
Chapter 72: Precautions

Arias finally arrived and was greeted by an odd scene. The women were comparing breasts while the father-daughter pair compared asses leaving Arias confused at what was happening. He shook his head and finally decided to speak.

"Am I missing something here?".

Arias's voice made everyone except Silver Banshee jolt up to attention while Banshee just left her breasts bouncing without a care.

Several awkward explanations later they finally lined up in front of Arias...well almost all. Kara stood at attention by Arias's side while Caitlyn stood near him as well getting even closer.

"Can I help you two?"

Kara responded to Arias's question first.

"I'm shadowing you Sir to be a better leader Sir!"

Saluting in her usual cute manner while standing at attention she spoke plainly. Arias said nothing to her and turned his head to Caitlyn.

"Uh well you see I need heat to stay alive or feel comfortable, and you're hot. Wait not hot your body just radiates heat. Like it's not intense, but it gives my body a stability I haven't felt since I was normal no even better so can I stand close to you when you're around. I don't mind standing outside your door absorbing some of it while you sleep too so not to bother. Not like in any creepy way or anything".

Said Caitlyn as she laughed a bit awkwardly.

"There's a none creepy way to do that? Well then we must've all missed the memo!".

Slade with a surprised look on his face.

"It's not always, he just radiates a more pure heat. I just stand outside his door and absorb the heat he gives off while he sleeps. Anyone who sees me will think am just waiting to see him or something, not creepy at all. What would you think?".

Caitlyn defended her point proudly.

Slade thought for a moment and gave his response.

"You? At 3AM ? Outside a room other than your own? Sounds more like thirst".

Slade shrugged.

'I chose to radiate some energy today to make her crave for more and begin her taming...maybe I released too much'.

Arias thought before finally speaking.

"I don't mind when am around but no need to stand outside my door...it's unsettling. Anyway I didn't come here to compare tits and asses or debate creepiness".

Everyone except Banshee looked a bit embarrassed at Arias's words. He looked at them for a moment and continued to speak.

"I gathered you all here today because we're going a little trip... A mineral rich planet has been put into chaos as two organizations are fighting for it. The planets natives initially prevented such a thing by masking their planet in a magic barrier. A very powerful one I might add. Now they're just left praying to their imaginary god for help."

"Wow, so we're going to help free their planet?".

Kara asked sounding inspired.

Arias looked at her before continuing.

"No. You are going to eliminate every last trace of the two organizations. As for the planet... It will belong to me."

"B-but wouldn't that be taking their home".

Kara spoke in a sad tone.

Arias didn't answer her question and continued

"This is to test how well you can operate together as well see where you need to improve. Get what you need ready and meet back here we leave in an hour...you're dismissed".

"First day of the job and I'm already loving it. Time to polish my babies."

Slade walked away smiling.

Rose followed with Caitlyn not far behind. Ivy turned to Arias and spoke.

"My condition isn't stable I won't be able to fight for long or as well like this unless you stabilize it fully I'll just die otherwise."

Arias walked up to her and held her by the chin making her look up into his cold eyes.

"What part of me makes you think I care whether you live or die... I'm not a man you can bend to your every whim like you're used to...if you want something from me then show you deserve it or if it's too challenging for you..."

Arias paused and leaned into her ear.

"Drop Dead".

Arias released her, and she grit her teeth tightly but walked away without uttering a word.

"Will you kill the natives Mr. Leviathan...."

Arias turned to Kara who hadn't left but still stood up straight and now looked at him with worried eyes.

'So innocent... I'll need to slowly eliminate her morals till only my word matters.'

Arias walked and put his hand on her shoulder.

"You misunderstood me Kara. I don't plan on killing them. They have a very rich mineral planet, so organizations will stop at nothing to control it and enslave or kill the natives unless that is they have me as backing. If it truly doesn't appeal to you, we will leave them to face their fate and die or live off as slaves while their planet becomes an industrial wasteland."

Arias let go of her shoulder and wanted to leave.

