
GOT : Reborn as a Frey

A Fic in which a man from Earth world finds himself in Westros reborn in a family that was destined to doom themselves. How will he live in this cutthroat world? Well, at least he went in with the mentality to survive. (SI isn't a heroic person and he won't do something that will risk himself for some people that in his eyes used to be characters from a book&TV show) ====================== This Fic originally created by an author known as holyJoker, I chose to pick up this fanfiction after it was abandoned in the first few chapters.

Numera · Book&Literature
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88 Chs

Chapter 86: Naive And Stupid

Daenerys stared at him as if he was a madman. Who would marry someone who just stabbed them in the stomach, he had even stabbed Semiramis, who was like family to her. "Fall in love? Do you think I am some stupid naive girl?"

"Do you want the true answer to that?" Oliver asked jokingly, he was amused by her demeanor. "Because yes, I do think you are kinda naive and stupid. Remember how you got stabbed?"

She winced at the mention of her injury as a throb of phantom pain assaulted her midsection. Trying to threaten and intimidate Oliver, that was how she had gotten stabbed.

Back then, she didn't know what he thought of her and had assumed that in his eyes, she wasn't someone he would just stab or kill. Daenerys had been horribly wrong on that and she could see it now. 

"What about you then? Aren't you being kind of naive too? Expecting a girl you stabbed to fall in love with you? That's stupid." As soon as she said that, Daenerys knew her mistake. Because Oliver frowned and a chill went down her spine. Memories of his ruthlessly stabbing her came to the front of her mind and her body glistened in cold sweat. 

Due to Oliver's casual demeanor, for a split second Daenerys had forgotten she wasn't speaking to just any man, but a very dangerous and ruthless one. She was about to apologize, after all, she didn't want to die. - 'Also if he gets angry, who knows what a man like him might do.'


"Oh well, it doesn't matter that much," Oliver shrugged. "To people like us, love isn't necessarily something that we have to feel. Though we must express it in public. As long as you give me a child, the eldest one, then you can do whatever you want. I don't care."

Daenerys paused, thinking of what to say before she sighed and a smile came to her face. "You are one cold man, Oliver Redhawk."

"The world likes rewarding people like me, Queen Daenerys Targaryen," using her titles, and the small smirk on his face, Oliver showed that he was flexible with his actions. He wouldn't mind working with her, even after everything.

"Remember, my little Queen, no good deed goes unpunished in the world. Being a good person is like playing in a very hard mode.

Be smart with your choices and actions, don't let feelings influence you and I promise… you will always come out on top."

She nodded with a thoughtful gaze in her eyes but didn't respond to Oliver, who got up and brought the tray of food closer to her. "Remember, don't let your emotions influence you."

As he said that, he glanced at Semiramis for a split second, Daenerys noticed that and her heart froze in her chest. 

'Has he seen through the relationship I and Semiramis have?' - wondered Daenerys, staring at Oliver's back as he opened the door and walked out.

As if he hadn't just threatened her. But in the end, Daenerys got the message, he wasn't someone she could mess with or the next thing she knows she will find herself stabbed and raped in some alley.


After walking out, Oliver chuckled a little. His eyes were shadowed by his silver locks, but she then looked up with the perfect smile on his face as a maid walked past him. 

'Handsome and rich, what could a girl ask more for in these times.' - wondered the maid as she bowed towards him, to hide her flushed face. The maid knew that as long as she was able to get Oliver to impregnate her, then her life would be set.

House Redhawk always showered its children with love, and as the child's mother, her whole family would be taken out of poverty and put in some important position.

Oliver of course saw through her like an X-ray. With his past life experience, he could tell when a woman was planning to use him for their benefit. He didn't mind it that much, as in this world, he was the one in control and no law explicitly said that he had to pay child support or anything like it. 

'The medieval world is shitty, but it has its perks.' - thought Oliver, as he walked, wondering how Daenerys would react to his proposal. 


Simultaneously, Daenerys was in her room, staring at the food delivered to her by Oliver, and wondered if he had put something on it. He seemed like the kind of guy who would, now that he had shown his true side to her. 

She sighed and decided to eat it anyway. If he wanted to force-feed her something, then she wouldn't be able to refuse anyway and there was no use in fighting against it. 

"Are you sure that is safe?" Suddenly she heard Semiramis speak, and Daenerys turned around, barely holding back her tears seeing her friend awake.

