
Chapter 1

The year is 2501, the future. Humanity wasn't so sure we'd make it this far because of global warming and climate change, but somehow we did. In the future everyone suspected that there would be too many people. Boy were they wrong. Today there stands to be only about one million people left on Earth. Back in 2089 there was a huge virus that killed billions of people, so to save humanity one lady named Tonya brought as many people as she could to a safe destination, away from the infected. It was only weeks later when the disease died out, which allowed Tonya and her group to head back into the real world. Only a few million people survived. From there on Tonya lead the people to a part of the world that was in working condition. Once again people began to live their normal lives, but because of the disease people were limited to having one-two kids. So to make sure that nothing like this would happen again Tonya became the first "Governess" in all of our history. Her job was to make sure everything was in order and no crimes were being committed.

It has been 412 years since that worldwide disease and still no one knows how it was caused. As for Tonya, she has been long gone since no one has yet discovered a way to become immortal. However all of her female descendants have become governesses. There was also never a male governor because Tonya had decided that the men had their turn and it was the women's time to rule.

I, for one, am thankful of what Tonya had done, but I wish we had more freedom like we did in the past. Now in 2501 there is a test that everyone must enter at the age of 22, which will match you with your significant other, as well as another, that determines your career for the rest of your life. I am almost at that age since I am 21 years old, but unlike everyone else I don't seem to agree to the system. They all say "Our governess knows best, we need to give her the utmost respect," but no one ever questions her actions.


Walking to school I heard the sound of screaming. Turning around I saw my neighbour was thrashing against guards as they drag her to who knows where. Afterwards there were rumors that she was taken away for opposing the government, which is illegal, and others which said she went insane from old age. Either way, no one ever saw her again.

*End of flashback*

Just then my alarm on my phone went off. Shit, I was going to be late. Quickly I grabbed my jacket and ran out the door.

In the future instead of cars we simply walked or rode a bike because it was environmentally healthy and had to conserve what we had left of the planet. It took about 40 minutes but I finally reached the Tellium. The Tellium is where people find out what that job they will have and who their match is. I have to go there because my friend Alex is there taking the test right now, and I promised to be there when he went in. I waited for about fifteen minutes before I saw him come in.

"Reya you made it," he said beaming.

"Of course I came, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't?" it came out more offended than I meant it to.

"No, I just mean…. never mind. I'm glad you're here, my testing got delayed."

"Well there's no way you're going through this alone. Lets go."

We walked down the hall talking and catching up. It's not like I haven't seen him in a month, we just simply enjoy the small conversations between us.

When we got to the hall we had to sit until the assistant called Alex's name. It took about twenty minutes, and in my opinion, waiting is the worst part.

"Alexander Davidson?"

Alex turned to look at me. Fear was plastered across his face. Even though he tried to hide it with a shy smile, I could tell he was worried. How could he not be? He's about to take a test that will determine most of the rest of his life, I'd call him stupid of he wasn't scared.

"Well. Wish me luck," and with that he was rushed into the room.

It takes about an hour to do the whole test and there wasn't anything to do at home so I sat in the hall and just looked out the window. Normally I love to look outside and see kids playing in the paths but I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if the disease never happened. Would I still be me? Would I have existed at all? What if-

"You ready to go?" a voice asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah I am," I responded.


The walk home was everything but silent. Alex was going on about how long he was going to have to wait until he is able to get the results back. Honestly I was worried for him. Technically you don't have to marry your match right away, but you are supposed to eventually. As for the job I can't say too much since I haven't read up on that part just yet, but so far the system seems to be doing a great job as the people have been using it for 200 years.

Our walking stopped when we got to my door. Honestly whoever gets Alex as a match is going to be very lucky. He's a great friend and is like a brother to me.

I laid down on my bed, picked up my tablet and opened it up. I love reading about our history, to me it seems like a storybook. All stories have climax, I wonder if ours was the outbreak, or if that's still to come.


When I woke up it was already close to dark, I guess that I fell asleep when I was reading. Getting up I decided to go out for a walk. There was something about this time of day that just made me feel calm. I walked outside, bringing the door to a close behind me. Walking down the path of my street in the late evening gives me the sort of feeling that nothing else in the world could. Just walking alone gives me time to think, not just about my day but life in general.

I walked for a while and shortly after found myself in the park enjoying the fresh green smells of the Earth. Sitting down on the grass, I admired the children, still laughing and having fun at this time of day as the parents' position themselves like me lying on the grass, probably hand in hand. No one knows but I've always felt a twinge of envy towards the kids and children. I've grown up to the point to where I know it's not all candy and rainbows. That's what I miss the most I think. Not knowing, just being oblivious to all the crime and mortality, as well as anything else that is involved in some way with hate. That's why I come to the park. I love watching the kids have fun. It almost feels like they're making me forget everything wrong in the world we live in. Almost.

I stayed at the park for an hour or two, and decided to leave as the sun went down. Knowing it would get dark soon, I wanted to get home while there was still light in the sky. As I walked to my house I listened to the crunch of the dirt and rocks as my feet hit the ground with each step.

I stopped in front of my house, admiring it for a second. The nice thing about our community is that we all have nice homes, and being an only child I get the house all to myself. Also, the fact that I already graduated high school means that I don't live with my parents. At the age of 20 all teenagers are required to live alone, so that they learn the importance of independence.

Unlocking the door I quickly made dinner and got ready for bed. As I pulled the covers over my waist, I reached for my tablet. Skimming over the story of our history I realized there was one question that I never asked. What was the virus? Sure I understand that illnesses can die out, but what about the people? How is it possible that they didn't get infected, but could no longer have more than two kids? Am I the first to wonder that? Multiple questions swam through my brain as I tried searching through the pages for answers. Nothing.

Well that's strange, you would think that something that played such a significant part in our history would be written here in the pages. Interesting, I suppose I will have to do further digging later on. Placing down my tablet, I curled up in my blankets, and within minutes said goodnight to the world.