

Chapter 14: Wits


Naruto was taken to the Hokage Residence by Iruka. And well, that sure went well. Hiruzen glared at him from across the room. Oh, yeah, he definitely expected more from Naruto.

"You know, after that incident with you beating up the entire graduating class last year, I thought I had finally got you to stop with these random incidents that were so difficult to handle and fix." Naruto stayed silent, standing right beside the angered Iruka.

"But I guess I was wrong about that. Why would you do such a thing?" Hiruzen was angry and he knew this was going to be the most difficult task/problem to fix up. Hiruzen and Iruka looked at him, expecting an answer to be delivered.

"To make her grow up. I told her in that class. The reason and purpose for me doing that was to make her. . . grow up." Naruto's answer was just as serious as Hiruzen's tone. "Naruto, you're a great student — a prodigy almost or already are, but those words won't help heal Satsuki's emotional wounds." Iruka agreed with Hiruzen's words.

Naruto scoffed, obviously not liking what he had stated.

"And what? Giving gifts will help the job to heal her wounds that are full of sadness, and hate? I think not. I said that words from other people wouldn't help, but I guess my words did help." Naruto clenched his hands to form a tight fist.

"Because the only way for her to heal her wounds were for me to tell her to get up and wake up to reality — the reality that her clan is dead and that she is their future and legacy." His words were vile and could cut deep into any person.

"Saying that everything will be ok won't help. You know why? Because everything is not ok. Her clan is dead and by who exactly? An S-Rank criminal who was on-par with a Kage at the age of 13 or something." The ending word was quite shit, but it worked.

"How do you know about that?" Naruto scoffed at that.

"Isn't it obvious? It got leaked to the public. Words from another person won't help heal a person, nor will it work against someone like Uchiha Itachi. The hate in Satsuki heart for her older brother will fester. It won't look good." Naruto got a glare from Hiruzen. Man, he was not pleased with Naruto.

"This world — it's plagued by the thing called hatred. The entity that will last until the brink of human extinction. Even then, it will carry on if animals are still alive. Love is limited, but hatred is limitless." These words could cut into a person's psyche and destroy them.

"She is a future kunoichi of the Uchiha Clan. There is no doubt that she will take lives and walk over corpses along the road as she evolves further into later development stage in life. Satsuki can't just say the Uchiha Clan's death were more important than another death outside of her clan because they were powerful and had powerful eyes. She is wrong, both subjectively and objectively." Naruto was not yet done with his piercing words.

"Like what I asked her at the academy, what about all the deaths that happen everyday? Are they excused and considered insignificant because they were random people that were clanless and were just your average ninja around the nations? Absolutely not." Iruka interrupted briefly.

"People in this village have an emotional attachment to the Uchiha Clan because of how they were essential to the founding of Konoha." Naruto scoffed at those words that Iruka had said.

"That. . . that is incorrect." Naruto clicked his tongue. "They held no deep interaction or deep connection with them. So, their emotional attachment are void and are just considered. . . a fantasy. Also, what about other people that die everyday? They may or may not have people close to them that cherish them and have an emotional attachment. Unless. . . are they already dead? Do they have a reason to be a shinobi when their emotional attachments are destroyed? Maybe or maybe not. Or do they have another reason to keep going?" Naruto gritted his teeth just slightly.

"Naruto, you shouldn't focus on these stuff," said Hiruzen. This caused a slight chuckle from Naruto. It was odd, seeing Naruto chuckle like that.

"Why? Are you afraid? Are you afraid that I will become another Itachi? Fear itself is just another step forward to hatred." Naruto kept on asking weird and problematic questions.

"No, I'm not afraid of you becoming another Itachi. I know you won't. While you two have eerily similar mindset, and capabilities, I know you better than to follow in the footsteps of Itachi." Naruto kept silent, listening to all of the words.

"Better yet, I think It's time for you to apologize to Satsuki," said Hiruzen, making Naruto widen his eyes. He was about to protest against that idea, but was quickly silenced by Hiruzen. "No 'ifs' or 'buts'. You will do it, whether you like it or not." Naruto had a face of displeasure plastered right on his face.

