

Chapter 26: The Uchiha Tag Team


"Naruto is an-" Sakura was unable to finish due to her loss for words.

"Uchiha." Satsuki finished the sentence for her, bewildered at the sight in front of her. What the hell was going on? Naruto was an Uchiha? Thoughts were rolling from her head.

He didn't even tell me. Satsuki thought, looking at the scarlet eyes that Naruto had. All this time, Naruto had been hiding that he was truly from the Uchiha Clan until now?

She wanted to be angry at him, but at the same time, she couldn't bring herself to do it. Why? She doesn't particularly know at all. Fuck, she was being pathetic.

3-tomoes too. Satsuki thought, narrowing her eyes at Naruto. He could've at least told her. At least. Naruto side-glanced at Satsuki for a moment or two.

"Satsuki, there is no time for an explanation. We just need to rescue sensei." Satsuki scoffed, though nodding her head up and down and following Naruto's path.

"An Uchiha, huh? 3-tomoe Sharingan too. Hm, still won't be enough to defeat me." The water clone of Zabuza rushed towards Naruto at a quick speed. Naruto jumped up, perceiving everything at a much slower pace.

Naruto looked at Satsuki.

"There is no time for daydreaming, Satsuki. I'm going to need our help." Naruto dodged at thrust of the blade while in mid-air. He stood right on top of the tip of the blade and jumped right off.

Satsuki threw a kunai right towards the clone Zabuza. But he counterattacked with using his blade to block the kunai from reaching him. Naruto gritted his teeth, wondering what he should do.

He landed back on the ground and looked to his side where his backpack was at. "Satsuki, I have a plan." She nodded, wondering what Naruto had in mind.

"Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu" Numerous amounts of clones appeared all around the water clone. They all surrounded him with a kunai in their hands.

Hm? Shadow Clones? It seems this guy has lots of chakra. That could be dangerous. Thought the water clone, observing what was happening right around him. Naruto and his clones jumped right towards the water clone.

"Get ready," said the clones and Naruto in complete unison. They all jumped right on top of the water clone. To the outside, it seemed like Naruto and his clones were winning, but that was not the case.

They were all suddenly pushed back. One of the clones caught sight of the backpack that was laying on the ground.

"Boss, here!" One yelled, flinging the backpack right towards Naruto. He nodded, catching the backpack with relative ease. There was a split second pause, but Naruto managed to pull out a scroll.

A puff of smoke revealed itself and revealed a large-folded shuriken.

"Satsuki," said Naruto, throwing it towards her. She nodded, catching the shuriken. Once she caught it, her eyes widened at the touch of the shuriken.

So that's what you were planning. Satsuki thought, suddenly unfolding the shuriken that was unfolded until now. She held up the large shuriken that was in her fingertips.

"Demon Wind Shuriken — Windmill of Shadows."

The water clone observed what Satsuki was currently holding. "A shuriken? That won't work so easily." Satsuki jumped up in the air and threw the shuriken right towards him.

But. . . actually not him?

Naruto and Satsuki followed the shuriken's movement as it went past the water clone of Zabuza. The real Zabuza that was holding Kakashi captive slightly widened his eyes.

So their real target was me all along. Thought Zabuza, looking at the the Demon Wind Shuriken as it pierced through the air around it. Zabuza scoffed at their efforts.

"Nice try, but all you are doing is nothing but garbage." In a split second, Zabuza managed to grab the large shuriken before it managed to hit him.

Crap, I'm slowly losing it. I don't know if I can even keep up due to my current state. Kakashi thought, feeling the backlash from the overusing the Sharingan.

I haven't used it in awhile and I'm also losing my touch due to my lack of training. He thought once again, panting at a continuous rate. Naruto could see this, it was quite visible.

Another shuriken was launched right towards Zabuza. This made him widen his eyes even more than before. There was no way he could even catch it with his two arms being locked.

Or could he? No, definitely not.

Instead of dropping the shuriken and grabbing the next one, Zabuza jumped while holding onto the water prison and the Demon Wind Shuriken.

"You won't defeat me by using ordinary means!" Yelled Zabuza, smirking under the cloths that masked his mouth. Satsuki looked at the shuriken that was flying right behind.

