
chapter 4

298 AC Essos

A moon had passed since Sven came to this world and the first thing he saw was strange people and all of sudden memories and emotions came flooding to his head causing him to claw at his head due to the pain. His mental state could not take it anymore and thus he shut down and could not control his body. So when a man attacked, his body moved on pure instinct and killed him. He was brought out from his berserk state when he came face to face with a girl, about six ten of age. The girl felt familiar and then suddenly some memories of her came to him and he was heartbroken to realize she was his sister, all the evil this guy, Viserys, had done to her, he could only apologize but then his instincts screamed at him to escape and that's what he did.

Sven was sitting on a coastal cliff watching the sea, he always loved the sea. When he shadow travelled on his instincts it took him to a place where he would be at peace, thus near the sea, a place he spent time with his mother when she was alive in his previous life. Now he was in a foreign world as a different person, a person who is a direct opposite from him. When he came to this world his soul struggled with Viserys' for control but he came out on top as Viserys was weak and as a result they merged, so in a way he was still Viserys as he acquired some of his emotions. Viserys was considered as mad and a fool, but Sven knew otherwise, a fool he was but wasn't mad, just, misguided. Queen Rhaella Targaryen, sister wife to the mad king Aerys II Targaryen, did her best to shield the then young Viserys from the kings madness. From her point of view, it was a mother protecting her child from the world as at the time, he wasn't ready to comprehend the truths of the world but unfortunately, she died giving birth to daenerys before she could help him comprehend the world. Viserys was named king but he had to beg in order even for food for him and his infant sister to survive. He blamed his sister for the death of their mother and thus he tormented her for it. Sven understood Viserys' actions but it disgusted and angered him for Daenerys was the only living family he had left .Viserys reminded him of his brother Baron. He wondered if this was his punishment, to become a man who like was his brother, to see the world from their view in order to understand his actions.

Sven felt the wind on his face, he really loved watching the sea.in this calm he set to meditate, he had meditated since he woke up and one thing he noticed was the source magic of this world was dormant. He concentrated on it and tried to draw it to him. In his previous life, people called mages, could draw magic, a natural energy of a world, towards them and store it in a magic core in their bodies this would result in giving them abilities given their affinity towards nature. Sven was able to draw some of it but instead of forming a magical core his, body became something akin to a core. Drawing the source magic towards him caused his body to change towards what he was in his previous life, he was still Viserys but with a lean body of a warrior. The more he concentrated the more he felt a connection and at the end of that connection was something, something that was waiting for him, yearning for him ,so he focused on it. Sven was brought out of his meditation by a loud shout in his head and it was painful hearing the voice in his head. The voice was commanding and powerful, very powerful, he could feel the magic in it. The voice was calling for him to find it repeatedly and it sounded like the voice of a woman. Suddenly images of a dark cave assaulted his mind it was like it was telling him go there ,he could shadow travel there, but he won't ,who knows what's calling for him in that cave.

Sven...Viserys decided to go home for the night, the old woman might be worried where he disappeared of to. He could see her house from the distance, a little isolated from the rest of the village, a place he had come to call home because that was what he felt when he saw the old woman and her grandson, despite their living conditions they were very lively.

"Ah you're back, where did you run of to, I sent littleSam to look for you" the old woman asked

"Was just by the sea, a very peaceful place…I caught some fish," Viserys said

"I see ...Well giv-" the old woman was interrupted by a boy around seven years of age, who came running to their side.

"Oi Viserys been lookin' for ya...oh woooow that's a big ol' fish…didya catch it?" asked littleSam enthusiastically

"Yes he did and you shouldn't interrupt adults when they're talkin', c'mon in and help me prepare this," said the old woman as she pulled his ear and dragged him to the house.

"Nana that hurts," said littleSam as he struggled to free himself from her grip. Viserys chuckled and followed them.

Later as they were having their meal, the images and the voice invaded Viserys head again and this time it was more vigorous and painful. He fell down and clutched his head in pain as the old woman came to his side to help, littleSam was shocked and scared as he was frozen in place. This time the images showed him inside the cave and at the end of it there was an egg, a dragons egg .it was black, scaly just like Daenerys' and on something like an alter with lava surrounding it. He realized the voice was coming from the egg and it was calling for him, it needed him, he unconsciously replied back that he was coming to get it and the he lost consciousness .When he woke up again it was at the hour of the wolf, the urge to go and get the egg was strong that it even baffled him. He suspected it to be trick but from Viserys' memories he learnt that one of his ancestors had visions, dreams about the doom of their home, Valyria, and that helped save their house and dragons from extinction. He was about to leave when the old woman stopped him by the door, "so the time has come for you to live...…..i knew this day would come, so I had prepared some supplies for you," she said.

Viserys was surprised by her kindness, I mean he was a complete stranger to them and yet they took care of him. "oh don't give me that look, you reminded me of my son and the boy became fond of you. He's going to be sad when he wakes and finds you gone…I had hoped to change your mind and make you stay but the look in your eyes says it all," she said. There was a silence as viserys stepped forward and picked the packed supplies, smiled and said, "I won't be gone for long, I've come to like this place in the short time I've spent here so I'll definitely come back, you have my word."

The old woman nodded then stepped out with him and watched him leave in the darkness of the night. After Viserys acquired some distance he visualized the images of the cave as one had to have a visual representation of the place they want to go in order to shadow travel. This was going to leave him completely exhausted and he thanked the old woman for packing him some supplies as he was about to leave with nothing on him due to the strong urge of getting the egg. "This better be worth it," he said to himself as shadows engulfed him and he disappeared.

Meanwhile, after her failed assassination by the usurper king Robert Baratheon, to her husband agreeing to conquer Westeros, to him getting injured fighting another Khal and now this. Mirri Maz Duur had betrayed her in the name of revenge for the attack on her village; her ritual had brought Drogo to a catatonic state while causing her unborn child to die. Khal Drogo had been her sun and stars, her first, and perhaps must be her last for the maegi had sworn she would never bear a living child, and what man would want a barren wife. Realizing Drogo would never return to his former state, Daenerys smothers him with her pillow and builds him a funeral pyre as his Khalasar breaks apart.