"No! Please I didn't think of it that way. Please don't abandon them, I'm sorry for questioning you please don't let them die cause of it I can't live with myself knowing I caused them to be abandoned".

Kara pleaded while holding Arias's hand.

"Fine we will "help" I just thought someone who claims I inspire them would have a little more faith in me. Go get ready then."

Kara held onto his hand tighter.

"No I do have faith I just wasn't sure...".

Arias took his hand away from her slowly and shook his head.

"I see. Leave and get ready."

Arias spoke without emotion to her.

She tried to say something else, but Arias was already walking away from her. She held her head down and flew away.

Arias then reached the only person remaining.

"Silver Banshee, not leaving to prepare?".


Banshee once again spoke one word. It now became apparent she was in the dead state Arias knew off. Where she only had basic Instincts with her memories completely gone except those that carry vengeance.

"Tell me what you truly seek I know the crone is only a means to an end".

Arias casually asked. Silver Banshee had a frown appear on her face at the question.


Not if concerns the safety of my people.

"Now speak".

Silver Banshee didn't appreciate his tone and revealed a threat.


She said his first name then paused. This was the threat as Silver Banshee had the ability to kill someone by saying their full real name sometimes even an alias was enough.

Arias revealed a smile and released a bluish energy from his body that rotated around his finger.

"Life energy....How?"

Silver Banshee spoke loudly. Arias smiled at the surprised Banshee. He already knew her main goal was life energy. This would remove the weaknesses she holds as a ghost.

'The reason she sought the crone was to force her to give her back her life, but the crone will refuse and give her an ultimatum. A number of powerful souls in return for one of her own. She's already learned the names of a few power beings but if she finds another source of life energy she'll take it...'

"Give Life. Will Listen"

Silver Banshee spoke trying to reach for the ball in Arias's hand.


Arias spoke with a devilish smile on his face.

Silver Banshee didn't hesitate her eyes remained on the glowing ball of blue light as she kneeled down in front of him.

"I Obey. Give Life".

'Got her'.

Arias gave her the glowing ball and the light began to enter her body until she felt was of off

"No. Trap. Trick. Arias Adriel...Arias Adriel!!".

Arias smiled as Banshee screamed his name but saw no results.


Banshee let out her sonic like scream but still Arias did not flinch. Soon she seemed to be in pain as she moved parts of her body uncomfortably.

Her struggle soon stopped, and she raised her head, still on her knees she looked up at Arias then a devilish grin appeared on her face which now had a crest on the forehead.

"Master. I am ready to serve. Ready to kill. Ready for all".

Arias looked at her eager face and nodded

"Seems my little experiment is a success. I can only be sure of those closest to me holding Loyalty, but others may be merely biding their time. If I hand not known of your goal you may have proved annoying at a later time".

Arias spoke while he caressed Banshees face which held a sadistic smile.

"Punish Me. Torture Me. Appease your Anger "

Her voice carried its own echo as she spoke not once looking away from Arias.

"Who are you?"

Arias asked while his thumb rubbed her lips. Her longer than normal tongue sometimes lightly tapping it.

"I am nothing. I am everything. I am a Tool. Used for Carnage. Used for Punishment. Used for Pleasure. Used for anger. I am Your Tool. Your weapon. Your Senses. Your Anger. Your anything. I am Yours."

Banshee spoke in moments always waiting for her echo to fade before carrying on.

"Good very good. True Absolute loyalty but nothing comes without a price. You are without your own will. Almost like my very own programmed creation. In time, I will learn to mold life from nothing. Perhaps then we can improve you, but for now I'm content you won't pose a danger to my people. A Soul Slave isn't much use to me, basically an empty shell that follows orders, but if it means less schemes then this will do"

"Praise to Master. I wish to serve."

Arias looked at Banshee and nodded

"Act as you did before to everyone else. And do not address me as master unless alone...".

Banshee nodded and stood, her face became emotionless like before and Arias left content with the situation for now.

'One day I will be able to create life without limits, There's still a ways to go but making a soul even a low tier is progress'.

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