It suddenly turned into Naruto — the real Naruto. He started to weave a a multitude of hand seals that were very familiar.

Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger

Naruto inhaled as he was falling down. "Fire Release: Great FireBall Jutsu" He then inhaled out a large fireball that honed its way towards Zabuza's direction. He widened his eyes, planning on letting go of the water prison.

He's done. Satsuki thought, seeing the fireball maneuver its way right towards him. But suddenly, someone had jumped right in front of the fireball to block it from hitting Zabuza.

Naruto slightly gritted his teeth.

The water clone went in front of the fireball before it hit Zabuza at all. Shit. Naruto thought summoning a shadow clone right next to him. The said clone then threw Naruto towards the water clone.

He slightly glanced Satsuki. She noticed this and nodded her head just slightly. The two pulled out a kunai at the same time and threw it towards the clone of Zabuza.

"Pitiful," said Zabuza, kicking away the kunai that Satsuki had thrown. She gritted her teeth slightly, glaring at the man with intense anger burning through her body.

The clone of Zabuza caught the kunai that Naruto had thrown and threw it right back at Naruto. "You're pretty good for a kid," said the clone. Naruto jump was still in mid-air and created a shadow clone to throw himself even higher in the air.

If I throw myself at Zabuza with another clone, I just might be able to dodge the attack. No, I'll definitely be able to dodge the attack. Naruto thought, summoning another clone right beside him.

The clone then threw the real Naruto towards Zabuza once more.

"When will you run out of damn chakra?!" The clone of Zabuza thrusted the blade right towards Naruto's stomach at an intense speed. Naruto placed his foot right on the tip of the blade.

He used it and flipped himself right off of the blade and back on the land. Naruto looked back at Satsuki.

She doesn't know how to walk on water yet. I'll have to lead the clone out of the water and back on the land. Naruto thought, running right beside Satsuki. He looked at her in an observant way.

She's still afraid. Even when using that fearless facade, she is still feeling the fear rise up every second. Naruto placed a hand right on her shoulder once again.

"There's no time to be scared. You're an Uchiha, thought you at least have some pride." Naruto calmly looked at the water clone that slowly was walking out of the water.

She scoffed.

"Shut the hell up. . . Uchiha Naruto. I'm not scared at all." She had one eye look at Naruto with a glare. Hm, it seems like she is returning back to normal.

"Alright, when we fight him, be careful of the blade. It's sharp as hell." Naruto saw Satsuki nod right back at him. He nodded back, pulling out a kunai from his holster.

They saw the real Zabuza drop down the shuriken that they had thrown towards him formerly.

"Time our attacks together. Got it?"

"I know that."

The water clone was now out of the water and was continuing its advances towards them at a much more quicker pace than before. Oh, the clone was going to take this much more seriously.

"Anything else you want to say?" Asked Satsuki. She got a nod from Naruto, indicating that he had something else to say to her before they started to attack right back at the clone right in front of them.

"Do whatever you have to do to take him down." The two saw the Zabuza get meters closer to them in an instant.

"I'm the one with the Sharingan, so my perception is boosted to a much higher extent. I know what we have to do." She nodded bitterly, jealous at Naruto's 3-tomoe Sharingan.

The clone appeared right in front of them.

"Jump. Now." Naruto and Satsuki jumped away in two different directions. The two regained their balance and locked eyes with each other. They nodded, knowing what to do next.

The two launched themselves off the ground and right towards the water clone. The clone was weaker than the real thing by a considerable amount.

But they needed to be careful still. The clone was endanger, so that meant the clone will be much more careful from here on out. The two brought their foot and was aiming for a kick to the head.

Though the clone managed to dodge the two simultaneous attacks.

"You're done!" Yelled the clone, swinging his blade as he turned around right towards the two. Naruto locked eyes with Satsuki once again. She nodded, seemingly knowing what to do.

Satsuki took Naruto's hand and threw him right up in the air. She analyzed Naruto's next movement.

A kunai throw next? No, a fireball jutsu. Satsuki thought, copying what Naruto was doing by doing the same familiar hand seals that Naruto was doing as well.

Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger

Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger

The two inhaled at the same time. "Fire Release: Great FireBall Jutsu" The two exhaled at the same time as well. Two large fireballs were aimed right toward the clone at a tremendous rate.

