broke into a cold sweat.

<i>What is she doing here? </i>Auria was a 6th class magician who served directly under the royal family. Why was she here at the library? Later in the game, you would need to investigate the 2nd prince due to him being under suspicion of cooperating with the demons. She would block your way when she discovered you were after him.

Magic and Swordsmanship each have separate classes, with the 1st class being the weakest and the 10th class being the highest. The way to measure is different for either class since both classes use mana in different ways. For magicians, they have circles around their hearts that can control mana while swordsmen have cores around their hearts. Circles make it easier to cast magic and cores make it easier to apply mana into an object for a devastating effect. It is said that magic early on is worse than swordsmanship but slightly better at the endgame. A 6th class would put her in the top 7% of magicians.

For now, I should just make friends with her. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side.

'No, it's nothing! I'm actually not a student yet, I'm just looking around!' She gave a puzzled expression but smiled.

'Sure, good luck with your exam!'

'Y-yeah…' with that I left. I went to see Lari's match, my next opponent was disqualified due to supplements that increase one's magical power being found on him. So my next match was either against Leon or Lari. It would be difficult to win but I knew I would be able to do it against either of them.

I went back to the Coliseum to see the fight. Those two were already in the arena, Lari had a solemn expression on her face.

'I won't let someone like you get past me! What you did to that person was disgusting! You're not human, I'll beat you!' Leon did nothing but grin.

'Princess, princess. I did nothing wrong. I didn't disobey any of the tournament rules, I just beat him until he passed out and was unable to fight. I didn't do anything wrong.'

'You sicken me. I have nothing more to say to scum like you.' Leon placed his hand on his stiletto and Lari tensed up, she was afraid and you could see it.

The battle started and Leon just stood there. Lari started chanting. She was preparing something big that would spell disaster for Leon. Instead of standing there waiting Leon pushed forward causing Lari to stop casting. She waved her hand but nothing happened. What the hell is she doing? She then started launching spells at Leon.

Leon cut them with his knives as if they were nothing, he got closer and closer to Lari. But instead of casting more offensive magic, she continued chanting that spell she started earlier. <i>What the fuck are you doing?! You won't have enough time to cast!</i> Leon was closing in and she started chanting faster. Then he reached her.

BOOM, an explosion went off and Leon was sent flying back. Did she place a trap? Wait when she waved her hand that must've been when she finished casting! I was getting hyped, Lari might actually win the fight. Leon was pushed back a long way and he clicked his tongue. He was getting annoyed and started to get careless. Instead of dodging he took some of Lari's offensive spells head-on without even flinching. He was a crazy fucking bastard.

'Your time has come monster! I'll destroy you with this spell!' Lari closed her eyes and started chanting. 'Oh, gods above I beseech thee to heed my call. To lay waste to a mistake of your creation, I ask that on behalf of angels you give me the right to administer divine punishment.' A warm light filled the stadium. It was the higher-middling level Heaven Shattering Divine Retribution, contrary to the grandiose name it wasn't actually that powerful, it would be more than enough to dispatch Leon though. It usually wouldn't require such a long casting time but she wasn't powerful enough yet to cast it quickly. 'Heaven Shattering Divine Retribution!' Leon looked at the sky and put his hand on his butcher knife. He wore a black ring on his finger that I never noticed before. It glowed a dark red colour.

From Lari's staff, multiple beams of light homed in on Leon. Instead of being scared, Leon grinned.

'I was expecting something more than this princess.' He raised his butcher knife and that red aura from his ring covered it. Without speaking a word he dispelled all of the beams of light with one shockwave that roused up dust.

Once the dust settled Leon was left standing while Lari looked at him in horror. Leon was walking towards her

'No, no get away from me you monster, don't touch me! I'm the princess I'll destroy you! Don't touch me!' Her face was filled with horror. Her pupils dilated, her skin started to turn pale, and her breaths started quickening. 'I surrender please!' Leon then stopped moving.

'That's exactly what I wanted to hear princess, I'd be in deep shit if I hurt the imperial princess wouldn't I?' Lari then fainted and medics took her away.

That man was my next opponent. I would need to plan accordingly so I wouldn't be devoured by him.