"I'll go with you. I rather not have you repeat another mistake." Hiruzen lightly smiled at him, gesturing for him to come along with him to the academy. Without a word, Naruto walked right behind Hiruzen. Iruka was following right behind them.


"Satsuki-san, it'll be fine. That Naruto idiot doesn't know when to stop," said Sakura, sitting right beside the angered Satsuki. She clenched her fist. "Yeah, that idiot doesn't know what he's messing with!" Yu yelled, angry at Naruto.

"Man, I don't know why all are so noisy. I'm trying to sleep here." Shikamaru was now complaining, trying to go back to sleep. He got a glare by many people. "Shut the hell up, Shikamaru! Don't you see Satsuki-chan is hurt?" Yu yelled, getting many agrees in the background.

"Why are you guys on his case anyway? If anything, this doesn't involve us, it only involves Naruto and Satsuki." Kiba was annoyed at everyone's talking. "Kiba!" Yu came towards him and grabbed the front of his shirt.

"Say sorry right now! Didn't you hear? Naruto talked crap about us all and most importantly Satsuki! Shouldn't you be angry! 'Cause I am!" Yu yelled into Kiba's face. He scowled at him.

"Yeah, I am angry at him for saying stuff and calling everyone out. But you have to admit, it was definitely suffocating when we acted like we understood her pain even though we never experienced it." Yu threw Kiba down to the ground.

Damn, he was an extreme fanboy.

"Man. . . stop arguing. . . we should just. . . lay off. . . and stop." Choji was munching on his potato chips. He actually thought Naruto was a pretty decent guy when it came to being a friend.

Though unless you're talking the times when Naruto would talk about human life and all that random shebang that he is usually known for. But besides that, Naruto was actually pretty cool. Though also pretty boring.

He was actually impressed by Naruto.

He was actually really good at playing shogi; on par with someone like Shikamaru. They were currently tied with a 10-10 win on both sides of the spectrum.

"You too, Choji?!" Yu was angered by this development. He was about to say more, but the sliding door to class opened up. Their eyes snapped toward the door and saw Naruto with Iruka and the. . .


The two stood right in front of Naruto, leading him towards Satsuki's desk. He got many glares of disdain as he walked past them — most notable was Yu's. God, that was weird a glare.

Naruto stood in front of Satsuki. "Naruto, you should also probably compliment her afterwards too." Iruka smiled lightly at him as he whispered this to him. Naruto raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why? Isn't an apology enough? She's a future kunoichi of Konoha, apologies are something that are irrelevant to the equation." Iruka sighed, hearing how Naruto was speaking out loud.

"People usually like it when you compliment them — might even get them to accept your apology much more easier." Again, Naruto raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Why should people need a compliment? I thought recognition as a shinobi was good enough." Iruka sighed, disappointed at Naruto's ability to give people compliments.

"Just give her an apology," said Iruka, whispering to Naruto. He nodded and turned his head back towards the angry Uchiha Princess. Naruto was silent for a few seconds.

"Sorry about what I said — though it was true," Naruto felt Iruka pinch his neck. "It was wrong of me to say things like that when you are emotionally unstable at the current moment. And might even be emotionally stunted and unstable in the future." He got a glare in return.

"I'm not emotionally unstable or stunted!" Yelled Satsuki, getting up from her seat with her eyes narrowed at him. "See? Proves my point," voiced Naruto. A glare was the only thing that he saw.

"Now, now, there is no need for you to aggravate her." Iruka turned Naruto away and pointed back to his seat. Which was right behind them and back towards to the direction of Satsuki.

Naruto sighed.

Looks like everything is still. . . shit.


"Danzo-sama, you have called for me," Stated Naruto, his emotionless tone rang across the room as he bowed down slightly. Danzo looked at Naruto with a keen eye.

"You did well on your mission a few days ago, Naruto," praised Danzo, eyes looking down upon Naruo as he bowed towards Danzo. "Thank you, Danzo-sama." Naruto continued to bow down.

He did not like doing this, but it was needed to seal his trust with Danzo completely. "But I do wonder, what are your thoughts about the Uchiha Massacre?" Naruto cursed his luck internally.

Many thoughts were racing around Naruto's mind. What should I say? I have to be careful on what I do say to him — it might blow my cover. Naruto thought, stopping his bow and stood facing Danzo once more.