"You damn brats," said the clone, jumping away just before the fireballs connected with his body. Though the clone did notice something just after dodging the attack.

Shit, they managed to get some of the water. The clone thought, looking down at his own leg. Damn, he looks so fucking pathetic right about

now. Part of his foot was now nothing but spilling water.

I'll have to end this quickly because soon, I'll just be nothing more than a pile of glistening water. The clone thought, using one foot to launch himself right towards the two Uchihas.

"He's getting careless now. We can use it to our advantage." Satsuki nodded, agreeing with those words that Naruto had just said to her. Naruto pulled Satsuki away due to her not being able to react fast enough.

"Looks like i have to babysit you while we're fighting."

"Shut the hell up!" Satsuki yelled, feeling Naruto's hand push her head down to dodge the attack being aimed by the water clone. Good, the clone was losing lots of water.

But how long can sensei hold on? Naruto thought. He knew they weren't enough even if Naruto was pretty much at low-jonin strength when using the Sharingan.

"Satsuki, we need to do another timed attack. The last one worked out quite nicely."

"Got it."

The two jumped right back to create a much needed distance from the clone. They knew what exactly they needed to be doing as of right now.

Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger

Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger

The two inhaled at the same exact time. "Fire Release: Great FireBall Jutsu." The two then exhaled another large fireball from the mouths. They locked eyes with each other.

"Don't let him escape."

The two launched off from different directions, but their destination was ultimately the same. They saw the water clone try and jumped away to avoid the two fireballs.

But it seems Naruto and Satsuki had other plans.

They appeared right behind the water clone and threw a kick right at his stomach. The clone widened his eyes, feeling their feet passrighht through his entire body.

"Shit," said the clone, falling apart on the ground in utter pieces.

"I guess. . . you two win." The clone became nothing but a puddle of water. They looked at the main Zabuza. It was now time to go on to the main course dinner.

Naruto and Satsuki nodded their heads at each other. They knew what they had to do.

They needed to get this asshole to let go of the damn water prison. Naruto and Satsuki rushed towards Zabuza, trying to find a way to the man go of the damn water prison.

On second thought, they just needed to give him pressure and he'll eventually let go due to him being an old man. Satsuki went from the front, Naruto went from the back.

He was in mid-air and threw a kick right towards the swordsman right along with Satsuki. Zabuza managed to block Satsuki's due to her being at the front, but couldn't block Naruto's attack due to him being at the back.

Naruto swung his foot and placed it right on his back. He then twisted his body to the point where he could give him a punch to the face. Though that failed due to Zabuza's free hand.

"Don't get too cocky," said Zabuza, motioning his hand so he would throw Naruto back towards to Satsuki. But Naruto had other plans and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

A Shadow Clone? Since when? Thought Zabuza, suddenly feeling a kick to his face and stomach. Naruto was the one that delivered a kick to the face, while Satsuki was the one that delivered it to the stomach.

"Shut the hell up," said Satsuki, throwing another kick towards Zabuza's stomach.

"Don't provoke him, Satsuki." Naruto sighed, quickly pulling out a kunai out of his pockets and quickly maneuvering it towards Zabuza's shoulder that was holding right on the water prison.

"Tch, such weak and futile efforts."

Zabuza suddenly caught kunai with his arm. No, not the arm that was free, but the arm that was supposed to be holding the water prison that Kakashi was in.

Naruto slightly gritted his teeth, suddenly being throw right towards Satsuki. She had no room to react due to it being so sudden and was hit by Naruto's flying body.

The two crashed right on the ground, in a. . . compromising position.

"Get off of me, Satsuki." Naruto looked at Satsuki as she widened her eyes at what position they were it. She was right on top of Naruto and her head was so close to his own.

"Shut up, it's your fault." She grumbled, completely red all over. Naruto shrugged it off like it was nothing and stood right back up on the ground.

Satsuki did the same. Kakashi and Zabuza were now facing each other.

Kakashi panted due to him being utterly tired from the usage of the Sharingan. Their eyes locked and gave each other an intense stare down.

"Those brats managed to distract me."

"Don't kid yourself, you were forced to let go by them." Zabuza snarled, jumping away and Kakashi doing the same move as him. They were now fighting on top of the water.

