
Chapter 135: Mutants Vs The World Part 10

A day had passed since Arias left the floating city and the world was in turmoil. The president of the United States who had at first wanted to take a stance that would ensure both sides reached a peaceful conclusion had now officially declared Magneto and the mutants that followed his beliefs to be a threat to humanity that must be stopped.

This announcement came the very morning he had been attacked by Arias under the guise of Magneto but he couldn't reveal this to the public as it would put a dent in people's confidence in him. If even the White House wasn't safe then what was, them?

Magneto countered this announcement with a message of his own to the world that he had broadcast to many secure channels through hacking, secretly the assistance came from Zero otherwise his broadcast would have been cut short.

[ You see now my fellow mutant brothers and sisters? This is what humanity wants from us! They can't stand seeing our gifts so they make excuses to incriminate and eradicate us! It's true I'm no saint but I do what I must for my people! In the past people who fought for their beliefs were always seen as fools and looked down upon but I too won't give up. Once I'm gone do you think humanity will welcome you back with open arms? They think you all to be freaks for their entertainment! Even when some of us dedicate ourselves to save their lives they see us no more than freaks. I will not stand down, even if it means I must wage war on the entire human race! ]

[ To the current world leaders, so long as you agree to my terms I promise that you will reign supreme in your nation. Either you're with me or against me, there is no neutral stance. If you think your country can't withstand the full force of mutant kind then by all means do so. ]

With that the broadcast came to an end. The reception was taken differently by the many people who saw it, from world leaders to citizens.

The more powerful nations were quick to suggest they fight this threat head on but the smaller nations felt they'd only be suffering losses if they did so.

When they were suffering and the big nations thrived they provided support only in the eyes of the public but in truth their help came at a price, usually at the few resources their countries held.

"Reign Supreme" these words were tempting to many leaders of small nations. They would have the backing of powerful mutants and may become a strong nation if the new world order came about. If they did fight against mutants they'd probably be amongst the first to be wiped out...

And so a wedge between nations was created and the same could be said for mutants. Some mutant heroes agreed with Magneto whilst others disagreed. The first day of the war was about individuals and organizations choosing sides in the coming war.

The only true neutral force in this was the floating Mega city that belonged to Leviathan that closed off communication to the outside world.

Both Magneto and world leaders had tried to make contact but the response was the same, "Their leader is off world."

Leviathan held technology far more advanced than any other power along with very powerful individuals so it was only natural for whichever side they took to gain a huge advantage.

The majority of the people in the floating city had no idea of what was happening in the outside world. Only Dr. Veritas, Harley and Slade were truly aware of Arias's plans to incite the war then watch as they tear each other apart before making his move.

Dr. Veritas handled all incoming attempts to reach out to them while Harley and Slade created an atmosphere as if all was okay. Billy was in Olympus and Kara was in a solar capsule so even the few individuals powerful enough to know what was going on were taken care of.

Everyone else continued with their training and Natasha continued to visit Dr. Veritas at night for her treatment, completely unaware of the events taking place.

It was only after a month that the war had reached a pause, both sides suffered greatly and the casualties of the innocent were immense. Nations who sided with Magneto weren't spared and the same could be said for small time mutant heroes who sided with humans.

"A new world order." Arias who observed from space looked at the scene while his head. Nearíthea was snuggled up to him tightly with her eyes closed and a big smile on her face while Àpeiro simply laid her head on his shoulder.

"Do you plan on going down and reaping the benefits from this?" She asked but Arias shook his head.

"Both sides needed to experience losses to learn how pointless their struggle was. With or without my influence in time this war was going to take place and lives were going to be lost. Better to fast forward the wait and let them experience it now. I'm sure by now they are considering extreme approaches. Nuclear warfare, their strongest fighters and anything else that can shift the balance."

"As for Leviathan's role in all this? We'll be the heroes who suppressed the chaos and brought peace." Arias smiled and explained.

At around the same time, Dr. Veritas restored contact to the outside world and everyone now knew what was happening.

As for why it took so long for them to know? Dr. Veritas simply explained it as there was a threat off world that required Arias, Nearíthea and Àpeiro to deal with. Until she knew it was safe they were in a state of hibernation, they simply weren't informed to avoid causing worry and panic.

This excuse was bought by many but some had doubts, but it didn't matter in the end. Natasha was on the side that believed them and was very worried about the matter just as much as she was about the situation concerning the war between humans and mutants.

"Dr.Veritas if you've announced this then does it mean?" Nastasha asked curiously. Dr. Veritas was currently residing over a meeting with the members of Leviathan where she explained the lie she cooked up in detail, she understood what Natasha meant and it was worry many shared but she looked up toward the ceiling and smiled.

"Yes, he's back."

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