Semiramis chuckled at her expression. "Cmon now, that's not an expression you should show towards someone who betrayed your trust. If you were angry or punched me, then it would at least make me feel better about it."

Finally, tears rolled down Daenerys' eyes and she shook her head. "Then continue feeling horrible, you stupid bitch."

"You are a lady queen now, so act like it… my lady," Semiramis said jokingly, trying to raise her friend's bad mood. But she also noticed something else and sighed. "So, when you learned of my betrayal, you didn't seem surprised."

"Why should I have been?"

"Heh, then if you knew something…" she didn't need to say anymore as Daenerys seemed to get the message. Semiramis sighed, shaking her head in disapproval. "You need to be at least a bit ruthless. Or else guys like him," she mentions towards the door, implying Oliver, "will always take advantage of you and have the upper hand."

Daenerys frowned. "I will be better than people like him. Men like Oliver should just go and die."

Semiramis sighed. "Don't say that, you know how crazy the scoundrel is."

"At least he seemed to care for you."

"Care?" she snorted, annoyed. "Care from whom? My 'dear' brother? Did you forget who even stabbed me, to begin with? Those words he said in the dungeon that if you killed me then he would kill you were all lies. Don't judge him by what he says, but by what he does. 

Semiramis sighed before continuing. "I could see it in his eyes. My brother cared about me as much as my mother did. Meaning that he saw me as a pawn, just like my mother. She tried to sell me into prostitution, and have her young daughter sell her body. Tch, what an annoying bitch."

Daenerys smiled and clasped her friend's hand. "Don't worry, even if no one else in the world cares about you. Then I will."


At the same time, on the other side of the sea, King Robert and his caravan were on their road north and had stopped for a rest. 

Robert was eating some fruits and drinking some wine as he sat at his table and looked out at the forests and land around him. "This is fucking country. If it wasn't for that banshee bitch, I would have had a nice journey."

"Robert!!" suddenly the after-mention 'banshee' called out to him. The King of the seven Kingdoms looked at the hammer on the ground, the same one that had killed Rhaegar and he couldn't help but sigh.

The most powerful man in Westeros contemplated washing his head with the hammer, just so he wouldn't have to hear those screeches his 'dear' Queen made. 

"Robert!!" this time the yell was closer, and he turned around to see Cersei with a furious look in her eyes. "Have you seen Arthur?"

"No…" he answered nonchalantly, turning around and taking another sip of wine. Trying to zone out the banshee that was getting closer. "He is probably somewhere playing around as boys do. Thank the gods you didn't get your claws on him as you did with Joffrey."

Amongst his kids, Arthur was probably the favorite and the one that took most after him. His son kind of reminded him of his old friend with the same name. He was even good with archery, just like old Arthur had been back in the day. Robert sometimes would even drunkenly joke that his old friend had come from the grave and fucked his wife. 

Cersei, seeing that her husband wouldn't be of any help, and was already in his daydreams. She just rushed off on her own, with her Lannister guards following behind like dogs. 

Suddenly the ruffling of one of the bushes made the Kingsguard next to Robert pull out their sword. The other guards did the same too. 

Barristan Selmy narrowed his eyes at the bush but smiled once he saw a blonde child with a small bow in his hand came out, levees here in his hair, small scratches on his face and hands.

But the young child still had a smile on his face as he held a crow in his hands victoriously as his green eyes glistened in the sun. "Father, look what I caught!"

Robert chuckled. "Arthur, how many times have I told you? Always keep a Kingsguard with you."

Arthur pouted. "But they are useless, and can't even keep up with me. If there was any problem it would get even worse with them around. They would just drag me down."

"Puahahaha!!!" Robert laughed out good-heartedly, Arthur truly lived up to his namesake. "You are right on that one, most of those fools like Meryn Trant are useless nowadays."

"Though if it's uncle Jaimie or Ser Barristan, then I wouldn't mind. At least they could teach me something useful."

Arthur smiled as he put the dead crow on the ground and went to sit down on the table. "As soon as I come of age I am going to Essos. Ser Barristan, wanna come with me? A man like you will be a great advisor and right-hand man to my Sellsword Company."

"You brat," Robert looked at his son with pride. "Don't talk as if you already have your Sellsword Company ready. A kid like you will just cry from the heat out there."

"No, I won't!" Arthur insisted. 

"Bahahaha!! You definitely will."

Robert joked with his son and enjoyed the short but precious moments like these he could spend with his son. At least before the 'banshee' Queen would come and take him away, like she always did.


 Don't forget to throw some power stones :)


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