Zabuza started to weave multiple amounts of hand seals. Kakashi did the same.

Ox → Monkey → Hare → Rat → Boar → Bird → Ox → Horse → Bird → Rat → Tiger → Dog → Tiger → Snake → Ox → Ram → Snake → Boar → Ram → Rat → Yang Water → Monkey → Bird → Dragon → Bird → Ox → Horse → Ram → Tiger → Snake → Rat → Monkey → Hare → Boar → Dragon → Ram → Rat → Ox → Monkey → Bird → Yang Water → Rat → Boar → Bird

Ox → Monkey → Hare → Rat → Boar → Bird → Ox → Horse → Bird → Rat → Tiger → Dog → Tiger → Snake → Ox → Ram → Snake → Boar → Ram → Rat → Yang Water → Monkey → Bird → Dragon → Bird → Ox → Horse → Ram → Tiger → Snake → Rat → Monkey → Hare → Boar → Dragon → Ram → Rat → Ox → Monkey → Bird → Yang Water → Rat → Boar → Bird

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu"

Two dragons that were made out of water simultaneously rose up from the water that the two were currently standing right on top of at the current moment.

They widened their eyes at the sight in front of them. This was truly magnificent to see even though it was practically a battle to the death.

Zabuza and Kakashi clashed with their own respective weapons. Kakashi had a simple but trustworthy kunai. Zabuza had a blade that was created to butcher them all.

Something is not right. Thought Zabuza, trying to battle for dominance in the battle that could potentially lead to one of their deaths while this was happening.

Or the two could both just simply and magically die right here and right now.

This was a battle between two jonin-level ninjas that; whom were highly dangerous in battle.

Our jutsu and our casting happened at a simultaneous rate. Could this guy possibly able to. . . The two stopped clashing and jumped away once more.

The raining water from the water dragons stopped. The flooding of the water also stopped due to the subside of the two water dragons fighting each other.

There was a moment of silence.

As soon as Zabuza moved his arms, Kakashi did the same. But he didn't just copy after Zabuza had done it. No, it was something much more bizarre than that.

"He's doing it at the same rate of speed. How is that possible?" Tazuna questioned. Naruto narrowed his eyes at this sight. He knew exactly what Kakashi was doing.

He was using genjutsu. It seems like he was using the genjutsu at a quite good of use. What the hell? It's like he knows what I'm about- He was cut off right after.

"To do next?" Zabuza widened his eyes even further. His eyes were practically bulging out of their own sockets. This was unbelievable and weird to a very weird extent.

He looks at me with that eye.

"Infuriating? I think it is." Zabuza gritted his teeth at this with such anger that was being directed right towards Hatake Kakashi himself.

"You're just copying me — just pure imitation like a damn monkey!" Zabuza shouted lightly, angered at this shitty copycat knowing what he was doing.

"You can't beat me, I'll kill you!"

"You can't beat me, I'll kill you!"

Zabuza widened his eyes as they said this at a simultaneous speed. What? There was absolutely no way this could be happening at all! Could he really. . .

Zabuza started to weave multiple hand seals that Kakashi was also doing at the same time. But something quite odd happened, Kakashi managed to finish before he could.


Tiger - Ox - Monkey - Rabbit - Ram - Boar - Ox - Horse - Monkey - Tiger - Dog - Tiger - Snake - Tiger - Ox - Monkey - Rabbit - Bird

"Water Release: Giant Vortex Jutsu" The water rose up meters into the air. Zabuza widened his eyes, being engulfed by the large stream of water right before him.

He was now being swirled and stirred around like a person cooking some stew.

I-I can't keep up. Zabuza thought, soon being taken and hitting a tree. Water dripped down his body as he saw Kakashi walk up right in front of him as he was leaning right on the tree.

He was tired. Absolute tired at that.

"Tell me, can you. . . look into the future?"

"Yes, and your future is your end." Kakashi had his kunai at being held tightly in-between his very own fingertips. He motions his arm and hand to put Zabuza out of his misery.

But suddenly, two senbon needles from far away made itself known to the world and impaled Zabuza's neck with such speed and absolute brutality.

They widened their eyes as a person jumped down from a tree that was close to their area and landed right next to the ground that Zabuza laid on.

"And you are right. He is now dead."


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