
Got Stuck in Overlord as a NPC, Now I'm in Sothoryos?!

An Overlord x ASOISAF/GOT Crossover Fanfic What happens when a Theater Kid gets reincarnated as an Angel NPC in the DMMO-RPG, YGGDRASIL? What would be his fate if he got transported into another 'New World'? Follow Ainz aka 'Ainzerophiel Deus Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale' on his newfound path of Justice~ _____________________________ English is not my first language so please correct me if I'm wrong. I do not own anything from any of these franchises nor the pictures I use as imagery and I give credit to all its creators. But my OCs are MINE! [If you wish to support me: ko-fi.com/reyvielfaesly patreon.com/ReyvielFaesly]

Reyviel_Faesly · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Good Boy

Cuslto's POV

Hello there! It is I, your friendly village boy, Cuslto!

And this... This is the story of how I died...

Well at least, almost.

"What are you mumbling there, child?"

"Eep! Uh-uhm nothing Elder Blue! Ju-Just trying to plan out the rest of my day! Hehehe" I panicked and answered the Elder Sage who suddenly popped out of nowhere.

"Very well, continue on with your 'planning'. Just be careful when you're by the shore. Unless you want to befriend the Crocs that tried to eat you like last time?" Teased the Elder, as I was reminded of the most embarrassing moment of my life.

"Yes, Elder Blue! I won't do it again. And it was just one time!" I answered with a blush.

"Hahaha Good. You should take care now" He made such a melodic laugh and then flew towards the skies. Probably looking after the other children.

"Phew... That was close! I almost got caught!" I told myself as I clenched my overly beating chest.

Now where was I..?

Oh right! You guys might be wondering.

Who am I and How I came to be.

*War Flashbacks*

You see when my Mama and Papa loved each other so much. I was born!

But when Papa loved another Mama next door...

Well... Mama got so sad that she sent me to Grandpa Albus so Mama could love Papa again.

But then I started to hear loud noises throughout the village.

And there was a Fire everywhere!

I saw my friends with their families running away offshore.

Grandpa Albus carried me and rushed back home, only to see Mama lying with red water on the floor.

"Grandpa? Why is Mama naked and sleeping on the floor? It's cold!" I asked Grandpa Albus.

Only for him to cover my eyes and carry me outside.

"Cuslto listen to me. No matter what. Don't look back and just stay with me. Do you hear me?"

"Grandpa? What do you mean?" I asked him curious as to why would he leave Mama alone on the floor, she might get sick.

"All in due time, son. But we must go, NOW! Hold on tight, do you hear me?"

"Aye, Grandpa..." Unsure as to what was happening, I held Grandpa for dear life.

Though Grandpa's pace isn't that fast, he is having trouble breathing. He's sweating a lot.

"Grandpa, am I too heavy?"

"Such nonsense, you're not that heavy. Don't wor-!"

"Waaaa- OOOOF!" Grandpa and I fell to the ground... Hard.

"Grandpa?" I asked him disregarding the pain from the fall.

Only to see blood on his head.

Unbeknownst to me, pirates were surrounding us.

"Somebody Hel-!" and then all I saw was darkness.

*End of War Flashback*

After that, I was separated from Grandpa.

Never saw my Mama and Papa again.

I was locked up in a cage along with most of the children from my Village.

I didn't know what we did to deserve it but we weren't given any food or water for days.

We were only given scraps that we had to fight amongst each other.

As the days went on, some girls and a few boys were taken away.

They never came back.

I was worried but I felt hopeless.

What could I do? I'm just a kid.

After days of going hungry, I was about to give up and die from starvation.

But not until our Lord and Savior, Lord Ainz came!

He was so bright, so warm and so kind!

The one that made all the bad guys go 'bye-bye' was so big and scary.

I wanted to thank him even though everyone was so scared when he appeared.

But He went *BOOM!* and disappeared!

And I heard from the people like me from the other islands, the same thing happened to them.

'I hope I'll get to meet him again...'

Anyway, with Lord Ainz's saving grace, we're alive, well and healthy!

We were all given a warm and cozy cabin to sleep.

'I like to cozy up along with my friends near the fireplace'.

Three meals a day of delicious food to eat.

'Crocodile meat was such a feast! It tasted like chicken!'

Refreshing water to drink!

'I wonder how that steel pitcher works? It never runs out!'

Comfortable clothes to wear.

'No matter whether wool or fur, it was so soft! Though others wore clothes made out of cotton

And we were all healed! Can you believe it?!

'From broken bones to missing limbs!'

The Angel Guardians were so helpful and kind as well!

They were the ones helping the older ones build the cabin and helped us with cooking and other chores.

For someone with such high stature, to do such humble things, it was inspiring!

I wish I could be like them!

A man of honor, kindness, and humblelity? I don't know the proper word as long as I'll become a Knight in full armor!

