
1: Daemon Targaryen, The Rogue Prince Reborn

(The Red Keep, King's Landing, Blackwater Bay, The Crownlands, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


Daemon Targaryen, that was his name now, a Prince of House Targaryen and twin brother to Crown Prince Rhaegar. Daemon came with a goal, end the Era of the Red Dragon, topple it and create a new House Targaryen. With a Banner of the Red Dragon on Black quartered with a Black Dragon on Red to signify his own lack of identity and the traditional inversion of colors and sigils done by Second Son's, Daemon knew it would catch many an Eye.

But to do that he needed friends, backers, and his own name for people to rally behind. First Order of business was to focus on his Martial Training, following that a Fostering somewhere advantageous, and after that cementing a reputation, before finally making himself an advantageous match for a Bride who would either bring in much coin or much troops.

He was Daemon Targaryen now, so time to become the Rogue Prince Reborn. You'd think Rhaegar would be a decent twin brother, but he's an asshole. Which Casts a lot of doubt on Daemon believing this to be the Show Universe.

Rhaegar loved Books, Daemon loved the Sword. Practicing day in day out, reading about great Military Tactics and Generals night in, and night out. Wanting an edge over Rhaegar as much as possible. Daemon was squiring for Ser Barristan Selmy, and often trained with Ser's Oswell Whent and Jonothor Darry whenever Ser Barristan was unavailable for training.

Almost unnaturally skilled with his Blade, Daemon was on the path to being a fearsome and respected Knight in the very near future if he continued his rapid pace of training.

Aerys liked to pit brother against brother as a form of entertainment, having little if indeed any true instinctual paternal care for the almost broken relationship of the two Brothers. Daemon resented Rhaegar for his greater interest in Prophecies than his own family. While Rhaegar focused on old dusty tomes, Daemon looked to his Swordsmanship. If he wasn't doing that he'd be helping Lord Tywin during Small Council Meetings. Learning as much as he could in preparation for the future.

Daemon made it a habit of keeping a correspondence with his Cousin Robert Baratheon and the likes of Oberyn Martell. Oberyn visited him often, and Daemon did so in kind.

Daemon also made friends with Lyn Corbray, Garth Hightower, Mandon Moore, Arys Oakheart, Sandor Clegane, and Beric Dondarrion. Daemon hoped to add Jaime Lannister to this Inner Circle given enough time and effort.

But his chief order of business was the present time...


(Time-skip: Year 270)


Daemon sat by his mother's side as he consoled her, his father had declared the miscarriage another of her failures. Oh how much Daemon wanted the man dead, shame after shame, **** after ****, Aerys would get his, one way or another. Thing was, Rhaegar needed a good beating too. Aerys he'd happily kill himself, but killing your Twin Brother? Karma for that's got to be much worse. No, Daemon would settle for a good gelding. It would make him the true heir, which meant no small amount of small satisfaction for him to see that in his brother's face.

"Mother, your stronger than him. Day after day, night after night, you have shouldered the burden for this long enough. Let me shoulder it now." Daemon said pleadingly to his mother.

"My son spoils me." She says with a weak smile.

"You spoiled me, let me do so in kind." He offers, kissing her forehead, not caring for the slickness of sweat.

"Mother...Daemon." That voice...that fucking voice.

"Your late." Says Daemon, looking at his brother in anger.

"I was busy." Rhaegar replied stoically.

"My Arse you were. The next time you try to read a book over helping mother through this, I'll burn the fucking library down." Daemon says, fully serious in his threat.

"Peace Daemon, the important thing is that he's here now." Rhaelle says, always playing the peacemaker for her boys.

"No, not this time mother. Make. The. Time. For. Mother." He says getting in Rhaegar's face.

"I was busy." Rhaegar reiterates.

"One more word of that, and I bust your face." Says Daemon growing progressively angrier.

"I have duties, a greater destiny, something you could never understand." Says Rhaegar, and Daemon immediately attacks him.

"I fucking warned you!" Daemon yells as he and Rhaegar start fighting.

Rhaelle can do naught but watch. Every time she had a stillbirth or miscarriage and this happened. Rhaegar came late, Daemon called him out on it, Rhaegar showed apathy, and Daemon carried out on his threats of beating him up. Despite the heartbreak it caused her to see her son's fight over her, it did create a glimmer of pride that Daemon was always first to her side after his father left.

Just like the last times the Kingsguard and the Household Guards rush in to break it up.

"I pity the girl you marry, if this is your reaction to mother." Daemon yelled loud enough to be heard through the castle and down to the Black Cells.


(Aerys Targaryen POV)


How dare Rhaelle be unfaithful! Lesser men's seed in his Queen was the only explanation for repeated stillbirth's and miscarriages! But perhaps some good might yet be salvaged. Varys had heard rumors of an ancient Artifact of House Targaryen located in the Summer Isles, if he got it back he'd be able to watch Rhaegar and Daemon bleed each other for it.

It would take a few years, but the thought of his sons bleeding each other for such prize in exchange for entertaining him, it made him giddy at the thought of it.

It'd also piss off Tywin if Daemon won, which was always good for him See. Perhaps he should publicly reconsider the succession? It'd be delightful to watch Tywin and the other rats at court scurry to alter plans and with who they grovel to over him. How many would readily abandon Rhaegar for Daemon? It would be entertaining to watch to say the least.


(Across The Narrow Sea, Volantis)


The Two Elephant Triarchs watched as Volantis Burned The Tigers had been right, defying Lady Blackfyre meant the end of their cities beauty. But perhaps, peace may yet be achieved, if only they could surrender.

The sound of a world-ending roar brought their heads up, and the sound of a single phrase being yelled brought forth a torrent of might fire, and that word...was Dracarys.

Chapter 1 is done, till Next Chapter

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