"I think Konoha can survive this current crisis that we have unfortunately have gone through." Naruto thought of the best response that he could possibly give him. Quite a good one.

"I see, I also agree with this. As long as the tree is alive, we can sacrifice a few leaves along the way." Naruto nodded, seemingly made sense of that analogy. An interesting one indeed.

"Is there another reason why you have called for me, Danzo-sama?" Asked Naruto, eyes peering out of his fox mask as looked at Danzo. He shook his head as a response.

"No, you can go now." Naruto nodded, walking away from Danzo and out of the doors of the room that he resided in. Naruto quickly started thinking as he made his way out of the base of operations.

What was his intention behind this meeting and the massacre? He must be the reason behind it. Was Itachi an Anbu for ROOT? No, he couldn't. I have never seen him around the base. Naruto thought, arriving at his house almost an hour later.

Then he must be an Anbu that gets direct orders from the Hokage. Was he also getting orders from Danzo? He is part of the elders alongside the Hokage. There must be a connection to that. Right? Naruto thought, taking off his mask, clothing and putting on his normal attire.

Danzo was always a suspicious and fishy person.

Naruto was currently inferior to Danzo in a lot of things. A few were: Power/strength, and status. He had an upper-hand against Naruto if he were to ever turn around and backstab Danzo in the back. So he'll take his time and get stronger slowly but surely.

And when he trusts me to the point where he thinks I'm a loyal follower, I'll retaliate. Naruto thought, carefully planning out his next move. He had to play his pieces carefully. Sure, Danzo was senile and is very flawed when it came to achieving world domination. Very, very flawed if Naruto must tell you.

Hm. World domination. Sounds like bullshit to me. Naruto thought, thinking of the possible ways for Danzo to be able to accomplish this. He knew Danzo needed a way to actually get everyone in the world to follow his command. Though he had no way of doing that.

Unless, he does. Naruto thought, closing his eyes as he crashed down on his bed. If one person was out of line, then who will punish them? ROOT members? Yeah, but how are they going to punish over hundreds of thousands of people? There are not enough ROOT members to be able to do that.

Unless there is a jutsu to get them to not step over their line. Naruto had his eyes still closed down. But what jutsu could act like mind control? Elemental ninjutsu won't be useful for mind control. Taijutsu is out of the question also. Kenjutsu — that is close to taijutsu. Fuinjutsu. . . nah. Naruto landed his thoughts on the last category.

Genjutsu is the most probable and most likely answer. Genjutsu is a lot like attack a person mentally like mind control. But what kind of genjutsu could essentially mind control everyone? Wait, genjutsu requires precise chakra control. This led to another thought inside of Naruto head.

And mind control is practically something beyond human comprehension. The only way mind control could even be remotely possible is through the use of. . . Naruto widened his eyes in realization.


Naruto immediately started thinking about the other topic at hand. Could this be the reason why Itachi killed his clan? To get Danzo possession of the Sharingan in order to give him potential power to rule the nations? No, that can't be it. Naruto pondered, thinking on the level that would normally break a person's mind.

Itachi is way too smart for that. He wouldn't let himself fall that low. Does that mean there was another reason? Could there have been internal conflict that could have been created? Naruto made a thinking face, interested in Uchiha Massacre.

Wow, he told Satsuki that he could care less about the Uchiha Massacre, but look at him now.

The village itself was never the same after the Kyuubi Attack. Madara had said that Obito controlled the Kyuubi and had it go rampant throughout the village. He also said that the village soon found out about the potential perpetrator and him having the ability to control the Kyuubi. Naruto nodded to himself as he thought of this.

And the only two people that were known to be able to subdue a bijuu was Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama. But Hashirama had to use his Wood Release to do so. But in the Kyuubi Attack, no Wood Release was used by the perpetrator himself. So the only possible conclusion that would appear from a normal person's brain is that an Uchiha could have possibly been the perpetrator. Before Naruto could think much more deeper into this thought, his alarm rang.

Oh? I didn't turn it off?



DONE! This shall be the end of this chapter. As you can see, Naruto has a very large brain that has and is able to use to a very good level.

Next chapter