I know Mama would be so happy for me and Papa would be so proud!

'I wish they were here... Mama would have been healed as well... *Sniff*'

'Mama... Papa... I miss you '

'*Sniff* Argh! I've already cried more than enough! I know Mama and Papa wouldn't like it if I cried too much.'

Papa said it wasn't manly and I couldn't find a lady to wife. But I do cry sometimes without my Papa ever knowing, Mama was always there to comfort me.

And also! I was able to reunite with Grandpa Albus!

Though he has become pretty busy these days, he makes sure to visit me from time to time whenever he's free.

He didn't tell me why though. All he said was that he was now serving Lord Ainz as an assistant of an Elder Sage named Merlin.

I haven't seen Lord Ainz these days, I wonder what he's doing right now?

The other Elder Sages as well!

Though they call themselves Elder Sage and they may look the same with hood on. You can still distinctly tell them apart from their habits.

Some Elders like to wander in the forest.

Some like to talk amongst the old people and some of them even act like a nanny.

Elder Blue who I can consider a friend, loves to hang out by the sea.

I only called him Elder Blue cause amongst all the shades of blue that the other Elders have, Elder Blue's shade is my favorite. And he's the only Elder Sage who likes to hang out with me the most.

As for why they used to hide their faces, I don't know.

At first, I thought that they must have a secret on why they keep them hidden.

Well, that is before they removed their hood!

They look so handsome and beautiful!

'Will I look that handsome when I grow up? Hopefully'

Elder Blue especially! He looked so dreamy with his blonde hair and blue eyes!

He looked like those Princes in stories that Mama used to tell me before bed.

Anyways, they may have been good-looking and kind but there was one time when a fight broke out just as we were all settling down from receiving our new clothes sewn and made by the angels themselves!

I didn't know they were called as such. The uncles and aunties told me they were harpies from the legends but were quickly told off by the angry angels.

I remember that one time when there was a man who tried to steal clothes from another person and he was taken away by Elder Blue.

He came back alone though when I was near him he was constantly talking about fishes and how fast they could eat.

'He was probably planning to pet a fish! But fishes are tasty though, why would you pet something you can eat?'

I also remembered that time when 2 grumpy young men were ganging up on a lady.

I screamed for help cause the lady was crying while being held by them.

'I don't like bullies!'

Then an Angel Guardian arrived in the blink of an eye, which effectively scared them off.

They started running towards my direction, only to be blocked by the Angel himself.

'He was so fast!'

He then grabbed them by the neck and dragged them deeper into the forest.

He called me a 'Good Boy' right after we met again during supper. Just for asking for help.

He even gave me a head pat!

His hands were so warm and comfortable that it made me sleepy and I did fall asleep!

I woke up the next day in the cabin.

'I wonder where those 2 are now?' I thought to myself as I recalled the event.

I started walking by the shore as I felt the water passing through my tiny feet, the cool breeze blowing my hair to the side as I watched the ever-beautiful sunset.

The warm colors of red, yellow, orange and black... Eh?

I stared at the sunset for a while only to notice something unusual.

"Why are there so many spots in the sun? and even the sky?! What's happening?"

I kept my gaze upon the sunset that was littered with dark spots. They are getting closer and bigger and Bigger!

After a couple of moments of straining my teary eyes by not blinking, I realized what it was.


Many...and I mean, Lots and LOTS OF ANGELS!

"Hey everyone! Look!" I ran towards the settlement and screamed to let the others know.

Once they've heard and looked at what I was pointing at, they were curious at first, then shocked and followed by awe!

I am too!

With the Angels overhead, with their overwhelming warmth and light.

All of us stood our ground as we watched them above us with slightly heavy breaths as we waited in anticipation of what was going to happen next.

Suddenly, accompanied by a beautiful melody, appeared Lord Ainz.

He was no longer wearing his Dark clothes, unlike the first time we met him.

Now... He is in his full glory.

"All Hail, Lord Ainz!" Shouted Elder Blue that was surprisingly beside me.

It was silent at first...








Heyoow~ (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

This chapter is brought to you by... Faesly Entertainment! 🧚

Directed and Produced by Reyviel 🦄✨

Unpaid Actors:

Cuslto... playing as 'Cuslto' 😎

Sasuga Cuslto-sama! (≧▽≦) HAHAHAHA Here's my over due promise lols.

Sorry for making your life here so traumatic. ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ

How was the chapter? Comment and Review your thoughts! No matter if Mild, Loving, or Violent it may be (~ ̄³ ̄)~

Best Child Actor goes to... *Drum Rolls* Cuslto!!! 🎉

Of course, I would like to thank those that are reading this story of mine, for supporting me in the comments and for stoning me with Power Stones. Much appreciated and I am truly grateful to you all and to my unpaid actor, Cuslto! ( ˘ ³˘)♥

Hope you all liked it! Have a great day!

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