
GOT: Reborn as a Martell

Quentyn is sent back after his death in Meereen...but someone else inhabits his body. Two years before the events of AGOT, the new Quentyn Martell will have to navigate the treacherous landscape of Dornish politics and push himself forwards if he's to avoid the same fate he did in Meereen, and make the Sunshine over Westeros. ______________________ patreon.com/MoonLight18

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GOT : Chapter 25

As we head into what I think is finally a fleshed-out storyline, here is a small recap of the "main" protagonists of the story, and their ages at this point (get ready to add +1 to almost everyone within a few chapters...)

Grouped by their current location. From here on out we should have several plotlines intercut with Interludes: the "main" storyline, with Quentyn, and the "side" storylines with the Wall, Arianne and Oberyn, all of which hopefully should interact with each other.

Also, since I added a whole lot of OCs to the table in Dorne, thought it would be good to point out where they stand. I've aged up certain characters slightly because I needed to.


The Wall:

Jeor Mormont - 68

Jon Snow - 15

Benjen Stark - 31

Daemon Sand - 22

Samwell Tarly - 15

Aemon Targaryen - 100

The North and the Iron Islands:

Robb Stark - 15

Brandon Stark - 7

Rickon Stark - 3 turning 4

Meera Reed - 15

Jojen Reed - 12

Rickard Karstark - 50

Alys Karstark - 14

Roose Bolton - 45

Theon Greyjoy - 19

Catelyn Tully-Stark - 33

(Tyrion Lannister, position unclear)

The Riverlands:

Hoster Tully - 60

Edmure Tully - 27

The Vale:

Lysa Tully-Arryn - 30

Robert Arryn - 6

Brynden Tully - 54

Harrold Hardyng - 16

The Westerlands:

Tywin Lannister - 56

Kevan Lannister - 52

The Crownlands and King's Landing:

Robert Baratheon

Joffrey Baratheon - 12

Myrcella Baratheon - 8

Tommen Baratheon - 7

Cersei Lannister-Baratheon - 32

Jaime Lannister - 32

Stannis Baratheon - 34

Shireen Baratheon - 9

Renly Baratheon - 21

Gendry Waters - 14

Petyr Baelish - 29

Varys - ?

Eddard Stark - 35

Sansa Stark - 11

Arya Stark - 9

Monford Velaryon - 28

Loras Tyrell - 16

Barristan Selmy - 61

The Stormlands:

Edric Storm - 12

Beric Dondarrion - 21

Brienne of Tarth - 18

The Reach:

Mace Tyrell - 38

Olenna Tyrell-Redwyne - 70

Alerie Tyrell-Hightower - 35

Willas Tyrell - 23

Garlan Tyrell - 21

Margaery Tyrell - 15

Randyll Tarly - 55

Dickon Tarly - 11


Daenerys Targaryen - 14

Aegon Targaryen - 16

Mellario Martell - 42


Doran Martell - 51

Oberyn Martell - 40

Arianne Martell - 21

Quentyn Martell - 17

Trystane Martell - 10

Obara Sand - 26

Nymeria Sand - 23

Tyene Sand - 21

Sarella Sand - 17

Elia Sand - 14

Achilles - ?

Manfrey Martell - 49

Mors Martell (son of Manfrey) - 27

Anders Yronwood - 42

Ynys Yronwood-Allyrion - 24

Cletus Yronwood - 20

Gwyneth Yronwood - 12

Archibald Yronwood - 21

Allyria Dayne - 24

Edric Dayne - 12

Gerold Dayne - 26

Elinor Dayne (sister to Gerold) - 23

Raymund Drinkwater (father to Gerris) - 55

Gerris Drinkwater - 23

Elia & Desmera Drinkwater (sisters to Gerris) - 17

Trebor Jordayne - 48

Myria Jordayne - 22

Samira Jordayne (sister to Myria) - 18

Franklyn Fowler - 58

Jeyne/Jennelyn Fowler - 24

Delilah Fowler (sister to the twins) - 19

Mors Manwoody - 28

Dickon Manwoody - 25

Kyth Manwoody - 21

Quentyn Qorgyle - 43

Gulian Qorgyle - 24

Arron Qorgyle - 20

Aliandra Qorgyle (sister to Gulian and Arron) - 14

Valena Toland - 19

Teora Toland - 13

Vincent Toland (brother to Valena and Teora) - 10

Daeron Vaith - 29

Cassella Vaith (sister to Daeron) - 24

Alyana Vaith (sister to Daeron and Cassella) - 20

Wyland Wyl - 60

Rowan Wyl (son of Wyland) - 26